LSD stories!

Orange Sunshine on B12 tabs and Chocolate Mescaline. June 19, 1970. Albuquerque Civic Center. Jimi Hendrix with Mitch Mitchell on drums and Felix Pappallardi on bass. Unfucking real. Cruising Central and UNM afterwards with bags of both trying to get hippies high. My buddy was Army Reserves, I was discharged from the USMC on June 9. Most long hairs wouldn't get near us. Dumbasses.
Orange Sunshine on B12 tabs and Chocolate Mescaline. June 19, 1970. Albuquerque Civic Center. Jimi Hendrix with Mitch Mitchell on drums and Felix Pappallardi on bass. Unfucking real. Cruising Central and UNM afterwards with bags of both trying to get hippies high. My buddy was Army Reserves, I was discharged from the USMC on June 9. Most long hairs wouldn't get near us. Dumbasses.

Shhiiiiiitttt. Lemme go back in time.
Absolutely the best chemical high out there IMHOP, but just REMENBER children, that it can also be the worst too. I have had some great trips, but I also have had some REALLY scary ones. I knew a girl actually that met up with some GD roadies at a concert, and disappeared for 2 days. We were ready to call the cops, ( her parents were assholes) when she just showed up (sort of)
She was NEVER the same after that 2 day's of tripping. Always had that stoned and dreamy expression, even straight, and would talk some strange shit.
One of the funniest trips I had (sort of) was my 1st, when I ate 1/2 a hit of 4 way barrel Sunshine (awesome acid) at 6 PM, thinking that I would be back home to mommy and daddy at 12.(I was 16) Wow, was that a mistake. Anyway, my friends dumped me at my house at like 4 AM, me still TOTALLY tripping out, and my parents were waiting. Oh shit. My father started to beat the shit out of me, and he turned into this robot like thing with his skin divided up into thousands of neon red cracks and my mother became Medusa, with all these snakes popping out of her head. I just curled up in the corner while pops went Jujitsu on me, but then my mom caught on that I was fucked up on something, and made him stop, and he told me to go to bed.
We were Irish Catholic ( big time) and the next day was Sunday. Oh Fuck, forgot about that. Anyway, at 8 AM Pops got me up (like I was sleeping) and said "get dressed, were going to Mass" OH MY GOD. So, then the funny part was that I was finally coming down in a church, with angels and priests and nuns and stained glass, and I felt like I was in Heaven, with Satan sitting next to me (my pops) I still laugh when I think of that one.
Scariest was one in college when about 10 of us all dropped this acid called Cherry (little wax balls) which was very clean and nice.
We were all in the living room watching Star Trek, and I guess someone was playing the music too loud, because all of a sudden there was a knock at the door, and me, like an asshole, answered the door. I open the door, and standing there were 2 city cops and a state trooper. All I sort of remember after that is me slamming the door shut, running through the house and THROUGH the back screen door. My friends told me afterwards I ran for 2 blocks before the cops got me, and then it took 3 to bring me down ( 5'6-140 lbs)
They brought me to the hospital and shot me up with some shit that put me out, and then I woke up the next day in the psych ward chained to the bed.(lol) Oh well, that trip didn't go as planned.
But the worst was yet to come. You see, the police then searched the house, and charged me with every drug they found. like more acid, some speed, some downs, some hash and hash oil and 13 zips of weed. All on me. I was facing like 20 years with multiple felonies in CT, where they would fuck you for a joint at that time. I had no money, and the PD wanted me to plead for 10 years. I said fuck you, I want a new attorney. I got one, and in like 15 minutes got all the charges dropped. No search warrant. Nice. Moral of the story, do acid in the safest place possible with good friends and it should be great, but DO NOT underestimate it, it is not for children.
KNOW YOUR SOURCE! In the Corps stationed in California in 68-70 we would go to Laguna Beach. Hippies walking up and down Pacific Coast Highway 1 and as they would pass people they would mutter "Grass, grass" or "Acid". People wanting whatever would let them know and off they would go to do a deal.Not with us.Of course Marine haircuts we looked like DEA (which a lot of veterans did!). One night a guy actually offered to sell us some weed so we pulled around the corner. The asshole pulled this chickencrap little Iver Johnson .32 on me and was way more nervous than me with a gun.I glanced over his shoulder and stared like somebody was coming up behind him and he fell for it and turned his head.His gun and his ass were mine. After he ran off my heart was pounding so damned hard. I was pissed!

