LP's selling out the back door...Apparently widespread.

All of the LP's in Canada have invested millions, some have billions, to become a legal producer. Would you jeopardize that investment? I would say, only if you have too.
Really no other good reason to risk their lp status. Need to stay afloat, and most of them were probably involved in black market before getting legal.

If i was in the market, i would be selling back door to stay afloat as well. Cant really blame them. The shit is about to hit the fan everywhere, even here. Too much product, not enough market.... supply vs demand rules
Really no other good reason to risk their lp status. Need to stay afloat, and most of them were probably involved in black market before getting legal.

If i was in the market, i would be selling back door to stay afloat as well. Cant really blame them. The shit is about to hit the fan everywhere, even here. Too much product, not enough market.... supply vs demand rules
THEY CAN DO ANYTHING THEY WISH AND NOT BE CAUGHT Like THEY ALREADY DO AND HAVE BEEN DOING..only a few really greedy idiots were caught SO FAR anyway..
WHY YOu ask??

It does look good on them for sure, but my hopes of making a legal living growing buds doesnt look good also...
All of the LP's in Canada have invested millions, some have billions, to become a legal producer. Would you jeopardize that investment? I would say, only if you have too.

Well we've had usage of heavy duty illegal pesticides (got caught), illegal unlicensed hidden grow rooms (got caught), illegal stock manipulation with delistings and lets not forget the 1000's on of unclaimed MMAR weed that rotted away in Kelowna. https://nationalpost.com/news/canad...ijuana-producers-stock-price-documents-reveal

So yah no different than penny stocks, ran by the exact same personality, increase share price at all costs to cash out or let your insider friends cash in.
Really no other good reason to risk their lp status. Need to stay afloat, and most of them were probably involved in black market before getting legal.

If i was in the market, i would be selling back door to stay afloat as well. Cant really blame them. The shit is about to hit the fan everywhere, even here. Too much product, not enough market.... supply vs demand rules
I dont know if its too much product myself, I believe its the quality and price more than anything else. With cannabis being legal the price should be MUCH cheaper, with taxes included but its not. Most people dont care where or who produced it. LP weed is shit and it costs more...bottom line IMO
I dont know if its too much product myself, I believe its the quality and price more than anything else. With cannabis being legal the price should be MUCH cheaper, with taxes included but its not. Most people dont care where or who produced it. LP weed is shit and it costs more...bottom line IMO
Prices on the legal market are more expensive here. Legal = Taxed. Dispensaries here are taxed state and local, pushing prices higher than the black market before legalization. Just the way it goes.
I am just happy i can grow a plant without fear of prison time and a felony on my record.
The west coast has such an overage of product, they are disposing of it and practically giving it away. The concentrate market has to be overloaded as well.
Just shop local if you dont like the lp shit, Government isnt going to give up their tax money.
Not sure what you're trying to sell here but there's plenty of people who sell weed, home made alcohol and illegal cigs all over the place. Weed being the most prolific with 1000's of people selling it.

The point is these guys thought the government was just going to legalize weed and let every nickel and dime dealer and grower into the game *poof* like magic. Now they are butthurt that there is a system in place that excludes a lot of folks. That's pretty much how every legitimate business works. Welcome to the real world.

The average non alcoholic consumer doesnt by BM liquor....not in Canada at least. Weed will go that direction as well, who cares? At least anyone who wants to can grow their own. Like home brew beer and wine, except easier.
The point is these guys thought the government was just going to legalize weed and let every nickel and dime dealer and grower into the game *poof* like magic. Now they are butthurt that there is a system in place that excludes a lot of folks. That's pretty much how every legitimate business works. Welcome to the real world.

The average non alcoholic consumer doesnt by BM liquor....not in Canada at least. Weed will go that direction as well, who cares? At least anyone who wants to can grow their own. Like home brew beer and wine, except easier.
your thoughts are out in left field
Dont even try and understand the ones who ARE THIS INDUSTRY.. lol It's Way over your head
I know yer all pissed because you invested in the lies :)
WTG To bad eh
These investments are TOAST
It does look good on them for sure, but my hopes of making a legal living growing buds doesn't look good also...
that's what THEY want you to thinkk but like ALWAYS its easy and the deal will not see you go to jail
LPs have been caught selling and GROWING ILLEGALLY and ,,,NOTHING:D:idea::idea::idea:

like its any different for anyone else when it comes to COURT??..... YA ,,,,WAIT FOR IT TO GO TO COURT and all will come out in the wash Lol

I can say that ANYONE with half a brain can make a GOOD WAGE doing it all by themselves .. :)
The point is these guys thought the government was just going to legalize weed and let every nickel and dime dealer and grower into the game *poof* like magic. Now they are butthurt that there is a system in place that excludes a lot of folks. That's pretty much how every legitimate business works. Welcome to the real world.

The average non alcoholic consumer doesnt by BM liquor....not in Canada at least. Weed will go that direction as well, who cares? At least anyone who wants to can grow their own. Like home brew beer and wine, except easier.

