Damn,done more than my share of that shit,reclaiming boundaries at the golf course and my overgrown backyard once,FKN briars,viney bittersweet vines tangling up everything,the burs on Russian Olive's piercing gloves and pricking fingers,swinging a chainsaw through tangled ass shit, even loading it up to get rid of it sucks,NO FUN.Last years garden soil being worked
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Making progress clearing brush to expa
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The satisfaction of knocking out a project/hard day's work is a good feeling of accomplishment and a sense of relief after a shower and well earned good nights sleep.The hardest part is wading in and getting started,once the mind sees progress the human spirit kicks in.I used to run 7 miles 2-3 times a week and the 'runner's high" is a similar feeling to banging out a tough job that's been on the mind.It’s back breaking lol, but I’m glad someone knows my pain dealing with those vines, big and small vines, wild blackberry bushes and honeysuckle shits been shitty but it’s lookin 100 times better already with what I’ve gotten done with loppers and a rake, soon it’ll look even better when I get them 200gal bags out there
Running is brutal on the knees.The satisfaction of knocking out a project/hard day's work is a good feeling of accomplishment and a sense of relief after a shower and well earned good nights sleep.The hardest part is wading in and getting started,once the mind sees progress the human spirit kicks in.I used to run 7 miles 2-3 times a week and the 'runner's high" is a similar feeling to banging out a tough job that's been on the mind.
Tell me bout the running,I'm not a little guy 6'0 190lbs,size 12 ft.,after yrs. of that I had to stop in my 50's(feet looked liked they were in a FKN blender),now skipping rope/ex. bike only + weights,stretching.Job is also pretty physical,plus we all know the rigors of the grow and keeping the yard respectable. I bitch but it's so ingrained now that I can't surrender ANY of this shit even though I'm getting close to 60,I'm humble but when I bump into people I grew up w/I'm still like a FKN kid physically in comparison,guess the best way to fight aging is not to stop and keep pressing on,USE IT OR LOSE IT.SKATING fell flat on my face as a kid at the rink,HISTORY,much respect it's tough,I have killer balance on my feet but it never translated to skates,Hockey players make it look easier from the FKN couch.Running is brutal on the knees.
I have done all my exercise in the garden, had fishponds and bamboo. I have avoided gyms only when I have had PT from knee operations and I make the trainer crazy. My garden has three levels and the material has been hand carried to the garden lower levels good work out.
Currently replacing some of the landscape timber and hoping the heavy rains tomorrow help to drive and blend some of the soil down to lower level. Chopping up and removing some old bamboo roots or rhizomes, the soil about bamboo plants is very fertile as what you feed bamboo is silica or a handful of Portland cement. If you have heavy metals or many other toxic chemical in waste water dumping that on bamboo is fine, it will pull many of the chemicals out of the water, you just can't eat the shoots. Planting next to a grove of bamboo will up the humidity and be a wind block.
About 8 of my seeds have popped, so I have started another 3. Lost the heat in the basement for three days now we are back up.
I referee and coach hockey skate about 4 + hours a week.
FARMERS are FKN men,dawn to dusk grind,don't get enough respect IMO,Jack of all trades,buy/sell,agriculture from sowing to irrigating to bug/disease prevention to harvesting + possibly animals,mechanical aptitude,always work to do,a special breed to cope w/it all,not even considering M. Nature's influence on it all.farming is hard work.
Tell me bout the running,I'm not a little guy 6'0 190lbs,size 12 ft.,after yrs. of that I had to stop in my 50's(feet looked liked they were in a FKN blender),now skipping rope/ex. bike only + weights,stretching.Job is also pretty physical,plus we all know the rigors of the grow and keeping the yard respectable. I bitch but it's so ingrained now that I can't surrender ANY of this shit even though I'm getting close to 60,I'm humble but when I bump into people I grew up w/I'm still like a FKN kid physically in comparison,guess the best way to fight aging is not to stop and keep pressing on,USE IT OR LOSE IT.SKATING fell flat on my face as a kid at the rink,HISTORY,much respect it's tough,I have killer balance on my feet but it never translated to skates,Hockey players make it look easier from the FKN couch.
Nice man,hockey is not the same ,a lot of physicality(hard checking) removed,game is faster better skills,watching clips from 70's,80's looks like the game is slo-mo compared to now. Miss how it was policed by itself though,see guys laid out now(even unheard of Goalies being contacted) w/no response,high sticks, visors,no price paid for being dirty now. Can't afford many enforcers now do to lack of skill can't just be a fighter now w/out some skills. Athletes are better now but seem fragile mentally and need kid gloves,can't be read riot act more sensitive like society. More so in other sports though as hockey players ARE the most down to earth comparitively speaking(less ego),the game now is speed,speed,speed and some more speed now. Sounds like you are an energizer type of player,hard checking worker,the type that staffs fourth lines to create energy and forecheck.Great that you still fly around on skates when many need a walker at 67,nice rapping w/you, take care,and stay at it.67 I can outskate many of the HS team. Many will not even go in a corner with me and I am only 5 foot 7. I hit a college kid in a game and his response was in all the years he had been playing hockey was never hit that hard
It is a lot of work but once you get it - it is blast. It has it's moments teaching and coaching this morning was good the kids listened played fair hockey. I get my share of kids in tears on the bench because they don't get to do what they want but not today.
