ACE isn't going broke that's for sure. They've been around since 2005 and will be around for years to come. I really like them because they have stuff that hasn't been all crossed up with everything but the kitchen sink.
You're right. The demand is for cookie cutter hybrids that all taste the same and the only thing many people care about is the THC level. Which is fine. I personally prefer the unique tastes of a good Haze, Central American sativa, African sativa, or Kush from Pakistan. They might not have the high THC content but some like Malawi can be potent as hell. And you can identify them all in a blind taste test because they all taste different not like berries, candy, or whatever the flavor of the day is.
You are a fine person and I have respect for your contributions to this site. Some of what you said is true to me, also, like THC content doesn’t necessarily indicate strength of effect. The mix of terps and cannabinoids makes a huge difference in effect, in my experience.
I disagree with the idea that there is a problem with blandness and lack of diversity in the seed breeding scene. I can identify lots of strains by flavors and aromas. The artisanal cannabis breeding scene is not producing watered down genetic stock. They are surfacing new flavors and distinct characteristics. The number of new cultivars is exploding, chucks and all.
If ten chuckers all breed to accentuate, say, lemon terps and WPM resistance, that’s just distributed line breeding. Do I think the breeding market could do better? Yes, in many ways, there’s a lot of bullshit cash grab grifters, but
Cannabis sativa sp. indica and
Cannabis sativa sp. sativa are more diverse now than any time in history.
Cannabis sativa is the only proper binomial name for the plant, subspecies
indica and
sativa are fairly meaningless; we should just accept that they are all
Cannabis sativa. See the paper I linked last post, it is really good.)
Again, I respect your preferences a lot, we all have preferences, but I feel you may have a bit of a blind spot in the preceding sense. Not trying to change your mind, just offering a different POV.
Cheers, dude.
@mypassion OP: My favorite breeders are Dynasty, Sin City, Shoreline Genetics, Humboldt Seed Organization, euro breeder Paradise Seeds, and a bunch other small local independent breeders with good taste in source materials for their chucks. Chuckers’ Paradise gear seems solid, Briscos Bargain Beans, Eso’s seeds, many other semi secret gems out there.