lst uneven canopy +rep 4 input


Well-Known Member
im doing a lst grow and im 1 week into 12/12 my question is the canopy was level in veg i put her into flower and now have a uneven canopy what should i do +rep 4 any input thanks good people


Well-Known Member
im not sure why you wouldn't continue doing the lst through out the flowering process, the plants gonna grow and your gonna have to tie it down


Well-Known Member
well sometimes it grows uneven its not gonna hurt it but u could get like a screen and do S.C.R.O.G they should get more even then


Well-Known Member
You are going to need to arrange things for the first week or two nicely. I would try to bend as low on the plant as possible so that it has lots of nodes sticking striaght up, but regardless you'll want to try to keep it even if that's how you're doing it.

I gave up on LST awhile back and just let them run naturally. Love them big nugs.


Well-Known Member
Ive had really great luck with pinching the taller stalks about an inch under the crown. but the rougher the pinch, the farther behind it will fall (in terms of height). pinching makes up for it with gigantic knots.
pinch whichever stalk is too far ahead of the pack gently at first, stop at the first feeling of it giving in. this method works very well in my exp.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I just realized I gave up LST and just started snapping my branches. I guess 'round here they call it supercropping. I'm just too lazy to go out and buy something to tie my girls down with. Yup, don't even want to go out and buy string.

Just pinch and pull and the top falls to about 90 degrees. Leave it alone for a few days it heals up with a big "knuckle" and it usually stays at about 90 and has the same effect as LST. It's a bit more stressful to the plant and does slow it's growth, but that's generally what I'm going for.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I just realized I gave up LST and just started snapping my branches. I guess 'round here they call it supercropping. I'm just too lazy to go out and buy something to tie my girls down with. Yup, don't even want to go out and buy string.

Just pinch and pull and the top falls to about 90 degrees. Leave it alone for a few days it heals up with a big "knuckle" and it usually stays at about 90 and has the same effect as LST. It's a bit more stressful to the plant and does slow it's growth, but that's generally what I'm going for.
I agree with your method for vegging plants, but isn't that a bit harsh going in to flower? do you agree that slight pinching (where the stalk can still support itself) would slow down the stalk allowing the others to catch up?


Well-Known Member
thanks people im new to lst normally grow 4 - 5 foot monsters but only got a 400w so i thought lst would be my best option thanks again also do i have to make a full circle or could i throw her in b4 she completes the circle

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
if your using pots... then rotate them around the room to even the size. if not then just tie them down or pinch


Well-Known Member
you could also ty hanging some cfl near the shorter side so that they catch up if its a case of that side not getting as much light


Well-Known Member
if some shoots r growing higher then others, pinch them or give them bend.. it will slow them down so the others catch up and swell ur bud up