Back in the day when I had 10,000 gallons of water 300 fish, a hundred water plants and a 100+ different types of bamboo on the property and had international visitors come see my collection that was a lot of work. Now happy to grow vegetables mostly for the wife, but I grow really good scallions and pot.
Running does suck,it's not for everyone,I forced myself,ever notice peoples faces when running,they sure as hell aren't smiling are they,LOL.I can’t run for shit lol it would probably kill me if I tried lol but I’m a semi hard worker tho speaking of which I’m gettin shit done almost got the last bit of brush cleared away, the plants are all doing excellent bout to get ready to transplant them into the 5gal bags, everything has been topped I even got a few already showing signs (maturity) oh also slowly collecting soil which I need a good bit more just ran out of funds sadly
Running does suck,it's not for everyone,I forced myself,ever notice peoples faces when running,they sure as hell aren't smiling are they,LOL.
I've started the march myself,tidying up the area,getting the soil mix ready,charging the bio-char,got all the supplies(ferts,additives,cloning supplies,a new wand for my bpack sprayer), except the soil for the clones.Gonna pop about 60-70 seeds(40F)(25R) in about 2 wks.I hook up a friend w/10-12 plants out of this also.Weather in MA sucks now as I expected,a couple nice days in March is always fools gold and the raw/rainy/windy shit is back,back to work in a couple of weeks also the grind begins,that's why I bang out everything possible now,no shopping during the grow other than some soil,pots filled and ready,cloners/collars all douched out and ready to fill etc..Don't want to come home tired and stressed w/work I could have done prior staring me in the face.Some new shit I'm popping are Sugar Cane(IN House),been a couple yrs since last,Mimosa/Or. Punch(BFarm),Bl. Muffin(HSC),Chem DMT (Mass. MED)Comet Fuel(707).FrostBerry,PButter Herijuana,Laughing Lion,(Lucky13),God/B.Freeze(BHoarder) in addition to some others I do yearly,we'll see what happens,Good Growing to you and fellow outdoorsmen on upcoming grind.Let's hope for a rainless mid Sept to early/mid Oct a classic 70DEG. bright sunny Indian summer for 30 days.
Freakshow (HSC I believe) is so strange and wrinkled it prob. will blend right in w/tomatoes,might not like the acidity that tomatoes crave though.I am making a run to Jake's in Hull on Sunday hope the weather holds. There is nothing like New England style seafood. They have opened for the season.
Waiting for a increase in temp a few degrees to go outside and finish building walls. Temp is up to 42 now.
Since I am growing more, I have plans to move my potato's and other plants to a more visible side of garden. I am going to stuff a extra freakshow in my tomato section see if anyone notices.
Bales of pro-mix are almost 50$,do you recycle any soil,when my clones go into pots they are only going 3+ months and they pots are nowhere near root bound so I reuse that mix and add 2 bales pro-mix, charged bio char,a few Coast of Maine bags,a roots organic grow amendment and microbes,just potted it all up in the nasty ass rain yest. a wet rat beatdown,woke up w/a sore ass thumb today,glad my body is used to workouts or I'd be stiff as a corpse lol. Glad it's done,only have to fill my buddy's pots for the plants I donate to him.2 weeks ago it looked like spring ,now nasty wind/rain 40's,knew it was going to happen March sucks in New England.Another 12 big bags 1 big bale of sunshine mix #4 and 1 big bag promix, still need idk how much more lol
Oh yeah I reuse only reason I’m even buying new soil is cause I decided to add 6 new 200 gal bags to my garden, I’ve been using the 100gal bags I think this is my 4th season now I just add new amendments to it late winter early springBales of pro-mix are almost 50$,do you recycle any soil,when my clones go into pots they are only going 3+ months and they pots are nowhere near root bound so I reuse that mix and add 2 bales pro-mix, charged bio char,a few Coast of Maine bags,a roots organic grow amendment and microbes,just potted it all up in the nasty ass rain yest. a wet rat beatdown,woke up w/a sore ass thumb today,glad my body is used to workouts or I'd be stiff as a corpse lol. Glad it's done,only have to fill my buddy's pots for the plants I donate to him.2 weeks ago it looked like spring ,now nasty wind/rain 40's,knew it was going to happen March sucks in New England.
It’ is a good bit of work just the beginning sadly lol but the hard work pays off if everything goes right! Oh yeah I’ve heard interesting things about freak showNice looking
I would be jealous but I know how much work is involved. So I am very happy with my ten.
Freakshow is doing real well a real freak show, it is the Humbolt one I know the NY distributor.
I need to sort out uploading images when I last tried here it was unviewable.
6 of my garden workers hatched out of 40 eggs. Life is an experiment and a learning experience. Watching quail chicks is more entertaining than internet cat videos.