Losing My Virginity. Growing For The First Time.


Active Member
My wife is picking me up some glass jars tonight. I will take some pics of it spread out, and in the jars. I will also weigh it again to see how much more weight was lost from burping the containers it is in + smoking it like a meal replacement...;)
Wub, I am betting you are going to blow numbers right out of the water m8!
The key is LST'ing, whether it be via scrog or simply tying the tops down with whatever, keep them as level as possible in order to trick the plant from picking a "main" top so it will evenly distribute the energy instead, and to give the whole plant even lighting.
I have a friend who is supposed to be sending me some "Fucking Incredible" seeds and a few mixed seeds. If he sends them, that's what I will try growing on my next run. Although, the comments I have read on the strain say it is not that good, the seeds will be free, so I will give it a shot.


Well, out of the 6 seeds I germinated, only 3 cracked with roots. I got them planted today. I will get pics later tonight or tomorrow. I built a nice little nursery in part of my desk. Going to turn it into a small veg/cloning area. I think it will work out great.

Im actually trying to germinate 3 more right now, so I will have (hopefully) 6 plants total and hoping 3 of the 6 will be females. Then I will scrog them right when i start the flowering stage.

kush fario

Well-Known Member
i hope all works out for u wub and just a little info dark seeds have a higher germ rate for me than light but that could be only for me i dont know and 8.5 zips nice fucking job man i think they would have lost a few grams from burping but nothing serious! enjoy your hard work m8! :bongsmilie::bigjoint:


Active Member
Job well done mate especially for first time and under CFLs. I got around that yield on my first grow on a 400W HPS so you obviously did great! Keep it up :D


Active Member
Ok, All said and done. In my glass jars now is 175 grams of dried curing smoke. Half of which is tops and more mature smokey (the best of the plants), and half of which is everything else that was too good to throw in the hash pile. In all honesty, I must have smoke about an ounce since I harvested them. I was hoping that the removal of the anxiety related to running out of smoke would in turn make me "jones" a little less, but instead it has made me more like a kid in a candy shop... ;) Tasting better every single day.
I will take some pics of it soon I promise.


Active Member
LOL OMG. I will go down right now and take them ;) Sorry lol. brb.


Here are the jars

I only emptied one of the jars for these pics.

And a nice little bag full of some good hash making material.

Got some nice smokey, and some not too bad smokey, and I am sure I will get a nice little chunk of hash from that bag aswell. If you look close up at the pic of inside the bag, you can see its contents are full of trics.
All in all, not great, not bad. Just about what I was expecting really. A really good test run I would say. I can't wait thill I start the next one though.
It will be in a few weeks time that I begin my box modifications and prepare my growing area for the winter months, I will deffinatly document it when I do.


Wholly crap, thats a lot more stuff than I expected. I think I might have to buy more jars, haha. I only have two jars that size.


Well-Known Member
Walmart sells 1 gallon mason jars with a screw top for $9. :)

Nice pics Sativus, only suggestion is to trim them a little closer next time. They need a little more of a buzz cut =)


Active Member
I agree it is not the best of a trim, but it is good enough for my smoking... ;) Seriously, you should see some of the crap I have smoked in times of desperation. LOL. If I ever manage to produce buds in a league a little closer to your own, I will defiantly trim them up a little better ;)


Well-Known Member
I agree it is not the best of a trim, but it is good enough for my smoking... ;) Seriously, you should see some of the crap I have smoked in times of desperation. LOL. If I ever manage to produce buds in a league a little closer to your own, I will defiantly trim them up a little better ;)
If I buy bud when I run out between harvests and what not, 9 times out of 10 its not even half of the quality of our own grow. Really a shame........... :( I dont know wtf most people do to fuck it up so bad and so often and so consistently! :)


Active Member
Nope. Just enjoying for a bit. Will need to prep my grow area for the winter months (its in the unfinished basement which gets cold in the winter), and also make some modifications to my box before I begin my next grow. Likely a few weeks before I really get started on it, but I'll document it when I do. I need to put a paint on rubber vapor barrier on all the cinder block walls of my basement, and was also going to use it on the inside of my box to very much seal it up good. But I also need to build a few walls. I may roll the growing box (it's actually on wheels ;) ) closer to the wood stove which will be burning this winter, but I will need to have a good hold on the odor if that is the case. My next grow I am going for seeds and hash. I will plant a few seeds of the same strain, and I will keep a male and one or two females and grow them all together in the box and collect the seeds and make hash out of everything else. Once I have a bunch of seeds, I will either move on to the next strain or test a few of the seeds I harvested. Either way, I will not be dependent on anyone else for anything for too much longer... ;) And if it works, I would be more than happy to share...
But for now, I got my eyes on you m8 ;) Good luck and have fun ;)


Man, I like your idea about harvesting seeds and making hash from the left overs. I was wondering what i was going to do when I decide to get seeds. My plan was to make a separate grow tent for a single plant and grow the male in that and only pollinate one bud for 20+ seeds. I do plan on buying some White Widow. I will be making my own seeds from that for sure. Cant wait until you start back up. Maybe by the time youre ready, I will be ready for my second grow.


Active Member
Then, if things work out perfectly, from 2 pollinated female plants I will get a couple thousand seeds? Holy Shit! How long are seeds good for and whats the best way to store them?


Well-Known Member
Then, if things work out perfectly, from 2 pollinated female plants I will get a couple thousand seeds? Holy Shit! How long are seeds good for and whats the best way to store them?
You'll probably get even more than that. Seeds are good for years, just keep em in a baggie in a cool spot, even the fridge is good. Wait 4 weeks to use the seeds after you 'harvest' them and that's it.........