Los Angeles bans Plastic Bags! Heck yes!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I think some of you are just arguing to be an ass.
What I resent is another completely useless piece of legislation that does nothing. I resent their wasting their time on this tripe when LA is in a very bad way. This is already covered by anti-littering laws on the books. So let's just allow people to use their conscience on this ok and spend our time figuring out how to get medically indigent adults HEALTH CARE, the streets fixed, psych care funded once again.... etc...

Oh and I am an ass but that's not why I'm arguing this one.


New Member
What I resent is another completely useless piece of legislation that does nothing. I resent their wasting their time on this tripe when LA is in a very bad way. This is already covered by anti-littering laws on the books. So let's just allow people to use their conscience on this ok and spend our time figuring out how to get medically indigent adults HEALTH CARE, the streets fixed, psych care funded once again.... etc...

Oh and I am an ass but that's not why I'm arguing this one.
I very much hate legislation like this too. I hate even more that despite there already being laws on the books, broken by people and not enforced by anyone, there is still a huge amount of trash in the streets and trees. Mostly plastic bags.

I agree that there are many more important things to remedy in our society. I just can't see not dealing with it because there are bigger issues out there.


New Member
You can find wide range of options to meet your requirement. You can go for causal bags and select the design and color that will go with most of your attire.
reusable bag



Well-Known Member
Another thing the government has no business in, yet does so anyway. NO LARGE SODAS, NO DISPOSABLE WATER BOTTLES, NO NON TWIRLY LIGHT BULBS, NO TRANS FATS, NO GUNS, NO BAGS, NO WEED, NO FREEDOM, NO LIBERTY, NO PRIVACY, NO RIGHTS. If your white no matter what your a racist, If your black threaten to kill white people your seen as exercising black pride. God forbid you worship anyone but Allah in America anymore because if you do your a f'ing extremist.

If we as people cant make responsible decisions for ourselves, then we might as well give up now. My God, are we so ignorant as people we can't just make the right decision ourselves? This country is so fucked up I'm surprised any of us can take a breath without the NSA giving us permission. Don't worry if I offended you, I'm sure I have been put on some watch list so I don't get on any airplanes without being molested in the name freedom, liberty and justice so we can please an organization that has never caught one terrorist. But they can't get rid of me because I have a job, and millions on welfare depend on me.

Don't be so happy about small freedom's being taken from you, even if it is the right thing to do.

I personally get paper bags and use them to start fires in the winter, in home recycling.