Lots of us are kinda ignorant.

Why you going to try to convince people to only read a line or two from the second page of a almost 200 page report and try to pretend like the entire report does not show Trump breaking law after law trying to cover up for his obvious illegal acts?


If he's so boring why are you responding to him?!?!?!?
If he's so boring why are you responding to him?!?!?!?
Someone should, these trolls that just spread lies for Dear Leader re-election campaign deserve a warning label and access to actual information about what is going on.

They are amplifying the hate and divisiveness to try to divide up our society into 'us' vs 'them'. And it is shitty.
I haven’t called ya names. Just using words. Ya calling people bitches and pussies. tagging us in a trump threads like it’s a rollitup jail.
I am not sure why you posted that right after my post, but I really doubt I called anyone those things here unless they were trolling me for a while.

I tried to actually converse with you, but you obviously are just here to troll for Trump at this point. Using the same proven lies that Trump has been trying to get pushed for over a year now. And even in the face of actual evidence pointing out why you're peddling nonsense you ignore it and troll-on.
I am not sure why you posted that right after my post, but I really doubt I called anyone those things here unless they were trolling me for a while.

I tried to actually converse with you, but you obviously are just here to troll for Trump at this point. Using the same proven lies that Trump has been trying to get pushed for over a year now. And even in the face of actual evidence pointing out why you're peddling nonsense you ignore it and troll-on.
Nah u been cool, didn’t mean to lump you in that.
I don’t disagree with the fact that trump can be a piece of shit. But he has done awesome shit the media won’t even say. And the constant attack on him is unreal. So they spread the lies. He scared the deep state cause he is exposing how it all works.
I don’t disagree with the fact that trump can be a piece of shit. But he has done awesome shit the media won’t even say. And the constant attack on him is unreal. So they spread the lies. He scared the deep state cause he is exposing how it all works.
What do you mean by the 'media'? Do you mean actual news media? Because you are not correct, they accurately report what his administration say and he gets upset and calls it 'fake news', which unfortunantly is often correct because Trump expects his 'officials' to lie to the American people through their interviews on the news.

Trump is a liar and trying to project his lies onto everyone else. It is pretty sad that so many people want to believe that their cult leader cares about them at all.

The funniest part is that Trump is the President of the United States, has complete control over the senate (who stuff every shitty appointment through for Dear Leader), and had the house for his first 2 years. And all he really got done was getting his rich friends a nice tax break, and start trade wars with all of our allies as he gave away our embassy location for nothing to Netanyahu, Nuclear tech to mr. Bonesaw himself MBS in Saudi Arabia, and bent over and gave Putin everything he wants.

And as soon as he cost the Republicans the house in 2018, he has done nothing but complain and be a baby while Nancy and the Democrats bail his stupid half-baked ideas out time and again doing the heavy lifting on things like the new-NAFTA that is basically the same as old-NAFTA.