Loudblunts, just cause the fda hasnt done any studies does not make all the breeders experience, or growers out there any less valid than if they did.
Look, i'm new and i dont know either of you, but it just seems funny to me, lordblunts, that in one sentence you say that "any research on the plant can be taken with a grain of salt" Then in the next sentence, you say, "to believe that sativas will hermie more than an indica is bogus and ignorant in the least." Which regulated testing service, or research was done to bring you to that conclusion??? A little bit contradictory to say the least, huh?? At least userfriendly cites sources for his opinion, and has a reason for saying what he says. You seem to just say the oposite, with no backing whatsoever to support your opinion, seemingly just to piss someone off. Why should we listen to you? Potstirrer!!
I personally do not know the answer to this argument, nor do i have an opinion as to who is right. But i would tend to listen to people that have EXPERIENCE with mj, especially breeders, as they are going to have the best experience to answer this question. And if the FDA did a study on marijuana, i wouldnt believe a fucking word they said. They are there to protect drug companies profits, not protect the consumer of these drugs. Drug companies arent interested in any possible natural cures, cause they cant make money off it. And the fda says you cant advertise or sell natural products for any ailment, cause it is not classified as a drug?? This is not to protect the people taking the natural cures, but to protect the profits lost by people using natural remedies, when they could have gotten a prescription for a drug from a DR. Sorry, getting off subject.
One more question, what regulated research produces your opinion, lordblunts? I think i'd take einsteins, somas, or dj shorts opinions over yours any day, as they have EXPERIENCE breeding many plants (except maybe einstein, but still!). Ur just trying to piss people off. Good job, looks like you've succeeded with userfriendly. Smoke a bong and quit trying to piss people off. Your happiness about pissing someone off reflects your maturity level. Now i havent seen other threads, and maybe you have reasons there to back up what you say, or at least some experience. So if i have judged you unfairly, i apologise. But from everything i see here, you are just being confrontatational for the fights sake. Weak man.
Look, i'm new and i dont know either of you, but it just seems funny to me, lordblunts, that in one sentence you say that "any research on the plant can be taken with a grain of salt" Then in the next sentence, you say, "to believe that sativas will hermie more than an indica is bogus and ignorant in the least." Which regulated testing service, or research was done to bring you to that conclusion??? A little bit contradictory to say the least, huh?? At least userfriendly cites sources for his opinion, and has a reason for saying what he says. You seem to just say the oposite, with no backing whatsoever to support your opinion, seemingly just to piss someone off. Why should we listen to you? Potstirrer!!
I personally do not know the answer to this argument, nor do i have an opinion as to who is right. But i would tend to listen to people that have EXPERIENCE with mj, especially breeders, as they are going to have the best experience to answer this question. And if the FDA did a study on marijuana, i wouldnt believe a fucking word they said. They are there to protect drug companies profits, not protect the consumer of these drugs. Drug companies arent interested in any possible natural cures, cause they cant make money off it. And the fda says you cant advertise or sell natural products for any ailment, cause it is not classified as a drug?? This is not to protect the people taking the natural cures, but to protect the profits lost by people using natural remedies, when they could have gotten a prescription for a drug from a DR. Sorry, getting off subject.
One more question, what regulated research produces your opinion, lordblunts? I think i'd take einsteins, somas, or dj shorts opinions over yours any day, as they have EXPERIENCE breeding many plants (except maybe einstein, but still!). Ur just trying to piss people off. Good job, looks like you've succeeded with userfriendly. Smoke a bong and quit trying to piss people off. Your happiness about pissing someone off reflects your maturity level. Now i havent seen other threads, and maybe you have reasons there to back up what you say, or at least some experience. So if i have judged you unfairly, i apologise. But from everything i see here, you are just being confrontatational for the fights sake. Weak man.