I went over to PCH1 and started walking. I grabbed the first longhair I heard selling pot and informed him I was somebody's brother,somebody's kid, just like friends he had from wherever he was. I asked him to please sell me some pot.He looked freaked and said okay to follow him.Off behind Taco Bell and he fishes out a bag.I look at it.Now I am from the Mexican border. We got bags then and measured them by how many fingers. A five finger bag was a good's this 2 finger bag. I look and ask how much.

"$20. And that's a good deal."

"Okay I guess so" I told him.

"Guess so? Who else is going to sell you weed and I give you a good deal? How much do you think that should be?"

"Where I'm from $5" I told him.

"$5!!!!! Where in the hell are you from, Cowboy? That's a weighed ounce! $5?"

"El Paso, man"

"Remind me to go visit there someday.You want it or not?"

Anyway to shorten this I would hunt him down every payday after that.I bought killer acid (blotter usually but Orange Sunshine a lot too). The Corps had dogs that could sniff out pot or smack (fuck that shit and the people who use it) but no LSD or Mescaline etc. So what we took back was obvious.

Started to get discharged and I go to him and tell him I want 2000 hits of Orange Sunshine like we had gotten from him the week before. His mouth drops.

"You're kidding aren't you, cowboy?"

Nope. I'm being discharged and El Paso has weed and everything else but friends tell me nothing like this shit, buddy.

"I'll need time.And of course you know I will have to have the money and it will be direct from the chemist.You will not be able to go.If you can handle all that I'll try."

Nobody likes fronting money but this guy was good people. Really good people. I gave him $2K. All I had and asked him to do his best. Off to Taco Bell to wait. An hour. 2 hours.Pretty soon the sun is starting to go down and I'm getting a little concerned when here he comes.

"Bet you were freaking, huh Cowboy? Sorry it took so long.Couldn't get 2K of the sunshine but I filled the reaming 500 hits with something cool."

He had brought 500 hits of Chocolate Mescaline to makeup the balance. Big frigging clear horse caps of beautiful chocolate powder! Take the 1500 hits of sunshine and 450 hits of the mescaline and into a box they go.Mailed right from Camp Pendleton. Back to my old lead guitar player and buddy.

Got home, found out Hendrix was playing 10 days later up the road in ABQ and that they had bought me a ticket! What a trip in more ways than one. And I remember everything about Hendrix.
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First time dropping acid 5 hits of California sunshine, talk about fucking high. We watched all 3 lord of the rings movies and it was epic, 9 hrs felt like 9 years. Then we went for a walk around town which is absolutely dead at night and I was still getting visuals from lord of the rings. We first dropped at around 9pm we didn't get back from our walk till like 9 am still tripping balls, I didn't drop all 5 at once mind you but still, I was high for the rest of the day, so high that I could hear a water faucet dripping all the way across a 26 unit apartment building and 3 stories up. I followed the sound and even got visuals of it slowly dripping it was driving me crazy so I finally got up there and knocked on the door, a woman answers the door and right away I burst out laughing and say I'm tripping on acid could you please shut your tap off all the way it's driving me nuts, she looked at me like I was a ghost. But she must off shut it off bc the dripping stopped, either that or I was just way to fucked up and imagining the whole thing. Either way acid is a blast haven't tripped in nearly 10 years thinking it's about time.
I'll never forget one brief portion of this time my best friend and i were tripping at my house. This was about his second or third time tripping and he had only done small doses up until this point, we had gotten some >95% 200ug tabs in thought we would test some out I tell him to go easy since he's never tried acid this strong before. I go get us some drinks and organize food for later since i'm the only person that is ever prepared out of my friends I like to make sure if we go out somewhere we have food and water to survive a night or two, walk back into my room he has 2 1/2 tabs in his mouth i'm like "cunt what'd I say" he's just like "you're taking this journey with me" so i'm like alright knowing him he'll just be mopey that i didn't want to experience exactly what he was experiencing i decide to go 500ug deep as well.

