Lots of us are kinda ignorant.

I post for myself...i dont speak for anyone but me and my young girls my boys are grown...
If you want respect, stop trolling and start explaining and not black folks don't have to explain themselves to white folks. But people do have to explain why they are supporting Trump while black and recycled white trash trolls won't do either. One human being to and other with honesty honor and integrity, I and others feel you lack these qualities from your posts. Respect works both ways.
Yes gender is whatever you want it to be my son identifies as an Apache attack helicopter so there's only two sexes
gender is a social construct which has varied over time.

there are at least 5 biological sexes.

are you cool with people who brag about creeping in on unsuspecting, naked, 15 year old girls?
You can't defend your own argument that's why you resort to calling me names you're a joke
we're calling you names because you suck dog balls and chug dog piss

gender is a social construct that has varied over time.

there are at least 5 biological sexes

you support a pedophile who brags about creeping in on unsuspecting, naked, 15 year old girls. pedolover