You sound like an angry LP or legal dispensary employee/owner. Alcohol is 10X cheaper than weed and alcohol was legalized in an era of much diofferent social attitude and acceptance. Here's some shocking news for you, just because its legal doesn't mean everyone will do it. I'm around weed most of the day and I didn't take up daily smoking once it became legal, hell I smoke maybe every few months now and I can get descent weed for $800/lb atm.

If there were unlicensed liquor stores selling alcohol at 1/2 or less you can be majority would buy it from them. I sure would.
You sound like an angry LP or legal dispensary employee/owner. Alcohol is 10X cheaper than weed and alcohol was legalized in an era of much diofferent social attitude and acceptance. Here's some shocking news for you, just because its legal doesn't mean everyone will do it. I'm around weed most of the day and I didn't take up daily smoking once it became legal, hell I smoke maybe every few months now and I can get descent weed for $800/lb atm.

If there were unlicensed liquor stores selling alcohol at 1/2 or less you can be majority would buy it from them. I sure would.

easily seen,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, eh....
not to mention I quit..so they will never see any coin from this cat lol
No one is going to start drinking herb or eating it. The sales were quick but will end as fast. lol
You sound like an angry LP or legal dispensary employee/owner. Alcohol is 10X cheaper than weed and alcohol was legalized in an era of much diofferent social attitude and acceptance. Here's some shocking news for you, just because its legal doesn't mean everyone will do it. I'm around weed most of the day and I didn't take up daily smoking once it became legal, hell I smoke maybe every few months now and I can get descent weed for $800/lb atm.

If there were unlicensed liquor stores selling alcohol at 1/2 or less you can be majority would buy it from them. I sure would.
This is why, unlike most people, i dont want it legalized federally here. They will just pile on more taxes, and make personal grows illegal. Box us in so to speak
This is why, unlike most people, i dont want it legalized federally here. They will just pile on more taxes, and make personal grows illegal. Box us in so to speak

It should have never been legalized until all provinces/municipalities had their shit together, had a proper personal production exemptions and allowed illegal growers to transition into legal growing but ex cops and politicians were in there like pigs at a trough locking out anyone who didn't have some connection to them or big business. Now you can become a $15 trimmer.
It should have never been legalized until all provinces/municipalities had their shit together, had a proper personal production exemptions and allowed illegal growers to transition into legal growing but ex cops and politicians were in there like pigs at a trough locking out anyone who didn't have some connection to them or big business. Now you can become a $15 trimmer.
This would not be legal if the feds were involved....


I dont know if its too much product myself, I believe its the quality and price more than anything else. With cannabis being legal the price should be MUCH cheaper, with taxes included but its not. Most people dont care where or who produced it. LP weed is shit and it costs more...bottom line IMO

Once the supply chain is fixed it's going down to 4 buc
You sound like an angry LP or legal dispensary employee/owner. Alcohol is 10X cheaper than weed and alcohol was legalized in an era of much diofferent social attitude and acceptance. Here's some shocking news for you, just because its legal doesn't mean everyone will do it. I'm around weed most of the day and I didn't take up daily smoking once it became legal, hell I smoke maybe every few months now and I can get descent weed for $800/lb atm.

If there were unlicensed liquor stores selling alcohol at 1/2 or less you can be majority would buy it from them. I sure would.

Except I'm neither and LP or dispe scary owner and have never bought a gram of legal weed. Althought I've smoked some decent gray market and homegrown. Just a life long businessman who understands what success takes. All the pissing and moaning about legal weed amuses me. Let me tell you the future: $4 gram legal and improved quality after a few bankruptcies and consolidations. Its really not that hard to grow. The black market will always be there, but in ten years it will be half the size it is now. This shit just isn't rocket science, its just business like any other regulated product out there.
I see....coming from two people who know nothing about LP' SHIT SPRAYED POISON IRRATED SHIT!
You to will off anything ...eh... :lol:
No repeat business for you it seems and your line ups will go away fast
Once the Legacy Market sees this shit...They WONT BUY ANY!!!!!! LEGACY IS ALLL ABOUT REPEAT..eh..

YOu actually think the legacy market buys shit? Bwahahahahahaha
More unknown from the unknowns :lol:

This selling out the back door has been KNOWN ABOUT since day one ;)
I bet yer OK with the Asian invasion as well and buy willy nilly from them ...

I didn’t say any of that but ok guy
The point is these guys thought the government was just going to legalize weed and let every nickel and dime dealer and grower into the game *poof* like magic. Now they are butthurt that there is a system in place that excludes a lot of folks. That's pretty much how every legitimate business works. Welcome to the real world.

The average non alcoholic consumer doesnt by BM liquor....not in Canada at least. Weed will go that direction as well, who cares? At least anyone who wants to can grow their own. Like home brew beer and wine, except easier.

Nah, you're wrong. The corporate takeover of cannabis is already a fail, and the winners will be the craft growers that come on line when the ponzi clowns are done picking each others bones. They didn't understand the market and blew their wad shoving themselves down our throats.

Lol, any more "real world" pearls of wisdom you want to impart while we laugh you to the door?