Low Keys 2024 Season

I have had it 3 out of 5 years. 2 years ago we had a drought all summer and no septoria. I live in the woods and it is everywhere, no avoiding it. I have not found any treatments that do more than slow it down for a minute, and then, when your plant gets old and week at harvest time, it attacks the sugar leaves and forces you to harvest early. Hopefully the strain that was resistant last year will fair as well this year.
Copper is bout the only thing I’ve found that will some what control and slow it down
Copper is bout the only thing I’ve found that will some what control and slow it down
I won't use copper on cannabis, since it is a bioaccumulater. Copper might be ok on fruit that you wash, but I won't smoke plants that have been exposed to it. I would rather find resistant plants, which I have grown before. I will use BT and Zerotol, but that is about it.
I won't use copper on cannabis, since it is a bioaccumulater. Copper might be ok on fruit that you wash, but I won't smoke plants that have been exposed to it. I would rather find resistant plants, which I have grown before. I will use BT and Zerotol, but that is about it.
Ohh okay gotcha, organic huh? I’m sure there’s stuff out there I just can’t afford it but I used copper and it helped I try not to use much when everything’s budding tho
Mother Nature is fuxking with me, the week I want to get my plants outside to get em to harden off it’s been storming since Monday, today it’s tornado warning and flash flood watches, gotta love that Missouri Weather, but I did get a handful of my back up plants outside I just don’t kno where to actually put them later
I got four of them in. 33 bags of composted manure to refresh the terraced hill. I will start trimming back the bamboo in a few days which will then give them more light. Nothing like having 9 plants in a 2x2 tent, now going set the tent up for 4. Sprinkling chicken shit about hides the other smells for a few minutes.
I am so sore from humping stuff and I have to go coach a bunch of 12 year old's in a hour.. Spent so much time in garden I missed the senior citizen day at Hick's.
Ohh okay gotcha, organic huh? I’m sure there’s stuff out there I just can’t afford it but I used copper and it helped I try not to use much when everything’s budding tho
Copper is pretty much the only thing I have heard of that helps, and sulfur, copper is "organic", funny enough. Never heard of anything else that works. But, I have seen individual plants be unscathed by septoria! So I will try to grow those.
Copper is pretty much the only thing I have heard of that helps, and sulfur, copper is "organic", funny enough. Never heard of anything else that works. But, I have seen individual plants be unscathed by septoria! So I will try to grow those.
Grow them again, that is.
Got one more in, was a little dry in the tent. But after a nice dose of water in it's new home it seems happy now.
Have two more to go in later as we have rain coming that will help them transition.
My quail hutch and run showed up and I will set it up they will help with insect control. I have spread my praying mantis all over the yard. I know the quail can't tell the difference between wanted insects and those on the to be eaten list. Ladybugs will get spread about in a few weeks when my source gets them.

Starting to add other plants to the garden, I do have potato plants in the same tier as the cannabis but what you find out if you grow potato they appear everywhere. French fries from garden grown red potato is out of this world. I also like to put hot peppers plants by the cannabis this helps to keep bugs and four legged pests away.
Got one more in, was a little dry in the tent. But after a nice dose of water in it's new home it seems happy now.
Have two more to go in later as we have rain coming that will help them transition.
My quail hutch and run showed up and I will set it up they will help with insect control. I have spread my praying mantis all over the yard. I know the quail can't tell the difference between wanted insects and those on the to be eaten list. Ladybugs will get spread about in a few weeks when my source gets them.

Starting to add other plants to the garden, I do have potato plants in the same tier as the cannabis but what you find out if you grow potato they appear everywhere. French fries from garden grown red potato is out of this world. I also like to put hot peppers plants by the cannabis this helps to keep bugs and four legged pests away.
I need to get me a veggie garden, I need to pick a spot and just go at it, but on a side note I have moved everything outside, I didn’t realize it was windy but oh well they’re outside to harden up and in a few weeks I’ll transplant them
I need to get me a veggie garden, I need to pick a spot and just go at it, but on a side note I have moved everything outside, I didn’t realize it was windy but oh well they’re outside to harden up and in a few weeks I’ll transplant them
I harden them in the ground. Currently there are nine in the ground two autos in flower and 7 photo sensitive types. My first chore of day is inspect plants, turn on water sprinkle on whole lower garden. Then get newspapers make tea and start day.
My garden produces all year long, I have mushroom plugs in a logs off in the shade. My asparagus keeps my wife happy. Onions and scallions are harvested year round. On the project list is to provided a water feature for the birds with water plants for filtration. I have a view of Manhattan skyline and it is a 40 x 180 lot.
Back to Home Depot tonight will finish up the final tier. The nursery had ladybugs so they will get tossed on the plants tonight.
That looks good, nice pile of plants.

I made metal stamped tags so I wouldn't lose plant id, I screwed the tag to the wood of each tier that has a plant.
That looks good, nice pile of plants.

I made metal stamped tags so I wouldn't lose plant id, I screwed the tag to the wood of each tier that has a plant.
That’s a pretty good idea, I just use little tags and I’ll eventually remember which bag has which
That’s a pretty good idea, I just use little tags and I’ll eventually remember which bag has which
Those plants really look healthy! I usually use row cover to harden off my plants when I transplant outdoors, but we are talking late May/early June in OKlahoma. Long as I protect them during the mid day sun, they adapt pretty quickly.
That looks good, nice pile of plants.

I made metal stamped tags so I wouldn't lose plant id, I screwed the tag to the wood of each tier that has a plant.
That’s a pretty good idea, I just use little tags and I’ll eventually remember which bag has
Those plants really look healthy! I usually use row cover to harden off my plants when I transplant outdoors, but we are talking late May/early June in OKlahoma. Long as I protect them during the mid day sun, they adapt pretty quickly.
another week or 2 and I’ll be putting them in their final bags, lucky enough some are showing signs most are not yet so I’m hoping to avoid a headache
That’s a pretty good idea, I just use little tags and I’ll eventually remember which bag has

another week or 2 and I’ll be putting them in their final bags, lucky enough some are showing signs most are not yet so I’m hoping to avoid a headache
Know that feeling , got a bunch I'm waiting for signs! But it will work out, like every other year.
That’s a pretty good idea, I just use little tags and I’ll eventually remember which bag has which
Last year I had no idea what strain I was growing because cats pulled the labels off, at least that was story I was told. I have had many lost or faded or damage plant labels. So I ordered metal tags took my letter stamper set, small hammer and a nylon block to hammer the labels on to work and in between ice cuts made labels. Have a few more to make for the next lot that are in germination stage. But when you have nearly a complete machine shop in garage you tend to do things differently.
I wonder if I should just go ahead and transplant them this week? Wind keeps knocking all the taller ones over, but im thinkin I will this week just to get it done
I wonder if I should just go ahead and transplant them this week? Wind keeps knocking all the taller ones over, but im thinkin I will this week just to get it done
I would put them in. I found with bamboo which is nearly impossible to kill the bigger the mass of soil about the roots the happier the plant will be. Also in a pot you get more exposure to temp change. The amount of moisture removed from a plant is often dependent on air flow.
I would worry that getting knocked down would damage plant.
I would put them in. I found with bamboo which is nearly impossible to kill the bigger the mass of soil about the roots the happier the plant will be. Also in a pot you get more exposure to temp change. The amount of moisture removed from a plant is often dependent on air flow.
I would worry that getting knocked down would damage plant.
It’s done some no breaks tho, but yea the little 1 gal pot dry out in a day it’s bad