Well-Known Member
.Man, I’m confused. I thought BMO was fertilizer!! So obviously, I need a recommendation for that. Plus, I’m currently bidding on the “Super Plant Tonic” and was thinking of adding “Flower Power” to my order and just saw the bat guano fertilizer, so I guess that would do, right?
Cassyantell... The SPT is a super root inoculant, chocked full of myco fungi and good bacteria. You water the stuff into your medium and it does the rest. I have been using it for a while and will not grow without now. It's that good. Here is what it does:
The tiny myco fungi, tap into the roots of your plant, and send out hundreds of threads - to break down local NPK and feed it directly to the roots. This is NPK your roots would have a hard time getting themselves.The good bacteria that are packaged with the fungi - also breakdown NPK to more soluble forms. The myco fungi also excrete basically an natural antibotic - killing off bad bacteria & fungi.
Plus it has lots of trace minerals and some vitamins in it. So, that was why I orginally said " Look out Superthrive ". Superthrive has vitamins, minerals and a animal based hormone or two to stimulate growth. Animal hormones in my mix, are not OK with me.
A normal plant may have dozens of roots per square inch, with a couple dozen feeder roots. The SPT taps every one of those roots, big & small, so you end up with hundreds & hundreds of tiny fungal threads - directly feeding your roots. So, it's like a supercharger for your rootball, armed security and miners working 24/7 in the root zone.
The SPT does have NPK in it, but it's just there to feed the micro-beasties (good fungi & bacteria) until the product is used. The NPK would be too weak to carry Mary through any part of the grow. But once the SPT is in your medium, every last bit of NPK will be squeezed out of it. So, like their listing says " It's more than a fertilizer". Yes, it is - a root inoculant & plant tonic (all needed trace minerals) rolled into one. Real Good Stuff and well worth the price.
Hope this helps....clear things up.....
Keep it Real...Organic.....
P.S. - I have not used the Flower Power yet, but look in the Organic threads for a post by Greensurfer called Blue Mountain Organics Update - Catincombs has been using it & is getting some real good results.