All is going well, both coming on pretty nicely, everything is super vibrant I start to see the air around me every particle flowing freely when i can feel him shaking next to me, not the euphoric kind of exhilarated shaking i usually get coming on but more jolty nervous shaking so i ask if he's alright and he's just like "I don't know man" I ask if he wants to stop outside for a bit he agrees and says he wouldn't mind a cigarette. He sits on the couch undercover having a cigarette while for whatever reason i'm laying half outside still in-between the sliding door having a conversation to nothing he's just like "what the fuck are you doing ma"n and i'm just like "I was having a conversation with the door man don't worry about it." Thankfully laughing at my antics cheers him up to where he doesn't feel scared anymore so we decide to pull the couch and chairs onto the grass in the backyard and look at the stars for a while, was an absolutely mind blowing view, fully open sky i felt like i could see the entire universe before me and then things is where it gets interesting.

My friend asks me if i hear sirens and i have to pause for a second then i can hear the faint scream of a siren getting closer and closer, all of a sudden more sirens start appearing all around us I can hear my friend muttering that he's scared so i just tell him to calm down it's probably just the cops chasing some cunt speeding. The siren are starting to effect even me now they're echoing in my head i can feel every cell in my body screaming at me to run away but i resist the urge to move. All of a sudden there's a roaring sound and a beam of light right above us blinding my friend and I. I can't describe how intense the fear I was feeling right now I just sat there in shock, fucking police helicopter right above us flying low with the spot light pointed directly at us, sirens blaring all around. We can hear yelling of police all around us the light quickly flicks away and the helicopter drifts off a little, most of the sirens have dimmed down i can finally bring myself to move at this point i just go "do you want to go back and listen to music inside" my friend agrees and we just huddle inside as soon as we're back in my room it's blissful heaven again and we pretty much just have a super chill night tripping in my room.

Later we found out some guy stole a car and was just speeding around the streets next to my house and tried bailing out when the cops caught up to him and was jumping through peoples backyards, he ended up being caught just a few houses down to me. Fuck knows what would'v happened if he jumped into my backyard while my friend and i were fried off our heads haha
Some of my experiences were evil.

Imagine a room
13 people all took acid, my acid, and sat in chairs in a circle.

I talked, and talked until I had enchanted them all. They would do in unison or individually, anything I commanded them to do.

No one took their eyes off me. Everyone was silent unless I allowed them to speak.

And then I played with their heads. "Everyone get up and move over one chair to the right. But leave your ego in the chair for the person who sits there to use"

Games. Power,

Each person move from one side of the room without touching the floor.

One at a time.

No one left the room save for the bathroom for 12 hours.
You should read about the guy that discovered it.His first time,he accidentally spilt this stuff on his hand,after washing it off,he closed shop and headed for home.He always rode a bicycle to and from work,it hit him while he was riding home.When he got home,he described to his wife, what, in his words"was the most magical bike ride of my life"

Anyway,most of our LSD used to come from Duke University Pharma Students,the strict nine in it would make your stomach ache for days afterword.Got ahold of some Gods Eye one time,(little triangle green ) back in the 80's.The guy I bought it from had been eating this stuff for days,He said eat two if you want to really trip,I ate two,and just before it hit me I looked at him and said "Dammit,you need more to get a buzz than I do you have been taking it longer."Deepest I ever went down the rabbit hole let me tell ya.I miss those days sometimes.
Took it so many times the numbers would sound made up.
Could not guess, ha ha like I remember much.
Worst yes, Motel room Boston, 70's room was filled with fog and
Everybody looked like the devil.
I hid in the corner under a blanket.
Hope I got away.

