Lots of us are kinda ignorant.

I can cash 2 checks lol one from my job and one from the USAF but keep amusing me Trump will win bigger than last time really NO MALARKEY JOE...
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I'm not sure why they get hung up on past presidents. Or other demoncat politicians. Like a broken record. It's like an obsession. I've been watching a series on Vice called Hate thy Neighbor. I think he was on it.
You can't say MALARKEY 3 times without laughing the man said turn on your record player and you want to give him the nuclear football I wouldn't give him a nerf ball....do you want the link
I can cash 2 checks lol one from my job and one from the USAF but keep amusing me Trump will win bigger than last time really NO MALARKEY JOE...

I'll bet you that I, as a Canadian, pay more taxes within the United States than you do on an annual basis.

USAF huh? You looking for a Medal of Honor for your bone spurs as well?
Right I live in vegas my last station was Nellis AFB I don't play with boys but as a true leftist you resort to insulting me because you can't defend what your saying....i though BLACK LIVES MATTERED