Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)


Well-Known Member
Luigi, excuse if I missed it... but what lighting will you flower with? 2 red 1 blue? or altogether different CFL setup?. Just a newbie here trying to figure it out. :)


Well-Known Member
thanks boys! and easypound for flowering , ill go 2 red 1 blue... possible even 2 red 2 blue ;) cheers buddy


Well-Known Member
right now . update on temps with door closed ( i look through the little hole at the top ) ... ;) so sneaky i know... anyways 85.6F , humidity is 38% all seems awesome as fuck! hahaha


Well-Known Member
thats right about it ;) haha i would love 79F and 45% H during veg, also 74F and 35% H during flower ( till the end and then i like to cool it down even more and drop humidity to like 20-30%)


Well-Known Member
Yea I'm trying to run mine pretty cool too. Its usually around 77 and 31% I heard cold cold make it a purple plant<idk if that's true. But I found the purps really help with my liver pain so I figured I'd see if its true


Well-Known Member
hahaha yea ! temps arent to big a deal.. NINJA SKYPE????? transplanting time do you say ? hahahaha


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WWWWOOOOO ninja, this morning , i was swearing all morning ... but i devoted it to you - i transplanted the mother fucker this morning ;) in to a 2 gallon bag , gave her about an inch and a half more room (all around on the sides) and about an inch on the bottom. i mixed 3/5ths new soil 2/5ths promix , also i covered the whole bottom with promix for extra drainage. the plant now pretty much as no main stock.. it just comes right outa the ground growing LOL prety cool , but sucks when i water soil gets on the middle there but wat ever :) anyways , here are some pictures !!!!! tell me what yall think , plus it didnt need a watering, but i watered it with just water after i transplanted so the soils could merge together !!

i took the LST ties off her for now, untill i see how she responds to the new soil, its DAY 48 right now, tomorrow will be 7 full weeks of veg, i hope to go another 8 days ( so 8 full weeks ) and then flick the switch to flowering ;) BUT i wanna make sure this defeciency problem is fully taken care of.... so pray for me guys, pray for the soil, pray for it all!!! and comment please :) cheers


Well-Known Member
temps and humidity curently ( 1 and half hours after transplant ) 85.4F , 42% H :D:D:D:D:D oh man i just hope the fucking leaves get better :'(


Well-Known Member
DUDE!!! i so did!!! i called u @ 1215 pm !!!!! to hung over to hear your skype ring hahaha :P and thanks dude!! took me a while , i moved the roots around a bit so they werent glued to the soil, ( just like you said ) maybe not as good but i did it, i damaged 2 roots but it was next to nothing tho so hopefully all is well :) ill post some pictures in like half hour ;) cheers budy


Well-Known Member
Ninja just how intoxicated were you? :) lol
I was ripped lol, i got shmammerd at my place, woke up and started tippin em back again lol. Feelin tough right now lol. Got some ribs smokin right now :)
luiji im glad you fluffed the roots, dont worry about breaking em, where they break theyll just grow out sideways....and all over, bottoms just like the top ;) im really happy you transplanted, + rep :):):)


Well-Known Member
hahaha thanks alot for the rep boyss!!! i hope everything goes smooth, i hope she loves the new soil , and i realy really hope that defeciency stops real soon!! cheers boys, ill be posting some beauty pics in the morning :D


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Update , DAY 49 - No Water, (Clipped tips of leaves today were problem was still occuring) i actualy didnt have to remove any full leaves.. and the clippings were minimal compared to last time.. maybe im doing something right now.. plus plant looks alot healthier now in the new soil. hopefully another week and i can flip the switches... the new tops are growing out very nicely now... here are some pictures!!!
