Lots of us are kinda ignorant.

The solution to split Germany came much later, after the full territorial conquest. Actually there were even US plans to turn Germany into a "stone-age country." The Russians almost did that with the DDR - their fault exploiting the Eastern EU states, keeping them artificially poor ("good" trade partners then LOL - at least, the Americans knwo how to make money and value trade...)

The Unification was the based on the "Völkerrecht" and largely dealt out by Helmut Kohl & Michael Gorbatschow - the Russians made it possible. Not protests in the DDR lol. Actually there were quite some protests AGAINST it in the DDR...
I did say kinda, lol. I love ya Kassi. You actually sound like you know WTF you're talking about. At least more than I know.

The Russians would've defeated the Nazi army even without the US for their tactic of retreat was successful, and the Wehrmacht faced immense losses in the East. The US actually realized this and jumped into the war to simply prevent the Russians being able to take hold of Central Europe.
That's one of the the reasons why the US "came in late".

That's why the Russians are so bitter against the US because the Russians were the ones with the most losses (we nearly killed 30% of their total population) yet they weren't compensated that much (in regard to the other factions).

And it is well known that Hitler was supported by American capitalists before 1933.
Its amazing how many Americans dont know the reason that Japan attacked Perl harbor and are not aware of the real reason of the dropping weapons of mass destruction on Japan. Russia was so close to having Japan as their territory. Japanese of cause surrended to the US to save themselves from becoming part of the USSR. The bombs were not needed to force the Japanese to surrender to the US rather than Russia. Surrendering to Russia would mean the end of Japan.
that's an old hat... when we were still sailing the seas... something seems missing though LOL

why don't you post an actual map? perhaps illustrating what your Saudi-proxies are currently doing? and the amount of weapon deals...? Trump even made a show out of it:
View attachment 4598937
and these guys still fight HOLY WARS, and do other shit.

u cool with that?
Nope I am not ok with Trump selling the Saudi's nukes, nor Trump's being ok with MBS killing our journalists and genocide in Yemen. Nor his being cool with Putin assassinating people in UK, China's locking up minorities, on and on. It has to stop.

Cmon, everybody knows America uses the destabilizing of countries to its own end. Its what super powers have always done but with the modern world its so much easier and the damage is so much greater.
You cannot deny it doesnt happen, look at Vietnam. America joins in to support a hated gov that the majority of its own people doesnt want. Budhest monks were setting themselves on fire in protest of but nope the US supported a despot. Iraq.. like its just what is done.
If only you could use ur super power for good and not for evil....Like Super man!

Trying not to US bash here but fk me the Trump supporters are so ignorant that they need a slap upside the head and their version of history and what the US is is just backward.

I posted this on the aussie thread last night:
Some Septic tanks are not real sharp eh? Its always the ones that say "The world should thank America.." Like, Ive never said to a Pom or a Frenchie.. "Mate, you should thank me..". "u could of been speaking German, twice"
What the fk is wrong with some of them? Like, were you personally there? My dad and uncles faught in Vietnam, do you want their ph number to thank them?"
Can see why Trump and Bush and Co get voted in, the stupid just love them. "
There is no question that we have done wrong as a country and need to stop. But it is circular, humanity as a whole is pretty messed up species and we all need to do things better.

Unfortuntnalty the right wing nut dictators are trying to divide us all up along whatever cultural or societal lines we happen to be on, and paying online trolls to do spread their nonsense. This is not a uniquely American problem.
Nope I am not ok with Trump selling the Saudi's nukes, nor Trump's being ok with MBS killing our journalists and genocide in Yemen. Nor his being cool with Putin assassinating people in UK, China's locking up minorities, on and on. It has to stop.

There is no question that we have done wrong as a country and need to stop. But it is circular, humanity as a whole is pretty messed up species and we all need to do things better.

