Looking for work in the marijuana field.

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Active Member
I have plenty of experience with the plant. Im looking for someone who makes a living off of the plant who also has an all around respect for the plant. I am seeking "employment" and accepting herb as payment. I am just trying to get on my feet. I expect very little in payment (less than minimum wage). Basically I am looking for an all around mentor on life. Someone who makes a living, but still has a soul. I cant relate to people who sell bad stuff, or do things only for themselves.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? My current location is marina, Ca. I am willing to travel by bicycle up to 1500 miles to meet someone. Call me crazy, but I feel this is my destiny.

Any pointers on where I should look, things to look out for, any info will help..


Well-Known Member
I have plenty of experience with the plant. Im looking for someone who makes a living off of the plant who also has an all around respect for the plant. I am seeking "employment" and accepting herb as payment. I am just trying to get on my feet. I expect very little in payment (less than minimum wage). Basically I am looking for an all around mentor on life. Someone who makes a living, but still has a soul. I cant relate to people who sell bad stuff, or do things only for themselves.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? My current location is marina, Ca. I am willing to travel by bicycle up to 1500 miles to meet someone. Call me crazy, but I feel this is my destiny.

Any pointers on where I should look, things to look out for, any info will help..
Holy shit.... I'm sorry but this is the most god damned stupidest thing I ever read. Almost sounds to me like u're willing to preform sexual favors for weed :/

I wouldn't hire someone like this to work for me, even if u'd work for free cause I'd be worried that u'd shank me with an ice pick in the middle of the night.

Try this, get a job, save money, do your research, get a few grows under ur belt, then move somewhere u can rely on yourself instead of being dependent on others... Seriously, ride your bike 1500 miles?


Well-Known Member
I have plenty of experience with the plant. Im looking for someone who makes a living off of the plant who also has an all around respect for the plant. I am seeking "employment" and accepting herb as payment. I am just trying to get on my feet. I expect very little in payment (less than minimum wage). Basically I am looking for an all around mentor on life. Someone who makes a living, but still has a soul. I cant relate to people who sell bad stuff, or do things only for themselves.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? My current location is marina, Ca. I am willing to travel by bicycle up to 1500 miles to meet someone. Call me crazy, but I feel this is my destiny.

Any pointers on where I should look, things to look out for, any info will help..
I hear Teamsters in Oakland, Ca employ people............


Well-Known Member
Part of me thinks this is an awesome joke because on a medicated level, I get it. The other part still believes in crazy people, and I'm left speechless to what I just read...


Active Member
Holy shit.... I'm sorry but this is the most god damned stupidest thing I ever read. Almost sounds to me like u're willing to preform sexual favors for weed :/

I wouldn't hire someone like this to work for me, even if u'd work for free cause I'd be worried that u'd shank me with an ice pick in the middle of the night.

Try this, get a job, save money, do your research, get a few grows under ur belt, then move somewhere u can rely on yourself instead of being dependent on others... Seriously, ride your bike 1500 miles?
I have grown several grows. I have alot of spiritual wisdom, I base my happiness not on money. I will not work for any cancerous businesses aka fast food,or any other company run by greedy executives. I do not support any type of violence. I will not work for any company that supports violence like war/border control or government. I feel violence is caused by excess in peoples lives. People only need violence to protect something they dont deserve to have.

Like I said, I am not looking to work for any of you who think this way. If your the type of person with any type of money in your bank account I dont want to work for you.

Im looking for a spiritual guide per say... Someone who lives a COMPLETELY guilt free life.. I understand that 99% of you out there cant think this way.


Active Member
Part of this is about me making up for mistakes in my past... I have alot of shit on my plate and I cant really expect anyone to listen to me or my bitching because I could go on for weeks.

About me:
I am a vegetarian, seeking to maybe one day become vegan.
I am a virgin, and seek a women who has the same sexual view as I.
I have experience with organic gardening, but I am looking to expand my knowledge on the trade. (I specifically want to become self reliant, learn how to recondition soils and become a smalltime farmer)
I hate 99% of society, and will not support any form of negativity. I think all people were created equal and should all have a fair shot at life. Yet at the same time, I am very judgmental and have little sympathy for people who dont respect themselves or the land.

These are my core beliefs, and are the only thing that drive me to be alive. I am looking for someone with a heart of gold to be my mentor.


New Member
Why don't u ride ur bike 1500miles into the woods....with a bunch a seeds....n ride out a few months later loaded down w buds...u been watching movies er somthin where ppl hire hippies to help em trim n shit....that doesn't really happen....nobody in this day n? age is going to allow a stranger around their operation...its just not gonna happen....sorry bhub....pretty cool ideas tho....sure I'dike to run away from my life too n work for some weed farmer n live some kinda life w zero real reponcibilities n just live n work in some kinda weed wonderland w fine ass hippy bitches n fine ass bud around me all day trimming buds n whatever else....this kinda place just not exist in 2013.....maybe in Cali in the old days....not now..do u watch the news?.....I won't even let my best friend see my grow....ha....n I have 3 plants.....if I ran a weed operation I doubt I'd hire from the street....it would prolly be an invite only job....u should re-evaluate ur hustle man....