oh thought this was funny, when Coke came to town and everybody was doing it,
I was still tripping. One night I was tripping at a party and my ears were hearing nothing but snorting sounds. Really loud, like really loud.I was walking around
Laughing my ass off. Oh to be old now and square.
First: my friend and I took it in some sugar cubes. After we took it we went for a walk and I'm not really feeling anything. I see fireflies everywhere tho, but it wasn't intense. Turns out you were supposed to have taken 2 sugar cubes so... Later that year we tripped again, planned a whole day. Walked and talked about life and things and went smoked some weed then went back in and played magic. I remember the cards came alive and were fighting across the table and then we watched TV. He had trippy posters everywhere so I fell asleep to a firebird cascading gentle flames a bunch of mushroom faries waving at meabd other cool stuff.

My most intense also I guess worst and then best:
My friend and I pick up 15 hits of triple dipped blotter. We we going to take a few share some and save some. I am waiting for my tripping buddy to come. I get everything ready except there is no heat and its early February! I eat 4 hits, and set out 3 for him. A few minutes later he shows up and I get his stuff for him. Where's yours?
I stick out my tongue
Lol then he eats his and we wait.
Within a few minutes I feel like the room is shrinking and I am growing but the other way around or maybe not but there is a very weird taste in my mouth which I mention. He agrees and we reflect on that as yeah this is defiantly good acid as i can feel the flavour in my teeth and body. We go smoke a blunt, and stand by the oven to stay warm. I feel the room spinning but I know it's standing still so I start looking around and I can see EVERYTHING. The front and back and inside and... Of everything in my house. I blink and everything become super sharp. I have glasses and lousy vision... We are smoking and I remember saying its chilly let's get a blanket and refocus.
Note I just got a newborn dog maybe ⁴ months earlier. We are trying to decide to go to his house or stay with my dog leaning towards putting him up and I. Feel. Drunk. At this point so I sit down hard and wrap myself in the blanket. Woozy and with super vision I close my eyes and see
7-9 or so tall figures in a black background with pine trees all around. And a giant blue green fire where the stove is. They start talking to me and i hear bzzzzz like bees suddenly I'm shaken and my friend is like wtf? I'm ok leave me alone....
I close my eyes again same thing and I listen for a while and I hear this thing (s) talk to me and my buddy wakes me going off and on off and on
Leave me alone i wanna be there!!
My buddy is a paramedic so he was trying to do the right thing I guess... I get up finally and an eruption of red bursts up and the whole house is empty. (3 slobs and two babies? I was the 4th nonslob) my friend isn't there nothing is there it's just pure white. in the middle of empty. We are nothing and everything we are connected and we see molecular shapes form and bind and break. There are planets and landscapes and things but they are too small at this point for us to see and we see stars and galaxies and bright warmth all over. We see a shimmer and the images ripples and forms gold bands and ripples and golden red wavy lines which slowly formed the room again.
I am sitting on the couch now for some reason with my jacket on and a blanket around me. My dog is put up in his cozy bed and cage and my Buddy's looking at me like dude... You ready?
Hey man... Youwanna head back to my place? Its warmer... Food.. Blah blah
I.I.I.I g.g.g.u.u.u.u.e.e.e.e.e.e.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.sss.s.s.sssssssssoooooooo•••••••°°°°°°°°° (my voice going higher pitch get it? Hes how are you talking like that?
He had put the. Dog up etc. And was waiting on me but the whole time apparently since the weird people at the campfire I was talking like that. Dissonantly changing pitches and talking super stuttery. The room finally settles back to normal and we leave (I have trippy posters weed laid out and shit in my room and we skipped all of it! That whole part was maybe the first 20-30 minutes I THINK after the initial come up. We drove to his house, a miracle in my colory lighted glittery world that I was seeing we got to his house and turned on the heat got food and watched movies after that. The whole night I was seeing the characters pop out of the screen or the screen get bigger than it was and tentacles or something wet slide out dry up and wither away the entire time after I was initially freezing cold and peaking I felt so amazed at everything I saw and so warm from somewhere else the divine love I guess. The food tasted amaaaaazing lol and finally the next morning i
First and only time... I was unwillingly drinking a slushy drink in high school that got ninja dosed by a "buddy" of mine trying to get payback on another person that was not me, but had put it into the wrong drink, or so he says.