Unfortuntnalty the right wing nut dictators are trying to divide us all up along whatever cultural or societal lines we happen to be on, and paying online trolls to do spread their nonsense. This is not a uniquely American problem.
Good points, but I think there're nuts on both sides actually. I'm really not left or right, I'm kinda in the middle. I like parts of both sides really.
Well said. I too am from Oklahoma, although I have not witnessed it myself I know it exists. I am in a “mixed” marriage to my beautiful wife who is 1/2 Filipino and 1/2 Kiowa Native American. She has told me about times when her and my step daughter were standing in line at the flea market, and her daughter was asking “why are those men staring at us?” My wife told her “Oh, they think we are Mexican.” She has also gotten bad looks when we went into a well renowned cowboy store. Or she hears comments from people from behind her making rude comments about her being Mexican. Before trump came into office, I thought the human race had evolved past such stupidity. Apparently I was naive and living in a fantasy land.
Well said. I too am from Oklahoma, although I have not witnessed it myself I know it exists. I am in a “mixed” marriage to my beautiful wife who is 1/2 Filipino and 1/2 Kiowa Native American. She has told me about times when her and my step daughter were standing in line at the flea market, and her daughter was asking “why are those men staring at us?” My wife told her “Oh, they think we are Mexican.” She has also gotten bad looks when we went into a well renowned cowboy store. Or she hears comments from people from behind her making rude comments about her being Mexican. Before trump came into office, I thought the human race had evolved past such stupidity. Apparently I was naive and living in a fantasy land.
Love the comment. But didn't want you to think I was loving how your wife and step daughter were treated. That's messed up.
Good points, but I think there're nuts on both sides actually. I'm really not left or right, I'm kinda in the middle. I like parts of both sides really.
Of course there are nuts on both sides. Mental illness is not selective by party. Although there is far more competition for the Democratic seats and the Republicans have been actively seeking the idiots who are not interested in legislating for every American.

And when the Democrats have an idiot that does stupid things they generally do the right thing and cut them loose.


While Trump and the Republicans expect a free pass for their misdeeds.
There was this one time when I was living in Yakima Washington, and my best friend (who is Mexican) and I we’re driving home at 4 am. We were on the Nob hill bridge, and this white impala with about 6 people with cowboy hats pulled up next to us and either shot at the car tire or threw a bottle at our car. They were leaning out of the window calling my friend a “wetback” and “spic” and a lot of other slurs. My fried hit the brakes on his RX7 car, and they went past us to the end of the bridge and got out of the car and were waiting for us at the stoplight. My friend spun the car around on the bridge and took off like a shotgun blast, and we ditched them in some of the side roads. Both of us were shaking like a leaf from pure adrenaline. That was a pretty eye opening event to me as well.
There was this one time when I was living in Yakima Washington, and my best friend (who is Mexican) and I we’re driving home at 4 am. We were on the Nob hill bridge, and this white impala with about 6 people with cowboy hats pulled up next to us and either shot at the car tire or threw a bottle at our car. They were leaning out of the window calling my friend a “wetback” and “spic” and a lot of other slurs. My fried hit the brakes on his RX7 car, and they went past us to the end of the bridge and got out of the car and were waiting for us at the stoplight. My friend spun the car around on the bridge and took off like a shotgun blast, and we ditched them in some of the side roads. Both of us were shaking like a leaf from pure adrenaline. That was a pretty eye opening event to me as well.
That is scary, you never know what people will do when they get themselves all riled up like that. I am happy you got away safe.
There was this one time when I was living in Yakima Washington, and my best friend (who is Mexican) and I we’re driving home at 4 am. We were on the Nob hill bridge, and this white impala with about 6 people with cowboy hats pulled up next to us and either shot at the car tire or threw a bottle at our car. They were leaning out of the window calling my friend a “wetback” and “spic” and a lot of other slurs. My fried hit the brakes on his RX7 car, and they went past us to the end of the bridge and got out of the car and were waiting for us at the stoplight. My friend spun the car around on the bridge and took off like a shotgun blast, and we ditched them in some of the side roads. Both of us were shaking like a leaf from pure adrenaline. That was a pretty eye opening event to me as well.

My '74 RX4 was faster than my '80 RX7

I sold my RX3 to the director of R&D for Mazda
There was this one time when I was living in Yakima Washington, and my best friend (who is Mexican) and I we’re driving home at 4 am. We were on the Nob hill bridge, and this white impala with about 6 people with cowboy hats pulled up next to us and either shot at the car tire or threw a bottle at our car. They were leaning out of the window calling my friend a “wetback” and “spic” and a lot of other slurs. My fried hit the brakes on his RX7 car, and they went past us to the end of the bridge and got out of the car and were waiting for us at the stoplight. My friend spun the car around on the bridge and took off like a shotgun blast, and we ditched them in some of the side roads. Both of us were shaking like a leaf from pure adrenaline. That was a pretty eye opening event to me as well.
Crazy man. I know the area. That's where everyone's apples come from. I know there's some serious racism there from some of the locals. They want the Mexican's there, but they don't, lol. It's crazy. At least you're buddy had a decent car that could get away from the rednecks.
Crazy man. I know the area. That's where everyone's apples come from. I know there's some serious racism there from some of the locals. They want the Mexican's there, but they don't, lol. It's crazy. At least you're buddy had a decent car that could get away from the rednecks.
you are a cringey tryhard