Looking Drinkables Methods....


Well-Known Member

I'm looking for simple methods of mixing extracts(bho mostly) into drinks. My fav drinkables right now are the Keef Cola brand drinks but they are full of sugar and food coloring so I want to just make my own with juice at home, which has not gone too well so far.

I'll mostly use oil from dispensaries that has already been activated and comes in the lil syringes. But sometimes I might take some regular shatter or sap and use that....

So ideally I'm looking for one method that doesn't involve heat, or decarbing it any further, as I'll mostly be using oil that has already been activated, but I'll also need either an extra step or a different method for when I want to use regular bho.
High Al :) if you are going to be using all ready activated oils, all you really have to do is melt it down into some honey, then just add your honey to tea, juice, whatever. you could also do the same and add it to milk or cream for shakes, hot chocolate, etc :)

The problem I had was I was trying to just heat the oil up(ran under hot water) and tried to mix it in but the problem was the juice was cold so it just clumped up, won't I have the same problem using honey or will that allow it to mix?


PS> I also tried mixing it with Soylent. Just imagine it, living on only cannasoylent, lol.
Ok so. Picked up some shatter pretty cheap today and wanna use it for juice.

I know i need to decarb it in something before mixing it.

The question is what and how much. Normally for edibles id decarb in coconut oil or butter and bake something but yea. Wanna put it in juice.

Any other suggestions? Thanks!
decarb then make a tincture and add it to juice or a smoothie

Hmmmm.... I'm somewhat but not super familiar with tinctures.

I did some googling and found plenty of recipes for using plant materiel and have some questions....

Are you saying heat the shatter by itself to decarb then mix it with alcohol? I assume I don't really need to let it steep after mixing it right?
Yes, I decarb my shatter, in a double boiler at 250 till the bubbles stop forming
Next, I reduce the heat to about 160 and add in the desired amount of alcohol of my choice
Mix well for about 30 mins, then it is done

Most recipes I seen for a bho tincture, use the ratio of 1:1 grams/oz of alcohol
If that isn't strong enough you can evaporate some alcohol off making it more concentrated
Yes, I decarb my shatter, in a double boiler at 250 till the bubbles stop forming
Next, I reduce the heat to about 160 and add in the desired amount of alcohol of my choice
Mix well for about 30 mins, then it is done

Most recipes I seen for a bho tincture, use the ratio of 1:1 grams/oz of alcohol
If that isn't strong enough you can evaporate some alcohol off making it more concentrated

Thanks a lot!

I think the decarb went ok, but then I totally fucked the tincture and juice.

After the decarb I turned the temp way down and let it cool. Then I used everclear, which at first seemed great but then it rapidly evaporated. I kept adding more but eventually gave up. I then tried to mix it into the juice and the bho completely separated.



Ya sure. Like the first guy suggested but didnt explain. Mix the shatter or wax with warm cream and it will infuse. Then sweeten however youd like. Itll taste like a sobe drink with a hint of ganja ;) orange cream, strawberry cream, pineapple cream, mint cream, and yes, you can churn it into icecream.
Gonna take another stab at this.... Any advise?
damn sorry man
i think you have to keep alcohol in the mix to stay in solution
it looks like you evaped most of it off ?
and even then it is something you will probably have to shake up real good before use

I'm going to try that honey suggestion
I tried the other day and had no luck
I have about 2 oz of tincture that is about the same consistency as honey so I added a dropper of it to my vial and shook the hell out of it, 2 days later it separated so I siphoned it all out

it is definitely possible but idk at what ratio
there is a company out there called absolute xtracts that make "honey straws" with co2 oil
I am sad I could only hit the like button once! lol...that is awesome Texas :) have you tried this? So the tincture is already decarbed and activated? I have to try this :hug::hug::hug: