Lots of us are kinda ignorant.

Unfortunately a trillion dollars is a lot of money. Lay out 999,000,000 of something and then add another billion. See you in a few weeks. We put trillion but not too many people really grasp how much money that really is.

you think America is bringing industrial back here? I don’t see it. Labor is too cheap in poor countries. They move back they’re fighting unions, lazy Americans, etc. I just don’t see it.
First just because something is a big number that takes a long time to count doesn't mean that China is going to be able to hurt us without devastating themselves too, and we would still be relatively ok.

Labor is far cheaper in China. But this pandemic shows that cheaper labor doesn't stop you from having to shut down production during pandemics which are just going to get more dangerous.

This gets to what I think is the big problem that has not been dealt with since the 80s. All of that labor in the states that lost their jobs because using human labor over machines that take far fewer people should have been trained in another field or retired, while being paid a wage the entire time. America still would have came out ahead with the savings that all the Americans had with building stuff in China/elsewhere.

It reminds me of this scene:

I think this combined with loss of total power in our economy, society, and government is why so many white men have fell into the trap of the Right wing propaganda of hate of the 'other'. They were sold a lie by their dads/granfathers for their entire lives that when they get older they would be taking their jobs and be 'king of the castle', and 'man of the house', and 'when you get older you'll understand' etc and now that they are older they are being proven wrong by little kids with cell phones, having to deal with their white male insecurities with females and minorities in the workplace, and no longer able to rape their wives when they are all angry from a hard day at work.

Also the 'lazy American' thing is played out, humans are humans, thinking one is going to be more or less lazy might sound good to some, but it is incorrect.
But China is still not large enough to do anything more to our economy than Trump has. As bad as we are in right now, all of our wealth is still invested mainly in our country. And now that pandemic happened a lot more 'buy local' is likely as supply lines are shown to be vulnerable.

Japan if nothing else can offset much of what China does to us in that case anyways.

This gives us a chance to bring back all the lost industries home, but with the newest, cleanest/greenest technologies and innovations. Which is better than it would have been done if we tried to keep all that old industrial infrastructure here back in the 80s.

As bad as everything is, I am still pretty hopeful for the future. This too shall pass.
Looks like you have a new friend, PadwanWarrior just loves your posts.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This gives us a chance to bring back all the lost industries home, but with the newest, cleanest/greenest technologies and innovations. Which is better than it would have been done if we tried to keep all that old industrial infrastructure here back in the 80s.

As bad as everything is, I am still pretty hopeful for the future. This too shall pass.
We may bring back some of the industries. But most of the jobs are long gone. No one talks about what really happened in the Rust Belt. It's a challenge to run a political campaign against AI. Software Stole Our Jobs is too long to fit on a bumper sticker anyway.
We may bring back some of the industries. But most of the jobs are long gone. No one talks about what really happened in the Rust Belt. It's a challenge to run a political campaign against AI. Software Stole Our Jobs is too long to fit on a bumper sticker anyway.
True, we don't need as many people working like we have throughout society anymore, it is a weird thing that we are facing.

We are able to produce everything we need for our society with very little labor. It might be time in this pandemic to start thinking about spreading out the workload instead of how we have done things until now.
True, we don't need as many people working like we have throughout society anymore, it is a weird thing that we are facing.

We are able to produce everything we need for our society with very little labor. It might be time in this pandemic to start thinking about spreading out the workload instead of how we have done things until now.
100% agree. Actually the Corona-crisis has shown that we can change our lifestyle very swiftly, and still life carries on. Well, maybe the fictious numbers at some bankaccounts won't mount up that swiftly, but who cares? When banks were allowed to print money regardless of a real worldvalue deposition (like gold) money became, sort of, "virtual" & inflation set in.
100% agree. Actually the Corona-crisis has shown that we can change our lifestyle very swiftly, and still life carries on. Well, maybe the fictious numbers at some bankaccounts won't mount up that swiftly, but who cares? When banks were allowed to print money regardless of a real worldvalue deposition (like gold) money became, sort of, "virtual" & inflation set in.
Banks can't do that in America.
We haven't had a Corona case on my island state for about 7 weeks. Locking down and closing our border worked very, very well. Perfectly well you could say.

Some business's did really well during the lock down and of cause some did terribly. Allot of people realized they can work from home and some can work flexable hrs. They did a study in Aus and found that people were logging on to start work later, having a large break during the day (people would go for walks etc) and logging on again after dinner- so the working day changed allot for some people. Allot of business found that having their employees working for home can be more profitable. They dont need as much office space for eg.
With the amount of people now working from home and no need to go back to an office regional towns are finding they are getting more interest from city buyers. I Also think that as a small part of the world becomes covid free those living in a covid countries will want to move to a clean state or country. Being able to work from home will help drive this new market.
For people wishing to travel then Covid free placers will be desirable. Who wants to wear a mask every day? Especially on holidays, down at the beach or in a ritzy restaurant. Dance and party the night away in a Clean environment.
For that to happen we need a near instant 100% reliable covid indicator test- which we dont have. But we will.
The South are a defeated people i spose so there will always be some resentment. People died under the confederate flag.
The South can be some ignorant people, so there will always be some resentment. Idiots and racist died under the confederate flag .

I just made your comment much better. You're welcome
then who is printing the currency?
A subsidiary of the Reserve bank does notes here (NPA Limited- Note Printing Australia) but they are not classed as a bank. Like you can't go and get a loan from them or have an account or anything. Its Gov owned not a shareholding bank. The Mint does the coins.
If banks could just go and print money then the system would be fkd up. Every bank would have its own type of notes.
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A subsidiary of the Reserve bank does notes here (NPA Limited- Note Printing Australia) but they are not classed as a bank. Like you can't go and get a loan from them or have an account or anything. Its Gov owned not a shareholding bank. The Mint does the coins.
If banks could just go and print money then the system would be fkd up. Every bank would have its own type of notes.
yeah I thought there was some kind of a misunderstanding here... nevermind^^