Well-Known Member
Hey Homer thanks for stopping by, 6g would make me be veryyy happy hehehe. I'll be happy with whatever i get though, It will be the best weed i've ever smoked haha all the weed i've gotten are mostly mids and some dank but definately not like grow like we do dank haha. I'll try to cure it for atleast a week without taking a smoke off of it, Do you think by next saturday/sunday it will smell good/taste good and be smokeable, like not all of it just a tiny bit to test smoke hahai want to give you guys a smoke report.
yeah for sure it'll smell better after even just a couple days curing. definitely give us a smoke report as soon as you want... just save some for a proper cure!
we have had the "curing = more potent" discussion earlier in this thread, I still believe curing has little effect on potency. Can you explain what you mean by more potent?
yeah, let's not get too deep in this again (and you don't have to cure if you don't want to lol) . all i mean by "potent" is "it hits me harder and lasts longer". i've read both sides of the story, and i might have been ambivalent about it, except for the fact that i've experienced it for myself. drastic difference in the duration of the high between no cure (about 45 minutes) and 8 weeks cure (about 3 hours). plenty of trials of each kind. so, while i'm no expert on the scientific basis of curing (carboxylation processes and what not), i'm convinced by my own experience that curing improves the high, in both intensity and duration. so... i'll leave it at that, and everyone can try the experiment at home