Looking for work in the marijuana field.

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Well-Known Member
@ shagratt

First off, I can respect ur idealism but at the same time I can see it bringing you nothing but hardship in life. Like was said earlier, why do you think that someone would be producing plenty of plants for a cash crop, if not for cash?

You don't believe in war or any support of it in any kind, to that I agree 99%. But in ur case, I would suggest joining the military to get out of your situation - do it for a few years, save money, and change your life. Don't wanna kill? Fine - become a cook, become a medic, get into water purification (yes, they have jobs for that)... Most people in the military are support roles and the only thing they kill is beer on the weekend. But again, you sound like an idealist and this wont fly for you.

And quit watching tv... You seem to be comparing real life to "kung-fu" and border wars reality show... Reality TV isn't real. TV is designed for two things - brainwash you or still ur energy - seems to me they are winning on you if your getting pissed off over a tv show.

All I can recommend to you is take a break from saving the world, worry about urself for a few years. After that few years of sacrifice, you'll be in a much better situation and position to live your life the way you wanna live it :/


Well-Known Member
Ahhh I remember the days where I had nothing buts dreams and an idealistic view of the world. Then I graduated high school and went on to the real world. It's been an awesome ride though, I wouldn't trade it for the world, or any of the idealistic visions I used to have.


Well-Known Member
I have grown several grows. I have alot of spiritual wisdom, I base my happiness not on money. I will not work for any cancerous businesses aka fast food,or any other company run by greedy executives. I do not support any type of violence. I will not work for any company that supports violence like war/border control or government. I feel violence is caused by excess in peoples lives. People only need violence to protect something they dont deserve to have.

Like I said, I am not looking to work for any of you who think this way. If your the type of person with any type of money in your bank account I dont want to work for you.

Im looking for a spiritual guide per say... Someone who lives a COMPLETELY guilt free life.. I understand that 99% of you out there cant think this way.
So basically you will sit at home and wait for someone else to pay for you....

Get real, wake up, get a job.


Well-Known Member
gagekko makes great points. Not sure I'd endorse joining the military necessarily. I worked for restaruants in many years to support my Grateful Dead tour habit :-) If you are physically able, you can wait tables and earn anough to rent a room, buy some weed, and make some friends. I can tell you that I for one have become more radical in my beliefs since my days of being more idealistic, so that thing of getting more conservative with age doesn't hold with me. BUT, a HUGE learning I have had is to always be open minded and extend an olive branch to those who you don't understand. Many of my best friends are people who I don't agree with on most anything, but whom I know to be good souls inside. And once I understand where their world view originated, I still don't agree but I comprehend. I have friends who are cops, soldiers, corporate greeders, etc and they are good people. And once we get to talking, we learn that we aren't so far apart.

I was at a happy hour a few weeks back and met the Chief of Police for the little town next to mine (and I live in a conservative, rural area in a non-medicinal state). We had a great conversation about legalizing dope. He personally doesn't support it because what he sees are the gangs associated wiht the sale today and he can't envision how that could end. But he was open minded to the discussion and never once pondered frisking this stoner in a bar who was pestering him. Funny thing was that as I was leaving I told him I enjoyed our conversation. He agreed and said "If you ever need anything, let me know. I replied that was odd for him to say given the nature of our conversation. Long story short, cool guy who does his job and what he thinks is right. He had no desire to bust me or anyone like me who is doing their own thing. But if I was smoking a joint and he pulled me over, he would sure as hell throw my ass in jail because that's his job and he may have been a prick about it because he's seen too many wasted idiots who unlike me can't drive when high hurt innocent people.

The bottom line is that we're all different and we all have reasons for why we are the way we are. Most people in this world are good and kind. A vocal and visible minority are complete assholes and we all just need to lay faith that karma catches up with them. But if we view the world too negatively, we'll get what we project it to be. But if we step back and remain as open-minded as we epxect those we differ with to be, we can find we're not so far apart and help make things better - together.


Well-Known Member
Good for GrowinDad. Thanks for keeping us on track. It's easy to be mean, but this place should be for positive discussion.

Shagratt, instead of looking for the dream you want, you need to create it. You start with one thing, like moving out on your own, starting your own grow, and make it happen. Then on to the next step.

You're asking for a whole lot, wanting someone to mentor you, pay you in weed, and give you room and board. But they can't be materialistic or negative in any way? There's only one person in the entire world that can be like that. You. If you want to be mentored, mentor yourself and research on your own, or take a class. If you want to be paid in weed, pay yourself for your hard work in weed. If you want someone that's never negative, materialistic, and everything else you want, then be that person. You're so young you can be whatever you want, so do it.

You are waiting for someone else to come along and give you this dream job, when the reality is you need to make your own dreams come true. No one else ever will. Period. Stop waiting or you'll end up waiting so long you'll give up on your dream, and that will be a sad day.

You can't be so judgmental with people. People change, learn, and grow. If someone doesn't meet your standards, and is the most self-centered materialistic person at one point in their life, it doesn't mean they can't grow and become the type of person you want to hang out with. Maybe by hanging out with you they learn how to be a better person. If you judge them now and avoid them, you will never know. You have to be the change you want to see in the world, you can't wait for it to come to you. And you can't go around judging others, expecting them to be perfect, when you are no better. Think about it. You'll grow, so don't be hard on others because they're growing too. You should work on finding real empathy with others, instead of judgement.

