LOOK 40 year old nam seed into this!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hell i didnt mean that towards anyone im jus saying not everything is gonna be site specific land races are a total different subject tho you tellin me that mister Timbuktu too is gonna offer an American solider the best they have i bet the person the seeds came from was poor as hell and would sell anything to make a buck ie Americas crackhead but to try and justify calling some ones hard work bullshit because you read up on land races that have been in a certain area for hundreds if not thousands of years if hell if the same guy grew the same strain for 50 years in his basement hmm i bet he'd have the best phenom of the strain too developing over 100 grows given he did 2 grows a year but any way like you said you have the rite to disagree and rain discouraging words on what seems like a guy that jus wanted to share what he thought was cool with us then go rite ahead i mean dude chitown i kno you kno your shit especially when it comes to sativas and kush but are you gonna sit here and call this dude grow bull shit jus on the super unlikely chance that the dude made up the back story about the seeds orgin and as for saying about people honoring the rite to disagree im with ya there but damn were caught, aint it in that logic we have to honor his rite to disagree with what we disagree with hmmm

and hangshai that was hilarious dude lol


i mean shit the shit looks good, im sure it will get him plenty high. and im sure he will love it!!!!!!! plus rep for posting your grow even, but you already know were i stand


Well-Known Member
to tell you the truth i don't care what people think WHAT kind of strain thy think it is it don't matter to me I know were thy came from and i am very happy one made it. i know its good and its something that was his look at my past threads i have grown a lot of weed in my life and ALWAYS wanted a strain like this now i got it it was the ol mans and thats what matters to me!! i do know it has to be very old because of were i got it were it came from i dont know he is not around to ask!!!! i do know as i said I NEVER SEEN HIM SMOKE WEED IN MY LIFE or cigs. i know he did in nam because he told us a story out smokeing them back words to get rid of the luckystike wrighting so if the butts were found thy couldnt tell who it was. i do know its turnning BLACK as it drys i will post pics when its done drying. as i said i never seen or smoked black weed before myself. it took almost two weeks for them to sprout i didnt just put them in a pot and thy grew i used disteled water two drops of bleach in a cup of water on paper towel in a glasspie dish with a heatting pad on low under it for a day. i didnt think thy would make it but thy did. and i started it inside sexed it out by putting it in bud (12/12) for two weeks sent the two that made it back into veg and topped the hell out of it over and over put the fem and male outside once the male had a couple of open sacks i pulled it and hit the bottem branchs on her i have found a couple of seeds so fare and have 20 clones of it going now and i hope i get a male out of the seeds only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
It came from your dad and that is cool no matter what.Like some else said that Lucky strike box is awesome.


Dude, that's fuckin' sick! Don't let it die! Keep a mother, lol. Cheers!


to tell you the truth i don't care what people think WHAT kind of strain thy think it is it don't matter to me I know were thy came from and i am very happy one made it. i know its good and its something that was his look at my past threads i have grown a lot of weed in my life and ALWAYS wanted a strain like this now i got it it was the ol mans and thats what matters to me!! i do know it has to be very old because of were i got it were it came from i dont know he is not around to ask!!!! i do know as i said I NEVER SEEN HIM SMOKE WEED IN MY LIFE or cigs. i know he did in nam because he told us a story out smokeing them back words to get rid of the luckystike wrighting so if the butts were found thy couldnt tell who it was. i do know its turnning BLACK as it drys i will post pics when its done drying. as i said i never seen or smoked black weed before myself. it took almost two weeks for them to sprout i didnt just put them in a pot and thy grew i used disteled water two drops of bleach in a cup of water on paper towel in a glasspie dish with a heatting pad on low under it for a day. i didnt think thy would make it but thy did. and i started it inside sexed it out by putting it in bud (12/12) for two weeks sent the two that made it back into veg and topped the hell out of it over and over put the fem and male outside once the male had a couple of open sacks i pulled it and hit the bottem branchs on her i have found a couple of seeds so fare and have 20 clones of it going now and i hope i get a male out of the seeds only time will tell.
I really hope you get some males out of the seeds m8 cause I'd like to see this live on. Honestly I am so jealous of you it isn't funny. I'm kind of a history nerd, so combine that with the ganja and I am in heaven.


Well-Known Member

Good work on the cloning. Please do your best to keep this strain alive.

A living time capsule.

I am really looking forward to the smoke report.

Good luck and good growing.


Well-Known Member
All you guys calling BS on the strain should go back and read the first couple posts, he never claimed any strain, just where he found the seeds, which is cool as chit which I am going to add. Its hard to call BS on a claim that was never made, what do you guys say to that?


were both right....... thats not a south east asian sativa, and he didnt actually say they were from nam. but can you understand how people would think that since he was saying he found them in his dads nam shit?


Active Member
I believe that a seed can be germinated after 40 years.I just don't believe your story.If you'd showed me something more indigenous to that part of the world..maybe.I had a friend who had a brother in NAM.He took all kinds of pics of the huge pot plants there.I never saw one that color.I think you're full of something.Your plants look like one of a dozen engineered strains.
Nice try though.


Well-Known Member
I believe that a seed can be germinated after 40 years.I just don't believe your story.If you'd showed me something more indigenous to that part of the world..maybe.I had a friend who had a brother in NAM.He took all kinds of pics of the huge pot plants there.I never saw one that color.I think you're full of something.Your plants look like one of a dozen engineered strains.
Nice try though.
He did not say it was from nam just his deceased fathers stuff that was from nam there is a difference. The seeds could have come from anywhere and weird phenos can pop up anytime in a single plant. Its shit like that, that breeders look for, the plant that stands out, not the one that fits a preconcived mold. He is obviously proud of what he grew and people are trying to shit on it that is just sad.


Active Member
Damn im super jealous that seed is like gold to me haha and the fact that it has a history like that is super badass and a 1/2 pound sounds like you have a lot of funtimes ahead of you very jealous enjoy it