LP's selling out the back door...Apparently widespread.

I hear ya but take tweed for example, they have millions of operating capital in the bank. Even if they were offing hundreds of pounds out the backdoor, its a drop in the bucket for them...not worth it.
they are WASTING Billions every year and it;s GROWING lol
They will have the billions from Constellations SPENT in just under a year from now :)

and Its going to be funny as shit to see these fuck wads die by the way side... from PURE GREED :p
Maybe an underpaid, disgruntled employee with zero fucks given but in the case of canntrust with whole rooms? That was an executive decision and IMO should their license revoked and somebody's ass in jail just like what would happen to you and me...the average joe
Who knows exactly how many hands are in the pie also. How many rooms do you think they have?
No idea, but it doesnt matter as far as Im concerned, its illegal cultivation and should be treated as such

Question is why is a plant that had its price tied to the illegality of growing it and going to jail for growing it, is now more expensive when its legal to grow and also now its like 5-10X more expensive legally than it is to grow it illegally when its only $1000/lb vs $3000 before MMAR.
Question is why is a plant that had its price tied to the illegality of growing it and going to jail go growing it now more expensive when it legal to grow and also now ts like 5-10X more expensive legally than it is to grow it illegally when its only $1000/lb vs $3000 before MMAR.
Because people that are higher ups for LP still have friends who are growing illegally and they just can't keep it to themselves that they are back dooring for a long time now and you spill the beans over hookers and blow parties.
Really? Is black market more expensive for you folks now?
Where i am, street prices have dropped substantially since the semi legalization.
I didn't notice the drop in price unfortunately
I am in the U.S. Since the changes, i have been given more outdoor than i care to have or will ever smoke.
Know so many growing a few plants, looking to swap. I can get decent indoor for half of what i used to pay these days.... unless i head to the dispensary.
I am in the U.S. Since the changes, i have been given more outdoor than i care to have or will ever smoke.
Know so many growing a few plants, looking to swap. I can get decent indoor for half of what i used to pay these days.... unless i head to the dispensary.
I get ya that is true more people are def growing
I dunno what this gb123 is laughing about?

One place, it's a trimmer who sells it for them. They other place he uses a fall guy for the streets. Which I know of.

I'm sure they're all selling out the back 100%
I dunno what this gb123 is laughing about?

One place, it's a trimmer who sells it for them. They other place he uses a fall guy for the streets. Which I know of.

I'm sure they're all selling out the back 100%
Who wouldnt... With the system in place the tax is jacking up prices too high.
With no tax, they can charge a normal price and move some volume.
Who wouldnt... With the system in place the tax is jacking up prices too high.
With no tax, they can charge a normal price and move some volume.
All of the LP's in Canada have invested millions, some have billions, to become a legal producer. Would you jeopardize that investment? I would say, only if you have too.
I dunno what this gb123 is laughing about?

One place, it's a trimmer who sells it for them. They other place he uses a fall guy for the streets. Which I know of.

I'm sure they're all selling out the back 100%
Im laughing at the fact that I have been saying this happens since day one FOR YEARS NOW lo
its a simple fact they sell out the back door.
The fact they increased its price makes it even funnier SEEInG AS ITS LEGAL NOW?? lol
as always
Only deal is ...............................ITS KILLING LPS :)