alright well doing something like this is worth doing right
don't buy them in fucking target man! think of all that retard karma you'll have flowing through your energy.
plus the chances are much higher it won't do shit if you buy morning glory seeds at a hardware store. the fresher the better.
the difference in potency is approximately 1-2 orders of magnitude. My friends have gotten intense and fulfilling trips with 3 hawaiian baby woodrose seeds (scrape the outside of them off and eat, or mash em up and soak them in some vodka with lemon juice, then ingest). This is compared to needing upwards of 100-500 morning glory seeds (depending on extraction efficiency). Personally I've just eaten them, first and best experience was 6 seeds then 4 more a few hours later. It depends a lot on body chemistry though, so I'd start with 3.
I'll try to answer whatever questions you have, these seeds are definitely worth trying out.
The extraction I think you are talking about is straightforward, but you need to get clean naptha or hexane. Unfortunately I don't remember enough of the specifics from my research ( I didn't write any of it down and I'm a stoner...), but the point is you MUST test your solvent to make sure it evaporates cleanly. The problem is, that from what I can gather and from personal experience, people only have mixed success from this extraction (likely due to impurities in the solvents used).