lowryder 2 under 540watts t5 hydro


Well-Known Member
Those are some gorgeous looking girls, roll, real nice. Great job! Those will yield some nice juicy buds, no doubt:peace:.


Well-Known Member
this site is messed up.
roll sorry man never saw your pics even though i went through the whole page. te flushing with straight water didnt help because when i first used the straight water on the second wrong res change it didnt help. mind you it was phd to 8 but it didnt help. i just changed the res yesterday with nutes and the ph is at 5.7 or so. that outta help. i know its not nute burn because the new growth is perfect and the older larger leaves are rusting so its def a mag and cal deficiency. the lr2s seem to do that. mine and wannabees did that and i keep seeing threads about lowryder doing that. hopefully in a few days i can show people how resilient lowryder2 are. lol. yah the buds drying make me happy. havnt spent a dollar in a month. and honesty i bought a car and rims and still have a little money. i think the gas and the money for the weed and the hassle was nickel and diming me to death. i seem to have tons of money now. i think i will never pay money for weed again. lol.
your plants are looking pretty huge. you'll def get a nice yield. i'm doing the right setup next. i lost interest in this 1 after seeing how many seeds were being grown. my hempstars are kinda annoying to smoke. all females next time. so far i have about 1000 seeds from my hempstars and just waiting for the lr2 seeds. at least some of the branches wernt seeded. well going ton put the shelf in right now. pics after i'm done.


Well-Known Member
I'm having trouble, when I try to upload my updated pics to my album, it tells me I don't have security tokens, and doesn't complete the upload. I wanted you to see the growth of the lowryders, pretty nice. They are doing well. My bagseed plants turned out well. Went to a jewelry store yesterday for a jewelry's loupe, they didn't sell them. I looked online and saw some for varying prices. Have to figure out what kind of magnification I want first. I'll try attaching the pics here and see what happens. see ya.

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I have that problem uploading pics sometimes. I found it was because of the file size. Try loading less pics at a time, that might work. And depending on your camera setting, if you change it to a smaller file size when you take pics they will load a lot faster.


Well-Known Member
yah it could be that. i have that prob with the higher quality cam. but the site hs been acting weird lately. lol.

and my ceezy walmart cabinet is flexing sideways like crazy. prob like 2 inches top to bottom. better straighten it out. i'm trying to get the second shelf in thefre right now. been busy cleaning getting ready for the all female grow. and 24 plants should be great. and actually i might be seeing improvement already in the colour of the lowryder leaves. still bad but maybe turning around. also the buds seem to have grown jus since yesterday. hopefully all i lost is time.


Well-Known Member
I'm having trouble, when I try to upload my updated pics to my album, it tells me I don't have security tokens, and doesn't complete the upload. I wanted you to see the growth of the lowryders, pretty nice. They are doing well. My bagseed plants turned out well. Went to a jewelry store yesterday for a jewelry's loupe, they didn't sell them. I looked online and saw some for varying prices. Have to figure out what kind of magnification I want first. I'll try attaching the pics here and see what happens. see ya.
I got a 30x jewlery magnifine glass of ebay for, i believe 8 bucks, shipped... Hash lover actually posted a link...not sure i got the exact one he has but it works great...you can see the indvidual trics.....

1982...Good to hear the lowryders are donig better!!!

Alright, the girls just woke up, must go stare at them for a bit......:weed:


Well-Known Member
i did not get that exact one, but similar, this is the one i got and it seems to work great...http://cgi.ebay.com/N-30x-21mm-Eye-Magnifying-Glass-Magnifier-Jeweler-Loupe_W0QQitemZ160313302808QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item160313302808&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72:1205|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:0|293:1|294:50

Got a question for you guys...i just went and bought a small 6'' fan to circulate a bit more air...now where should i put it....blowing up from under or down from above or across the tops..... maybe it dont even matter im just stoned and thinking of sht...hahah any sugestions?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info about the loupe, have one on the way now.

:sad:still not having a luck posting the pics, thought it might have been because the last ones i took were with my other digital camera, but i took more with my other camera and they still won't post. oh well, i reported to riu admin, so we'll see how it goes


Well-Known Member
that sucks about the pics....will it let you post them here? even though you proly want them in your journal...