Had no idea what was to come, scary shit that's for sure when you have no idea you got 5 hits of acid about to hit ya hard while at school. I'm sure the soda had degraded it quite a bit but I had never done LSD before or since so I have no idea what to compare the dosage to. Much more intense than eating a quarter of some good mushrooms that's for sure lol

Anyways I was sitting in science class, and out of nowhere I began to get a really weird body high building up. I did not smoke weed that day, so it couldn't have been that... Couple minutes later I began to get extremely weird visualsvisuals, almost like water droplets everywhere I looked, and everything began to look quite a bit different.

I grabbed my shit and ran out of the classroom without saying a word. Quickly dropped my stuff into my locker and left school, and that's when things really started to get weird! While I attempted the long journey home, I tried to figure what the hell was happening to me. I had no one around me to offer any sort of help to get through it.. So I sent a text message to my good friend. Told me he would meet me at my house later in the afternoon.

By the time I made it to my crib, I was trippin hard, some crazy ass visuals, and I even started talking to my posters on my walls as if they were real entities, could have sworn they were talking back and moving around and such. I am positive I had seen a leprechaun as well, and be was taunting me with his gold.

After the peak was over my friend made it over to my place and we went for a little skate to try to calm me downdown, it nearly impossible to focus so I ended up leaving and went back to my place by myself.

I proceeded to go lay into my bed with my dog which really took away my anxiety. I just stared at the ceiling and over time the popcorn had morphed into stars and I was essentially just floating in the universe. It was quite an unforgettable moment, and I wish I could have actually prepared myself for something as intense as that. It was seriously the most terrifying thing I've ever been through but so beautiful at the same time.

That was nearly 15 years ago now. One day I'll gather the courage to dose myself properly, but being ninja dosed like that really scared the shit out of me- LSD is no joke lol.
First and only time... I was unwillingly drinking a slushy drink in high school that got ninja dosed by a "buddy" of mine trying to get payback on another person that was not me, but had put it into the wrong drink, or so he says.

Had no idea what was to come, scary shit that's for sure when you have no idea you got 5 hits of acid about to hit ya hard while at school. I'm sure the soda had degraded it quite a bit but I had never done LSD before or since so I have no idea what to compare the dosage to. Much more intense than eating a quarter of some good mushrooms that's for sure lol

Anyways I was sitting in science class, and out of nowhere I began to get a really weird body high building up. I did not smoke weed that day, so it couldn't have been that... Couple minutes later I began to get extremely weird visualsvisuals, almost like water droplets everywhere I looked, and everything began to look quite a bit different.

I grabbed my shit and ran out of the classroom without saying a word. Quickly dropped my stuff into my locker and left school, and that's when things really started to get weird! While I attempted the long journey home, I tried to figure what the hell was happening to me. I had no one around me to offer any sort of help to get through it.. So I sent a text message to my good friend. Told me he would meet me at my house later in the afternoon.

By the time I made it to my crib, I was trippin hard, some crazy ass visuals, and I even started talking to my posters on my walls as if they were real entities, could have sworn they were talking back and moving around and such. I am positive I had seen a leprechaun as well, and be was taunting me with his gold.

After the peak was over my friend made it over to my place and we went for a little skate to try to calm me downdown, it nearly impossible to focus so I ended up leaving and went back to my place by myself.

I proceeded to go lay into my bed with my dog which really took away my anxiety. I just stared at the ceiling and over time the popcorn had morphed into stars and I was essentially just floating in the universe. It was quite an unforgettable moment, and I wish I could have actually prepared myself for something as intense as that. It was seriously the most terrifying thing I've ever been through but so beautiful at the same time.

That was nearly 15 years ago now. One day I'll gather the courage to dose myself properly, but being ninja dosed like that really scared the shit out of me- LSD is no joke lol.
Wow. I couldnt imagine. Crazy that the govt would secretly dose people back in the day.