Lowlife AK47 Automatic


Well-Known Member
Ok, well, I've read this forum for a while now but finally decided to jump in and contribute. I've just started my first grow - Lowlife AK-47 Automatic hybrid. I went for the auto for a few reasons, mostly space and simplicity,
but also out of curiosity. I'm just growing for me and I don't smoke pounds of weed, so it should be a productive grow.

I have precious little space in my flat to do any sort of growing so I just bought an HPS and mounted it under my desk (400W Sunmaster Super HPS Deluxe). Also out of curiosity, I'm growing the whole thing under 24h lighting just to see how it fares. I have an oscillating fan under there to move the air around and keep things cool. Otherwise I just leave my window open for fresh air and that's that. It's not really enclosed so the ventilation is pretty good.

They were germed on paper towel and started in jiffy pellets. Soil is just pure commercial bagged compost - again, I was going for simple. Compost is a bit acidic but I have really hard water so I think they work well together. Fed just water for the first week, then a feed of 1/4 strength nutes (Ionic Soil/Grow). I'm adding 1/4 tsp/L epsom salts to all the water and food as well, again because of the rather hard water.

I started them staggered so I wouldn't end up killing them all from the get go in case I messed something up - it's all a bit of a learning experince and I have a habit of learning things the hard way, lol. My first seedling was rushed and it toasted under the lights - pics are from the second one, which is the eldest, and #3 and #4 are about a week and ten days behind this one.

The eldest showed definite sex at 13 days - a girl!! :mrgreen:

So far it's staying really, really short but it's branching like a fractal on amphetamines. As of today, day 16, I count seven nodes on the main cola, each producing two fan leaves and two satellites. The bottom satellites are on 3-4 nodes each already and some of those have started to branch off. The satellites are budding all over the place, as is the main cola. I get the feeling the AKs are definitely the daddies of the lowlifes when it comes to yield - this thing is looking crazy and nothing like the spindly, waif-like pics I've seen of Lowryder.

Some of the branches look a bit twisted in the pics - that's from me moving them around a bit to try to help them find light. It's branching so much that it doesn't have room to fit all the stuff it's trying to grow!

At any rate - more news to come. Watch this space. Questions, comments, and advice all welcome. :blsmoke:


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Well-Known Member
^ oh - and the pics are, in order

day "0" - cotyledons emerge
day 0 - 12h old
day 3
day 5
day 11
day 13 - It's a GIRL!
day 13 (full plant)
day 16 (showing branching)
day 16 (under lights)
day 16 (under the foliage)
day 16 (budding on the satellites)

Last two pics are of the setup under my desk =D


Well-Known Member
love the pics. I was considering doing lowlife AK hybrid for a while but then went with regular AK47 instead. Either way, very curious how this turns out. Having any heat issues? my 400w hps runs very hot.


Well-Known Member
The lamp does seem really hot, but after spending time outside today in some of the first hot summer sun of the year, it seems to my mind that it's not much different from a hot, sunny day. I've got a thermometer in there just in the shade under the leaves and it seems to generally read between 25-28C (77-83F). The direct light seems hot, but not really much more than direct summer sunlight. I didn't have the fan down there at first, mind you, and it seemed like putting it down there helped everything immensely. A few leaves look a bit heat stressed, but they're older leaves and nearer the bottom, so I think it may be just a bit of nute burn as the top leaves seem really green and healthy. It's quite an open space, so the heat doesn't really build up, it seems.

Here's another pic from today taken under more colour balanced light and you'll see what I mean - the top near the lamp is nice and green but the bottom leaves are a bit less fresh and supple - almost a bit parched. Those bottom leaves got one light foliar feed last week and that was probably a bad idea as the next day it definitely showed a bit of nute stress/burn. I did notice that she's drinking a *lot* more water as she gets bigger. I'm having to dump almost a litre in every other day now. It is really, really green mind you, so I'm thinking I've just overdone it a touch on the ferts. It is doing a bit of the claw-leaf thing, but I remember someone (in another thread) noting that was, at least in some cases, a genetic trait. She's looking happy for now, it seems. Pure water for the next couple waterings, I think, then I plan to slowly ramp up with a bit of bloom nute as flowering starts to take off.


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Well-Known Member
I don't see much claw leaf on your plant, but as far as I know clawing isn't genetic. Typically is has something to do with the roots and watering. Too much water (and thus not enough oxygen for roots), rootbound, ph issue, something along those lines. Unless it gets really bad it is not a huge deal though. My plants had clawleaf for a while, I upped the PH from 6.4ish to 6.7ish and they liked that a lot better.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know that clawing can definitely be nute/ph/root - just vaguely remember in passing that someone had done some cloning experiment and saw the claw, at least in one strain, behave something like a genetic trait. Don't remember any details, unfortunately.

