Looking for help with my business


New Member

  • I'll try and keep this short and sweet for ya, and really appreciate any help I could get. I have two great passions in life: cooking, and smoking herb. I'm currently in the process of writing a "Cookbook for Stoners", and was hoping I could get your feedback. This will not be a cookbook that teaches people how to make/use cannabutter. It will simply be a cookbook, filled with relatively easy and simple, yet delicious recipes, that ive been perfecting over years of getting blazed and cooking. I get insulted when I smoke at a friends house, and get offered a frozen pizza to eat. I hope that my cookbook can put an end to this.

    So before I get too deep into writing this thing, I was hoping for a little feedback from you all. Is this something you would ever consider purchasing in either a digital or print form? Any thought" Comments? Thank you!​

sure buddy thats gonna sell I already have cookbooks that tell me how to make cannabis free foods not too mention the internet has a recipe for anything you could dream up. I also smoke weed everyday but I cook some damn good foods anywhere from omelettes to bbq's junk foods and I've even made egg nog. I also don't fit your stoner perception I don't do frozen pizza I'm not lazy and I'm not stupid which is what I feel people insinuate when they call someone who loves bud a stoner. I'm just another warrior fighting an unconstitutional war on drugs a war on the freedom of man its our god given right to smoke or use opium, coke all natural drugs really it says that clear as day in the bible. why don't you do something real instead of writing whats already been written grow some herb be a man not an unsuccessful author and then you can wright like Jorge Cervantes, Ed Rosenthal, Robert Clarke these dudes are actually successful. but your gonna need to get your hands dirty.
You can make ANY food into "cannabis edibles" by adding "cannabis oil" or "cannabis budder". Oh man, didn't realize I can use ANY recipe and just substitute the oil or budder for canna-oil/budder! Now I can just look online and the trillions of recipes available!

Sorry OP, I honestly don't see this as a viable business. Maybe you can make a few bucks selling it as an ebook or something, but I do not see anything big.

...just giving my honest opinion, do not take it offensively. Either you agree with it, or you don't. If you don't go out there make that book, then advertise it, on the net, youtube, ebay, ROLLITUP!
The only way I could see the book working is doing it more of a photojournalism style and not focusing solely on BuTTer-- I'm thinking of a large, thin, coffee table book of professional photos, excerpts, recipes, narratives... showing how cannabis is used around the world for more than just smoking to get high (eaten, insence, sacraments, roots wine, sacramental uses, raw/juicing, hemp, etc.. If done correctly something like THAT could have a real chance of breaking into the traditional book market. It would take a lot of money, time, talent, and connections**, to pull off. As joint monster said most people realize really quickly that cann-butter can replace any oil/fat in traditional cooking and baking.
you guys aren't reading right. He doesn't want to make a cannibas cookbook. He just wants to make a cookbook of easy non cannibas recipes
second the blog advice. cookbooks are not going to be profitable.... too many free recipes online, cook shows on t.v. etc. put your passion into a blog.that will be a true test of what you have to offer. it will take time, be patient. happy, happy :)
You can make ANY food into "cannabis edibles" by adding "cannabis oil" or "cannabis budder". Oh man, didn't realize I can use ANY recipe and just substitute the oil or budder for canna-oil/budder! Now I can just look online and the trillions of recipes available!

Sorry OP, I honestly don't see this as a viable business. Maybe you can make a few bucks selling it as an ebook or something, but I do not see anything big.

...just giving my honest opinion, do not take it offensively. Either you agree with it, or you don't. If you don't go out there make that book, then advertise it, on the net, youtube, ebay, ROLLITUP!

After I strain my butter (or coconut oil, or whatever), I usually squeeze out the cheesecloth and put the whole thing with the bud remnants into a ziploc bag, and throw it in the freezer.

I then will put it into a chicken or turkey while it cooks. The flavour is wonderful, and there's still a bit of efficacy left. I then use the carcass and make soup with it. No extra butter added, just whatever was left in the cheesecloth.

My batches are usually 1-3 ounces at a time.


ps. Yes, I'd buy a good cookbook, but to sell, you'd want to find some sort of niche or spin that nobody else is doing, and use that as your key marketing point.
I am one of the greats when it comes to presentation. All of my buddies used to crack up because they would just smash whatever they got their hands on all sloppily and not put together a meal. Me, I would take my time have the whole platter laid out and garnish itand the whole nine they would be droolin on my shit but nope they stuffed their face with handfuls of junk while im on some fresh four course shit lol. Im a writer if you need ant creative ways to convey a dish lemme know.
I am one of the greats when it comes to presentation. All of my buddies used to crack up because they would just smash whatever they got their hands on all sloppily and not put together a meal. Me, I would take my time have the whole platter laid out and garnish itand the whole nine they would be droolin on my shit but nope they stuffed their face with handfuls of junk while im on some fresh four course shit lol. Im a writer if you need ant creative ways to convey a dish lemme know.

I hope you are a better cook than you are a writer.
This will not be a cookbook that teaches people how to make/use cannabutter. It will simply be a cookbook, filled with relatively easy and simple, yet delicious recipes,...

If I can offer any advice, since I have no plans to write a cookbook myself, go with the cheap and plentiful angle; Do not refer to it as a stoner cookbook or anything of the sort because you will alienate medical users(This would market to the 14-20yr old crowd, they can barely read let alone buy a book), try to focus on either extremely easy or very high leftover value (IE: Pop it in the oven or microwave and tastes fresh).

People saying to start a blog bring up a point which is online exposure, in this area your steps are simple; Internet exposure is all about mass marketing, every single social media outlet should have a page dedicated to your book,(I know many artists who could design a concept book cover for visual appeal), as well as your own website that will serve as a contact hub for you as well as a place to link to for current news; Don't know html xml java or any of that? No problem, tons of free templates out there, most hosting providers will also provide you with basic tools or design it for you, this is where you can put your 'blog'.

People want things that are new, a blog in terms of just writing something new or your thoughts provide that and keep your presence from being forgotten. You can also include a 'recipe of the week/month' as a sample of what you provide with the full book. Finally, pictures, pictures, and more pictures; Of literally anything, they just need to be new, throw on a MJ leaf apron and make a photo journal of 'Tonight's Dish',(Pictures of everything that went into the finished product and every step along the way), the more pictures the better, you will want them when editing.

Good luck, don't let anyone discourage you, and if it is a professional looking book, not something I might find under my nephew's bed, I would buy it.
It's a real good idea in my opinion, if you approach it the right way. For sure, be careful with the title as you wouldn't want to alienate certain users. Then, you want to publish it on different platforms and I would take a more general approach rather than just stoner recipes, although you can subtly hint it without scaring people off. I actually think it's a good idea and I'd want to help create exposure if you'd be interested. :)