If only money didn't exist then I may be able to trust people around my greens. :mrgreen:

Grow one plant dude... You can get all your equipments from Walmart.



New Member
Oh I can "think this way"...but that's called dreaming...not thinking....been eating alotta shrooms lately?....dmt?....x?......these are hallucinogenic thoughts ur having....where do u think this hiring weed farmer w no money nor desire for $ is?....do u think such a person would b surfing "rollitup"


Active Member
If only money didn't exist then I may be able to trust people around my greens. :mrgreen:

Grow one plant dude... You can get all your equipments from Walmart.

The problem is I live with a self centered person who smokes everything (my dad)and doesnt let me sell shit. Also they are retarded and always fuck with my grows. I am currently growing a few plants.. Well I was growing but I am letting him take over and do his own thing. I dont even talk to him anymore. He is a leach to society. I am trying to move on, that is what this is about. I want to be with a whole new group of people all together. I really dont want to go into all the details, but the gist of this is that I have a P.O.S father who does nothing for anyone but himself and a pushover mother who enables him.
My father is not only self centered, but stupid and bad with money. He consistantly shorts himself in the long run by spending all his money on instant gratification.


New Member
you should take that picture off your profile. it doesnt fit your personality. sick of posers..... at what point did i ever ask for a handout?
If this were about handouts, well I would just stay at home. I have everything I need to live where I am at. I am still not happy.
My avatar is actually quite fitting....I'm actually giving u some good knowledge....and that is....if u think someone a gonna take u in....let u work w their weed...."mentor" u...as u said u wanted....get u on ur feet.....ur sadly delusional....


Well-Known Member
I used to have people come to my house and smoke everything I grew,then one day I put down my purse down and told them to F off.
worked great.

other option is move out.....


Well-Known Member
While I LMAO at the initial post, I think everyone should cut this kid some slack. No one has worn his mocassins before and it is wrong to judge based on our own personal paradigms. I see a kid , compared to an old fuck like me, who has family issues. He sees an often evil, selfish world out there and idealistically doesn't want to contribute to it. He's found a trade/skill of interest ans wants to be an apprentice to master it. When I was much younger, before there was an internet with forums loke this, i was not too mich different except that my family problemss were because my folks couldn't handle my pot smoking.

Look at what is happening in the USA because of how kids like this often can't find anyone to comnect with. And then when this person tries, albeit without the best comm skills, he gets slammed and criticized. If we can't find empathy, humanity, and sympathy is a forum of potheads, then where can we ? The whole reason why there are legal markets and thus a legit industry out the is because of empathy for medicinal use. Let's keep that inherent.

i respect someone who wants to avoid the woes of capitalism. As one gets older, that becomes harder to do. But similarly, a large reason I opted to grow my own is because I don't want my $ supporting gangs, domestic and foreign. i don't want to be supporting any of those assholes buying up all the guns. I don't want to support criminal enterprises that one can't track in a black market. I know from past nonprofit work that some of the folks smuggling weed in also deal in human trafficking, kidnapping, etc. As a child advocate, I can't stomach that my swag could have backed that. So i am growing my own!

But shagrat, it goes both ways. I saw another post where you stereotyped all members of military, amazed that an ex-Seal would be a pothead. That was wrong as well....


Active Member
Im not really trying to rip on people for having been in the army or navy. Most people that come out of there are either crazy or have learned something important. I wasnt trying to "rip" on him, rather I was questioning his motives for joining.


Well-Known Member
I hate 99% of society, and will not support any form of negativity.
LMAO. Sorry If you're really serious about this, but you don't support any form of negativity, and at the same time you hate 99% of society?What are you smoking?


Active Member
LMAO. Sorry If you're really serious about this, but you don't support any form of negativity, and at the same time you hate 99% of society?What are you smoking?
Hate is not negativity... Negativity is the way you react to it.
And when I talk about violence being only necessary when you have something you dont deserve, thats not entirely fair to say i suppose. If I saw someone about to rape a young woman or something like that I would take necessary action to prevent it. And we do need violence to an extent. But it can be kept minimal.Many police would see this as a free kill, rather than just neutralizing the threat itself. There are people who abuse trespassing laws for a reason to kill people. Just watch kung-fu.. Things can be changed without a full force mentality. It just bugs the shit out of me... Id rather make someone suffer by living with their actions than to just take them out of the equation.
The truth is, most of the violence you hear about in wars/government is unjustified. Do you really think its fair to keep the mexicans out and make a tv show about it? They call them BODIES, not PEOPLE. "Weve got two bodies over here"... Fucking disgusting me.. Its so sad, they are such relaxed people that they dont even put up a fight when they get caught.. Its more like "i guess we gotta try again". Fucking pigs....


Well-Known Member
If this kid said he was from anywhere else.. id say this was a joke... but theres alot of hippys in marin... lol

Theres also alot of pot in that county... ill bet if you go 3 doors down.. knock on your neighbors door... ill bet theyre growing... them... or the neighbor after that... if you cant find one after that... look around your block and find the idiot that didnt change his vent fan.. it'll be spinning a mile a minute...lol
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