Looking to move to a medical state..Tell me about ur state


Active Member
a year.. the day you see the doc, if you have medical records in hand for the past year. gas 2.77 gal. milk 2.45 gal. i pay 500 for rent for a 2 bedroom 2 bath moble on it own lot..
1500.00 rent here (cheapest in town) 5.00gal gas 5.00 gal milk


Active Member
Michigan is ok place to live gas is roughly 3 a gallon milk is 2 a gallon It isnt hard to get a card you have to have medical records thou. its ussualy 100 to doc and 100 to state. you get 12 plants and you can hold 5 more cards so plant max is 72 in any stage. You can hold 2.5 oz per card also i think 12.5 is the max thou. It kinda sucks thou that you cant grow outside. I dont know how cali is but i see alot of peoples stuff outside there. we have 48 dispensarys here in lansing thats the max in city limits and they dont hire much you gotta know someone.


Active Member
Wow how do u decide??Now when u sell to dispenseries about how much do they pay, same with the patents u take care of??Sorry for all the ?? again everyone and thanks for answering them all..


Well-Known Member
Hey TWS do you know more info on Arizona? I am being lazy.. and wondering if you know plant limits, and can you care for others?(Northern AZ)
To be honest i didnt know AZ had mountians and a cooler climate...How much for a 2 bedroom???

Heres a start. I don't know what the medical law is but I'm sure it mimics other states or might be better or worst(google). I don't know it's new. Could have lots of opertuinity.



High desert


My buddy lives in Paulden. It's the high desert and a couple of summer months are warm. Winter months can be cold and summer monsoons can be refreashing or flooding, however you want to look at it. Some of the most awesome scenery and nature without many people. It's only a hour away from williams or prescott and the Grand Cayon is about a hour and a half away. The river is about 2-2 1/2 hours depending on where you want to go. We ride dirtbikes straight out of the garage for 100's of miles at a time. All on dirt ! Close the cattle gates behind you! Yeah bra ! This place is still some what free ! You see a Ranger out back,not a cop.


The perfect place for indoors ! LOL Looks like theres some room out doors too with the mountain right behind it ! This things pretty nice !



Well-Known Member
I am in Hawaii we get 7 plants per card, 3 in flowering at one time! We can only be a care taker for one other paitent, we can grow outside and there is no limit to how big each plant can get....also we are allowed to have up to 3 ounces for each card holder :)


Active Member
I wouldnt.....Im thinking maine, AZ, oregon, michigan, CALI, maybe jersey as its closest to me...Colorado would be nice if they werent cracking down so hard...


Active Member
You can sell to dispensaries here in michigan. They typically pay 200 an oz but it all depends on you they play more if you got qaulity since there is so many growers the market is flooded with mediocre meds so if you got some good qaulity bud they pay up to 300. patients you can charge whatever but geting them to pay is another thing I think the most people here pay is 15 a gram maybe 20 for good stuff. I sell mine for 10 a gram because im not a dick. sometimes 8. If your in the nothern part of the state and in a township that allows mm they pay more due to less growers. O yeah rentals here go for 750 for apartments and 1000 for houses these are the nicer ones you can go ghetto for about 250 less on each.


Active Member
Wow those arent to bad of prices for herbs or housing and yeah NO GHETTO for me lol..So 40 an 1/8th is good for patients???Is this what u do YOUNGDOG??Michigan isnt sounding to bad really...Hows the weather there???Thanks bro


Active Member
What r u growing now????I just finished some haze autos and finished with 234g's of 6 of them lowest yeilder was 20 something biggest was 105g..LOL it took a 105 days also lol..All personal use tho....First was done at day 58 theres a big difference so the strain isnt really stable yet..But no im doing photos 2 K-TRAIN, 2 INDUSTRIAL PLANTS, 1 CALIFORNIA HASH...Had to move them to a buddies house tho becuz i got peranoid..lol..Been in flowering for 3 days and already have hairs on the california hash and 1 industrial plant the others are slower but 3 days is good...


Well-Known Member
Let's see...I wouldnt go to jersey...or anywhere on the east coast man. As far as the most lax laws....california is going to be your place...plus its california. I know out there you are probably only gonna get like 2-3K a lb....but you can also grow more. For it to be enough to live off of you would need some kind of perpetual grow yeilding around 2-3 lbs a month. Figure if you have a medical card for 99 plants thats 30 plants harvested every month. And then on top of that you have to figure out costs of equipment (probably 2 1000W fixtures per 30 plants plus all the goodies to go along with them), cost of rent...and any other expense that comes along with it. I would'nt move on only 10 K bro....because you have to be prepared for any unknown shit that might come your way. I'm gonna save up around 25-30K....and then move. That way i have rent for like 3 or 4 months along with money for alll the equipment you will need.


Well-Known Member
In Los Angeles, its 6 mature, no size limit. Card holders can have up to 8oz. However those seeing dollar signs be warned. This situation is coming to an end (as far as profitability) Within the next couple years it will be legalized in CA and the bottom will drop out of the market (thank god) After the first state legalizes it will have a domino effect.

You could do it for a living still but don't expect it to be any more profitable than a regular job. That said if you are motivated and can work hard and have some imagination and skill it could still be fun.

Its a hobby/medicine provider for me so I look forward to the end of obscene prices and prohibition.