Lots of us are kinda ignorant.

I don’t believe all of you liberals are sincere , if trump wins again I want to see real conviction of liberals jumping off bridges holding hands in solidarity screaming , anything short of that is just a waste of time. As for crazy uncle joe, the man doesn’t know what planet he is on.
trump has been bragging for a week that he passed a dementia screener 2 years ago
Im a proud, devoted, Southerner..Im from Charleston, even. And if anyone ever tries to tell you that the rebel flag is not racist. Just invite them to read SC or any other state that tried to secede, secession papers. And count how many times slavery is mentioned
5 year old memes are about your full capabilities

let me know when biden borrows money from china to pay farmers not to sell to china so we can pay more for the goods we get from china and increase the trade deficit we have with china while getting patents and trademarks for his dumb whore daughter.

or let me know when biden says to inject disinfectants and shove a uv light up your ass.

we are all voting for biden and you will never change one person's mind. you will only demonstrate what a retarded racist you are.
Im a proud, devoted, Southerner..Im from Charleston, even. And if anyone ever tries to tell you that the rebel flag is not racist. Just invite them to read SC or any other state that tried to secede, secession papers. And count how many times slavery is mentioned
I'm sitting in a restored plantation on John's island right now drinking a beer watching the army Corps of engineers lay out the graves of slaves on the property next door.

There are no rebel flags here. There is no longer any place for them.

Nor in my home in Georgia.

The only people who use the rebel flag are racist.

Always has been and always will be that way.
I'm sitting in a restored plantation on John's island right now drinking a beer watching the army Corps of engineers lay out the graves of slaves on the property next door.

There are no rebel flags here. There is no longer any place for them.

Nor in my home in Georgia.

The only people who use the rebel flag are racist.

Always has been and always will be that way.
I have a condo in Athens