LSA extraction

Mr. Sm:)es

Active Member
Well a pretty simple trick is to soak them in cold bottled water, for about an hour. Then just pop the little fuckers with a glass of OJ or Lemon juice. Best results for me. I tripped with this kid who was about 2 or 3 years under me. Best trip ever, we walked around for a few hours looking at all the x-mas lights. Well I was also playing Jonney Potseed. Planting a hugh pocket full of pot seeds all over the place, on the side of the road, peoples yards, gardens, window sills. Good times odd times. Next time I go down to central FL, I need to hang with that guy again.


Well-Known Member
So apparently MisterMicro WAS sent FREE acid from the guy hes calling a scam.
You jerk Micro, this is the reason you cannot find these sort of drugs. Good luck in the future with your trips.
What? I paid 40 dollars for sid, no free sid in 40 dollars. Stop tweaking the facts bro.

Anyways shits cleared up, aleast thats what the word is.. After i gave styles the password along with test question he didnt respond for 15 some days. What was one to think? When your buying sid, isnt it important to get the shipping info asap? I mean it is illegal, and a hot commodity right?

STYLES is A-OK, Just needs a little more communication.


Well-Known Member
My badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy badMy bad


Well-Known Member
alright sence we cleared that up i have two more q's before i wip up some LSA.

Does it matter what type of morning glory seeds i use?

How much should i use?


Well-Known Member
Yea it does. At least 100 seeds. More the better until you get to like 300+, because then your risking stupid shit to happen. Heavenly blue I've always heard were one of the best. Pearly gates too. Ipomea v. and ipomea tricolor, I'm not sure if tricolor works but I think.


Well-Known Member
Aesome gutter and aliasofmike, very good, spread the knowledge of Psychedelics so the people can know... the truth. Ok anyways, alright well im finding it hard to get the methanol, i have the naphtha (theres no warning on it of benzene or carcinogens so im going to go ahead and use it, it is from ace). I think i might try a window cleaning solvent from a auto parts store, but ill make damn sure its pure methanol, im sure a little water that i noticed is in it shouldn't hurt.


Well-Known Member
in my opinion.

hawiian baby woodrose because you only need to eat 3-6 seeds to get a nice trip.

honestly, both are good, but hbwr are just easier and more foolproof. personally i do a short alcohol extraction and it seems to work well. i've messed around with both plenty though.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys i checked out my local ACE and the strains of morning glory in there inventory include: Glacier Star, Royal Blue Ensighn, and Mailbox mix... Any of these alright? And for the polar solvent zippo fluid should work eh? Hey thanks all for the help through this journey, this shit is aesome.


Well-Known Member
in my opinion.

hawiian baby woodrose because you only need to eat 3-6 seeds to get a nice trip.

honestly, both are good, but hbwr are just easier and more foolproof. personally i do a short alcohol extraction and it seems to work well. i've messed around with both plenty though.
Ohhh snapp ok.

Wow, im going to have to find some hawaiin baby woodrose. thats pretty cool. Ace didnt have um so im going to check the nursury at the Target. IS there anything on the potency of Hawaiin baby woodrose vs Morning glory? I dont get why there telling you to go with either or.
YA im thinking if im going to do it, im going all out.


Well-Known Member
alright well doing something like this is worth doing right

don't buy them in fucking target man! think of all that retard karma you'll have flowing through your energy. :) plus the chances are much higher it won't do shit if you buy morning glory seeds at a hardware store. the fresher the better.

the difference in potency is approximately 1-2 orders of magnitude. My friends have gotten intense and fulfilling trips with 3 hawaiian baby woodrose seeds (scrape the outside of them off and eat, or mash em up and soak them in some vodka with lemon juice, then ingest). This is compared to needing upwards of 100-500 morning glory seeds (depending on extraction efficiency). Personally I've just eaten them, first and best experience was 6 seeds then 4 more a few hours later. It depends a lot on body chemistry though, so I'd start with 3.

I'll try to answer whatever questions you have, these seeds are definitely worth trying out.

The extraction I think you are talking about is straightforward, but you need to get clean naptha or hexane. Unfortunately I don't remember enough of the specifics from my research ( I didn't write any of it down and I'm a stoner...), but the point is you MUST test your solvent to make sure it evaporates cleanly. The problem is, that from what I can gather and from personal experience, people only have mixed success from this extraction (likely due to impurities in the solvents used).


Well-Known Member
Haha alright well thats the closest nursery around so target it is, just cause i dont give a fuck. i read something earlier that said the Hawaiin baby woodrose has a lsa content of 14% where MG seeds have .02 % so i hear ya loud and clear. Why even suggest quero MG, that shits for suckas. i read something today that said i could grind up the seeds, put um in a tea bag then throw it some cold water and the water will act as a solvent, and numerous people on the forum and good things to say about the trip. ill try this. I cant FUCKING wait!!!:hump:

Ya i heard about the impurities in the link that i think you gave earlier. Im tring to find a windshield cleaner solvent with only methanol, iv'e found them on the interenet but not in person yet.

alright well doing something like this is worth doing right

don't buy them in fucking target man! think of all that retard karma you'll have flowing through your energy. :) plus the chances are much higher it won't do shit if you buy morning glory seeds at a hardware store. the fresher the better.

the difference in potency is approximately 1-2 orders of magnitude. My friends have gotten intense and fulfilling trips with 3 hawaiian baby woodrose seeds (scrape the outside of them off and eat, or mash em up and soak them in some vodka with lemon juice, then ingest). This is compared to needing upwards of 100-500 morning glory seeds (depending on extraction efficiency). Personally I've just eaten them, first and best experience was 6 seeds then 4 more a few hours later. It depends a lot on body chemistry though, so I'd start with 3.