Also. You're growing in your dad's house, using the stuff he bought I assume, his power bill, etc. Yet you think he shouldn't have 100% control over the grow? You need to move out, get a place of your own, then you'll understand. If you aren't paying the bills, then you don't get to call the shots. It sounds like you want to go from living with your dad, to living with another person that will give you weed and be a nicer person. It's time to look that immaturity in the face, and decide how to be the responsible person you need to be. Nobody else is going to do all this for you. You're going to be in for a big letdown if you think there aren't people out there that will take advantage of someone like you willing to work for less than what they are worth.

It's time for you to create your world once you're on your own. Everything will be different. Don't start out on the wrong path looking for others to have the answers to your life.


Well-Known Member
Gagekko makes a great point. Join the military, it might be good for you. My brother was kind of lost like you, he joined the air force, worked on jets in southeast Asia for 4 years, came back much more mature. Still votes democrat, went to college on the GI bill, doesn't want to kill people. So the military can be great for some people, and they won't brainwash you into a mindless killer, much. ;-)


Well-Known Member
The really funny thing is he wants someone like him to hire him. He hasnt figured out that people like him are living in someone else's house, eating someone else's food, wearing someone else's clothes and have no money to "hire" anyone, JUST LIKE HIM.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, Im not going to be a dink to you but heres some quick real advice.

unless you own property and have paid an entire lifes worth of taxes on it your going to need $$, its that simple. If your really interested in living without the comercialism look into your local Amish community. they will probabally let you in and you will work the fields and in return have a place to live and food to eat. Im not sure how they accept growing marijuanna. If that is something that you need to have in your life then ask them about it.

your other alternitive would be to get a job...work and save money and put a down payment on a piece of land in the country somewhere. your going to need to pay your mortgage and bills somehow so wether you like it not $$ is always going to be a part of your life. if you work hard and make a plan and follow through with it one day you will have afarm that can be used to self support, you can sell your crops at local farmers markets to pay your bills and live out your life the way you want to.

nothing in life is free, people get the things they want by setting goals and working thier asses off towards them.

and as others have said you need to open your mind and be less judgmental of people you dont know. Who knows maybe that person you hate so much will be the one that offers a hand after you have fallen on your ass.


Well-Known Member
that link may not be much help but it appears you have access to the internet so do some research and find out where it is you want to be.

once you figure out where the figure out when

once thats figured out figure out how your going to get where you want to be when you want to be there and make a list of goals to accomplish to get there, this shit sounds stupifd but its tried and true proven way for people who are lost to get to there they want to be. set short term and long term goals and then accomplish them.


Well-Known Member
Guys, I use to be an active member of rollitup about one year ago. Was very busy lately and didn't have time to check the forum. Now I'm back...after less then 1 year...what happened? I mean...rollitup should be what it used to be, a place where people can find friends and good advice. This guy here is just putting up a question, his opening his heart on this forum with his problems and some of the people here are throwing bricks at him. It's simple as if you know how to help, you help, if not...mind your ways. This is a forum dedicated to a great plant, a plant that unites people. Take it easy on the guy, we are all humans after all.
As for the author of this thread...what you search can be an utopia (maybe I'm wrong), what you can try...search some Growing Shops maybe they need people or try hippie communities like the Rainbow Family http://www.welcomehome.org/rainbow/index.html
Good luck with your search and life!


Well-Known Member
Guys, I use to be an active member of rollitup about one year ago. Was very busy lately and didn't have time to check the forum. Now I'm back...after less then 1 year...what happened? I mean...rollitup should be what it used to be, a place where people can find friends and good advice. This guy here is just putting up a question, his opening his heart on this forum with his problems and some of the people here are throwing bricks at him. It's simple as if you know how to help, you help, if not...mind your ways. This is a forum dedicated to a great plant, a plant that unites people. Take it easy on the guy, we are all humans after all.
As for the author of this thread...what you search can be an utopia (maybe I'm wrong), what you can try...search some Growing Shops maybe they need people or try hippie communities like the Rainbow Family http://www.welcomehome.org/rainbow/index.html
Good luck with your search and life!
yeah i agree Perk, the OP just asked a question and people are just straight flamming him. hope all the people who are flamming him are 100% perfect because of your not you have no business looking down at anyone. He isnt looking for a handout he is looking for a new begining. there are lots of farmers that provide room and board for thier farm hands...its extremely common for that to be part of the arrangement. Most of the time hired farm hands pretty much are adopted by the farmer's family, they sit down and eat dinner with them.


New Member
It sounds like you want to go from living with your dad, to living with another person that will give you weed and be a nicer person.

This sums up the original poster so perfectly.

Also, original poster, why would anyone let some random kid from riu, you, stay at and know about their op? That's just dumb...you could be a cop for all we know.

This thread is almost as bad as if you were begging for weed and asking for a hook up.


Well-Known Member
Hey I just came here
and I have no job
I need weed and spiritual wisdom
So Call me crazy. :D

You can work in the marijuana field, but in a real dispensary or w/e. what you want probably won't happen. GL, anyways.


Well-Known Member
Meet me at the I-hop just off i-5 in Portland, Oregon on MLK Blvd.
Let me know when you are a few days away. Bring extra bike tires, seeds and some good soil.
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