Well-Known Member
I haven't really decided when to flower the lowryder 2 plants. Since it is an autoflowering strain, they will start when they want, I guess. I think I'm going to put the big lowryder 2 plant in its own five gallon hydrosystem which is on the way. I want to put that in the grow tent, but I am still in the process of hooking up an exhaust fan and ducting for my new 400 hid which has both mh and hps bulbs. I'm not sure how this is going to work because the tent isn't very wide. I want to keep the light cycle to 18/6, so I'll have to close the tent, or else there will be too much light in the bedroom. With the new 400 watt, it gets too hot in there with the tent closed. The guy at the hydro store ordered me a 6" exhaust fan and said it would be there last Wednesday. I went Friday, and it wasn't there yet. I can put the 150 watt hps back in there, but I'd rather see the results with an air cooled 400 watt. Hopefully by next week, I'll get something worked out with cooling that 400 watt hid. If the one Lowrdyer 2 plant gets any bigger, I'll have to do some supercropping or something.


Well-Known Member
wannabee dont chop anything from the lowryder. they will lose yield for sure. i def realised that. but the good news is i think mine might be turning around already. not sure. so you got a loupe eh? what magnification did you get? mines 10 and just a little to weak. i'm going to get a 20 next. but 10 does work well because of it being so high quality. i got my shelf going in right now so the new grow on top of my lowryders can start right away. and youll def be happy with the brainstorm i think you call it. mine is actually very good when i dried a bunch at once. it stinks like crazy to. my lr2s have already been over 60 days now and are nowhere near finished. if you use your 400 and hydro they wont finish that quick but the yield will be huge. i think 85-90 days is more realistic. that bushy 1 will yield huge under a 400. def over an ounce dry. keep posting. cant wait to take pics of my new shelf. lol. never thought id be saying that. i just cleaned my whole area and am wiping everything down with warm water to get rid of any remaining pollen. got 2 new tubs to use as res's.
also wannabee jimtufano convinced me to use clay pellets. if you are growing autos its great because there is no wasted rockwool or anything after removing the males. you just pull them out and throw a female in its place. and they can be used as many times as you want. well i better get back to work


Well-Known Member
wannabee dont chop anything from the lowryder. they will lose yield for sure. i def realised that. but the good news is i think mine might be turning around already. not sure. so you got a loupe eh? what magnification did you get? mines 10 and just a little to weak. i'm going to get a 20 next. but 10 does work well because of it being so high quality. i got my shelf going in right now so the new grow on top of my lowryders can start right away. and youll def be happy with the brainstorm i think you call it. mine is actually very good when i dried a bunch at once. it stinks like crazy to. my lr2s have already been over 60 days now and are nowhere near finished. if you use your 400 and hydro they wont finish that quick but the yield will be huge. i think 85-90 days is more realistic. that bushy 1 will yield huge under a 400. def over an ounce dry. keep posting. cant wait to take pics of my new shelf. lol. never thought id be saying that. i just cleaned my whole area and am wiping everything down with warm water to get rid of any remaining pollen. got 2 new tubs to use as res's.
also wannabee jimtufano convinced me to use clay pellets. if you are growing autos its great because there is no wasted rockwool or anything after removing the males. you just pull them out and throw a female in its place. and they can be used as many times as you want. well i better get back to work
I got the one that was posted a few responses back for $4.99 off e-bay, 20x, looks nice for the price.

I wasn't considering chopping the girl, no way, only maybe gently bending it over a little. I did that with your fav of my bagseed plants, made just a little dip to maximize space. I'm not going to do that right away though. Just want to get it under the 400 watt since it's taking up a lot of space and crowding the smaller ones out. Nice lush growth though, I like it. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yea ive been looking at the auto-flowers recently, im curious how well they work, keep us updated wannabee.. Im sure your dying to get that 400 in there... im getting one soon... got to get exhaust too...already know what i want though

You gunna take some pics of the new set up 1982??


Well-Known Member
ok so i have the shelf in. i have to mount the lights next. this is trickier. i want them flush with the top as height is already an issue. the shelf is weak and what you would expect from walmart. lol. it did block some light from bothering me now when i sleep. overall its done nicely. going to post pics as soon as i get the holes cut for the mesh pots. thats a pain. i will also need another pump and maybe another timer. not sure what my light cycles will be yet. i bought 4 2x1.5 foot res's 2 for the top shelf and 2 for the bottom. going 6 in each 1 for 24 total between 2 shelves. i was going to try the ebb and flow but thought the extra expense being high would not save me money for 3 to 4 grows. this should work fine. plus the smaller ress will be easier to change. i still need to vent it to. that will be after the duct guys leave whenever they come this week. but it is coming along. i def need to make use of the top shelf soon. feels like its being wasted now that the hempstars are done and i' in between grows. need to keep busy i guess. i'll post pics later still and will hopefully have the lights mounted.