I'll try to answer whatever questions you have, these seeds are definitely worth trying out.

The extraction I think you are talking about is straightforward, but you need to get clean naptha or hexane. Unfortunately I don't remember enough of the specifics from my research ( I didn't write any of it down and I'm a stoner...), but the point is you MUST test your solvent to make sure it evaporates cleanly. The problem is, that from what I can gather and from personal experience, people only have mixed success from this extraction (likely due to impurities in the solvents used).


Well-Known Member
alright i tried the Tea bag method. No alias mike i dont want your tea bag. haha jp but ya i dont know, i tried i dont know how many but 4.5 grams of the heavenly blue. Im not expeiriencing any trails, but light seems significantly beautiful. i just feel an inner peace, a calm mello feeling as if i have been meditating. Should i try more? i couldnt really get them completly fine when i crushed them.


Active Member
OK, I just chewed, gound with teeth really into a "chewing tabacco consistancy". I did not swallow any of my spit juices "lovely" till i had it good and ground up. They when securly tucked under my lip, then i swallowed the juices. I had two good swallas about 3/4 oz each. Felt a little bit of a stimulating high, then fell asleep for a couple hours. I had very vivid and trippy dreams, most of it is so fucked up there is no way to remember. Anyways i would have forgot itt all until my girl asked for a towel. She had just gotten out the show and i had two towels, one dirty one clean. I told her the green one was clean and then i remembered part of my dream trip started with a house that was full of neatly folded towel compartments that went to the ceiling.....anyways It is very strange, I think it is some kind of shaman type thing that we should just grow in our yard cause its nice. If one doesnt know how to use it or what it can do, may want to leave it to the experts depending on your mental stability. Oh yea, i fell asleep on the couch and ended up in the bed with the wife.......


Well-Known Member
hi spoad, that is interesting...might have been able to keep the craziness down a bit if you were conscious :D

did you swallow the seed mush? did you use morning glories or hbwr?



Well-Known Member
Yeah you get some lucid dreams for sure, Lsa gas actually helped me remeber dreams since ive been playing with it, even a couple days after i dose, Ive never remembered so many dreams and remembered them as consistantly as now. From the past week ive been recalling every dream when i wake. Maby i have Pinealglandproduction disorder and i need a phychedelics to break down that pesky ego. Thats the funny bit about all this shit being illegal, DMT is produced in your own brain yet you will get hard time for pocession.

Anyways id like to get some commentary on my method.

I soaked 350 MG Heavenly Blue seeds intell the started popping. (Thanks Alias, this is great for being broke ass) I poped every last one of them out. I swashed them in water to try to remove the soapy film on the outside, I thing this has a good deal to do with the nausia because just looking at it makes me want to throw up. I accidently at a seed once and that was one of the most nasty expeiriences i have ever had. Anyways i mushed up the seeds and put them in tap water (which i should have researched, because i just read chlorine destroys lsa) i then added Some Hi-C(100% vitamen C) and about 2 shots of 100% lemon Juice. Im going to let is sit for about 6 hours and then filter all the seed meat out.

Overall im mostly curious about acid and lsa, i just figure it would disolve the lsa into the water making it easier to enter the system.


Well-Known Member
hey micro, welcome to the wonderful world of mg/hwbr/lsa/ancient aztec or earlier. Its a beautiful plant. Everytime I ingest the good stuff I imagine the little vine with heart shaped leaves coming out of the glass and wrapping lovingly up my spine. I was thinking just today I should try MG again this weekend in place of HWBR, assess diferences.

So on to the method...I'm really glad this is working for you. I completely agree about the soapy film, have you noticed how it can make your fingers burn (especially at the cuticle or any cuts)? I think washing them is a good idea, I've tried a quick alcohol wash too. The deal with the acid is that it (i think) increases the solubility of the lsa by incresaing the pH. Also a lot of people take ascorbic acid with LSD so it can't hurt right? :) I'm going to try something modeled after your extraction nexttime because I haven't tried something exactly like it before. Did you notice any naseua or wierdness in the stomach? How did you filter the seed mush? A tea bag reduces surface area of seed mush as presented to water, so the filter after soaking method is better, but filtering can be dificult especially if you haven't cleaned the soapy film off.

Concerning the dosage, its largely dependent on efficiency of extraction. If you straight eat the little seed pulps, you can get some kind of trip off as little as 50-100 largely depending on the quality of the seeds and their age.

That said, this drug is not profoundly 'visual'. I think its the kind of thing that is great for closed eye day dreaming, and that really opens up to you with focus. I find I get interesting suggestions that border on a hallucination, that the idea of seeing something is so strongly enhanced to as almost be real. It is very beautiful. Definitely great for nature walking.

Basically yeah, try 400 seeds next time maybe, or a longer soak (stick with 6 hours if you got no nasuea imo). Also, you best be smoking weed. At least once.
