Lucas Formula

has anyone experienced weird bud smell and taste after using GH LF? ive used it twice now in hydro and a buddy of mine has used it a few times with coco and we keep getting the same aftertaste/smell...its like a stinky whore's locker at the ymca in harlem smell...anyone? flushed them shits for 2 weeks...anyway, i just made the switch over to technaflora recipe for success...we'll see what happens

ur definitely not the only 1

i had the same problem
if the technaflora doesnt do as good as u want try some advanced nutrients

thats what i switched to and i havent had another problem since
thanks for letting me know im not the only one out there...i was gonna try the AN but my local shop doesnt carry it n i didnt wanna go online for it...but i may just have to in the future
Can anyone tell me if I can change to the Lucas Formula in mid grow? I have been using Flora Nova Grow and now Bloom ( both by GH ).Things seem to growing well with the FloraNova except there is alot of undissolved matter in the bottom of reservoir. I hear that the GH FloraMicro/FloraGrow dissolves more fully. If I do change, should I use GH Florakleen for a day or two before changing? Any help would be appreciated.

I think that would be fine. How far along are your plants?


Oh, never mind. If you're already in flower, your plants are already used to drinking that formula. I wouldn't do it.
Oh no, not you, I was talking about Hugetoms and Aeroman.

Right. If anything, I'm likelier to be accused of being a GH rep. I'm doing the AN Sensi thing for my next so will be conducting an impartial comparison. I think RIU deserves a real comparison from a real person.


Your user avatar is hilarious btw.

edit again:

Oh wait, you're the one who did those Dyna Grow comparisons, right? I'll cruise your threads.
Right. If anything, I'm likelier to be accused of being a GH rep. I'm doing the AN Sensi thing for my next so will be conducting an impartial comparison. I think RIU deserves a real comparison from a real person.
Comparisons are very helpful to the community, even when they don't turn out like you hope (which was the case with my first test where my beloved GH got beat by my current line). I also featured Connoisseur in my second comparison and the results are in my sig. I found Connoisseur to be a pretty poor performer considering how expensive it is, subbed for your results with sensi.
Comparisons are very helpful to the community, even when they don't turn out like you hope (which was the case with my first test where my beloved GH got beat by my current line). I also featured Connoisseur in my second comparison and the results are in my sig. I found Connoisseur to be a pretty poor performer considering how expensive it is, subbed for your results with sensi.

Very interesting and informative. Thank you.
Can u use the Lucas formula in Promix BX? Could I get away with just giving my plants 8ML of Flora Nova Bloom the whole grow?
Can u use the Lucas formula in Promix BX? Could I get away with just giving my plants 8ML of Flora Nova Bloom the whole grow?

"The current Lucasized Formula with GH Flora is still 0-8-16 as you said. Other nutes, such as PBP can also be made to approximate similar NPKMg values, for example PBPBloom @ 15ml/gal plus 5ml/gal Cal Mag.., or 8ml/gal Flora Nova Bloom

Both with target TDS @.7 of about 1300ppm (use less FNB, like 6ml/gal if your TDS exceeds 1400 with 8ml)" -lucas
i think the ppm's would be too high for soil, could be wrong though. I would just use the feeding directions on the back of the bottles.
What way would work best for hempy buckets? Original Lucas Formula or flora nova bloom at 8ML ? Do I need to use Cal-Mag with hempy buckets ? If so how much?
What way would work best for hempy buckets? Original Lucas Formula or flora nova bloom at 8ML ? Do I need to use Cal-Mag with hempy buckets ? If so how much?

I've never personally did a hempy bucket grow, but i believe the FNB is more cost effective as well as giving the plant EVERYTHING it needs. FNB has cal and mag in it.
Thanks for your help, can i use Poland spring water or distilled water when using the lucas formula?? cant afford a RO machine right now. Do brita filters for tap water work??
This is my first time using the aeroponic system. In the third week of the blooming phase, my leaves started yellowing. Assuming this meant the nitrogen was low, I started looking for a solution. That’s when I found the Lucas formula and thought it looked like he really knew what he was talking about.

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My PPM is between 700-840 @.7 conversion. I’m in Europe and am not sure I’m doing it correctly. I’m using a water filtering process we call “osmose”. This means the water goes in at EC .06 and comes out at .00. I am not sure if the chemicals are the same here. I have Flora Micro NPK 5-0-1, Flora Gro NPK 3-1-7 and Flora Bloom NPK 0-5-4. I’ve used the formula of 0-8-6. Since we don’t use gallons here, I converted my 40L of filtered water and came up with 10.5 gallons. That meant I added 0-84.5-169. What do I need to do to get my PPM up to the proper level?
Thanks very much for you help.

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1 Gal =3.78 liters.. so times that by 10.5 gets you 39.69... times that by 16 =640ml for bloom half that for the micro. I'm sure you're adding the micro first then the bloom? FWIW i add cal mag when using the lucas, i also use a little bit of grow until 2nd wk of flower. From what i see looks like you could use some N. I also noticed you said 0-8-6?
Was that a typo? It's 0-8-16