Low Keys 2024 Season

I’m aiming for last 2 weeks of may maybe even June first depending how I feel, and weather and my work schedule but its almost that time
I have 4 more I am going to start but run at 18 -20 hours of light and a little hotter tent. So when I pop them out it will be flower time.
My work schedule is coach on Sunday slide the Zamboni when others are out like tonight.
Spend rest of time in garden....
I have 4 more I am going to start but run at 18 -20 hours of light and a little hotter tent. So when I pop them out it will be flower time.
My work schedule is coach on Sunday slide the Zamboni when others are out like tonight.
Spend rest of time in garden....
I work 3 12s Saturday, Sunday and Monday and on those days I can’t do anything just work then eat n sleep
That almost sounds like my race engineering schedule, leave for the track on Thursday 12-14 hours Fri-Sat_Sun then drive back to NY.
What do you do?

We hit a low of 39 last night and the plant looks happy in the sun now.
I’m what we call a shipping loader, I stand in a trailer and stack boxes from floor to ceiling and load freight of pallets for Walmart DC (warehouse)
This is the last week everything will be inside, I will be moving everything outside this week depending on the weather, but I started super cropping my more taller and bushy plants and I’ve also found some real winners as well, my purple dawg mass is an example she’s amazing in smell and looks and I have a special plan for her as tribute/celebration for my recently late father which is the main reason I even got involved/interested in growing cannabis from a extremely young age
Still highs in the 50s for us late next week. We can see low 50s for lows any day of the year though. Looks like we'll see 70 one day. I'm just grateful for all the much needed rain we've been getting.
Still highs in the 50s for us late next week. We can see low 50s for lows any day of the year though. Looks like we'll see 70 one day. I'm just grateful for all the much needed rain we've been getting.
I think it said one day is gonna be 63 next week but every other day is between 70s
I put my second autoflower outside, the yard smells great.
Bumped up my light time in tent 5 minutes they are going outside on Wednesday. Supercropped two of them.
My poppies are coming up and so is some Chamomile I wonder if it will pick up some of the poppy attributes as I make tea for my wife from it.
Great day for the garden, but I have to go slide the Zamboni....
I plan on just puttin mine from 24/7 to 14, or whatever it’s at now outside with just 1 light bulb goin to help it seemed to have worked last year and I read that plants don’t like to get stressed more than once with light cycle change so we shall see, but they’ll be outside from this week til they’re transplanted. I also started late this season so some are just now showing signs and the rest arnt mature enough which I’m hoping helps to keep them in veg
Not this season. Last season leaf septoria destroyed most of my plants, so I had to redo everything this season
Septoria hit me hard as well last summer, but I had 1 plant that was almost totally disease free, so I am running a couple of seeds from that as well as some quick finishing strains that worked in the past. I plan on septoria happening again, so I will keep trying to select for plants that can fight it!
Septoria hit me hard as well last summer, but I had 1 plant that was almost totally disease free, so I am running a couple of seeds from that as well as some quick finishing strains that worked in the past. I plan on septoria happening again, so I will keep trying to select for plants that can fight it!
That shit was a nightmare last year, I’m hoping to avoid it this year, I had 2 or 3, that got it but not bad as the others, it completely killed off 2 or 3 different ones, but I redid my garden, new soils and everything I could think of and read
That shit was a nightmare last year, I’m hoping to avoid it this year, I had 2 or 3, that got it but not bad as the others, it completely killed off 2 or 3 different ones, but I redid my garden, new soils and everything I could think of and read
I have had it 3 out of 5 years. 2 years ago we had a drought all summer and no septoria. I live in the woods and it is everywhere, no avoiding it. I have not found any treatments that do more than slow it down for a minute, and then, when your plant gets old and week at harvest time, it attacks the sugar leaves and forces you to harvest early. Hopefully the strain that was resistant last year will fair as well this year.