I'm not too worried at this point either way yet. Some pics of the claws on my baby here as well as a few leaves which are folding/curling, almost like Mg def. but I'm not sure if it's maybe just heat or nute burn either. I can tell this is really the sort of thing that takes experience to get your head around!

Cheers for the feedback, btw!


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Well-Known Member
Am Excited to see how your grow turnes out Im going to grow LR#2 for my first grow. Im so curious to see how this lowlife seed turnes out I was thinking about buying them too.


Well-Known Member
Well, number two (the second eldest) is 13 days today and seems to be
a boy :( I'll give him a few more days just to be sure, but it seems quite clear at the moment. Pretty consistent, though, with both plants now having shown sex at 13 days from emerging (~14-15 days from planting) - that's really damned fast!



Well-Known Member
Day 19

Ok, so the girl has been growing well the past day or two. Here's a few more pics and a request for a bit of advice.

The bottom leaves have started to yellow in a mottled sort of way -see the pics to get the idea. I know there's a bit of nute burn on some of the other bottom leaves - that's from a week or so ago, and that's not progressing. I sprayed, I burned, I learned. This is new, just from a day or two ago.

The rest of the leaves seem still quite dark green and new growth all looks good, although seems maybe to be slightly lightening from what it was, which was really quite dark, but not enough to make me think it's N starved. I've been feeding a bit of epsom salt with water and food, alternating water and feedings every 3-4 days or so. She was watered about two days ago and the pot is getting quite light again - really starting to drink more now that she's bigger, but I'm mystified about those bottom leaves. I guess this may be the reason I finally go out and buy a damned pH tester.

Is this maybe just normal, perhaps? A shedding of the oldest leaves stuck in the shade of the rest of the foliage?

Might give her a light feed today and see what happens. Any ideas would be welcome and appreciated.


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Well-Known Member
Bottom leaves are still getting worse - I'm starting to think that she's maybe just hungry and it's time to step from 1/4 strength nutes. Gave a feed of 3/4 strength just now and we'll see how things fare.

That said, growth is still strong and this plant is making SO many branches it's not even funny. For a tiny little sucker it's sure got moxie! I count eight large secondary branches which are all starting to bud (see like the photo below) and at least four medium sized secondary-secondary branches which are budding and even more still on the way. It's hardly a foot tall and is pushing ten nodes on the main cola :o I wasn't expecting a puny little auto-flower strain to do anything remotely this vigorous. I'm just hoping she'll pull through this little rough patch with those bottom leaves. Top growth looks good and healthy - a little pale compared to what it was earlier, which is another reason I'm thinking this girl just needs food enough for a big lass.



Well-Known Member
Decided to tie down some of the branches today - foliage was getting too crowded so I opened things up a bit, hopefully to get more light into the deeper leaves.



Well-Known Member
yeah beautiful.

lookin good man...
i hope to have my journal up once they hit at least 17 to 20 days.


Well-Known Member
Day 23

Veg has definitely come to a halt - not much growth over the past few days and buds are now really starting to take off - there must be 12-16 branches which are all blooming!

Feeding now at 3/4 strength, every two days and no sign of burn so the earlier leaf damage, which seems to have slowed or stopped, seems to have been just underfeeding. Today was the first feeding of pure bloom nutes - previous two were half grow half bloom. Few more pics for you all.


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Well-Known Member
Nice little grow there....my experience has been that the yellowing is a tell-tale sign of something not good. I'm on my first grow with a large Sativa that I';ve been growing for 5 months now. She was def. really green until I started giving her nutes. BE CAREFUL! Use your nutes. LIGHTLY. She may not really need much. BEST OF LUCK!



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was being very light on feedings, though, and all was well until she started getting a fair bit bigger and drinking up lots of water. Since then I've started feeding more and the damage seems to have slowed rather than having gotten worse, which is why I thought it may have been a bit starved. I think it may have been a bit of a pH issue as well as I've got really hard water - my nutes are hard water nutes, mind you (extra nitric acid) but I've started boiling the water as well to crash out some of the calcium carbonate - softening the water a bit without adding salts. That seems to be helping too. The yellowing doesn't look like anything characteristic of nute burn either (at least not from the pics I've found in grow guides, etc), so that's what's been leading me to think it was some sort of underfeed or lockout from all the calcium. I'm keeping an eye on it for now, at any rate, and I'll post news as it comes. Only one plant, unfortunately, otherwise I'd experiment a bit more - feed one more and feed one less : see which one fares better, etc. Starting a new grow with some of dr. chronic's mixed autos soon so this one is going to be more of a learning grow, I think.

I dunno, have you seen nute burn look like what was happening on those yellowed leaves up there? Any guesses as to what exactly may be excess/deficient?


Well-Known Member
Yes....I've got nute burn on my big one now, but have to chope her this Friday anyway. BIG LESSON there....I will never force feed them again. Careful Mate!