LumiGrow ES 330w LED Test


Active Member
sulphur plasma is a cool sounding tech, but a little scary to put a small microwave with a ball of hot plasma over dry vegetation


sulphur plasma is a cool sounding tech, but a little scary to put a small microwave with a ball of hot plasma over dry vegetation
Quite a bit different now, They have MUCH more reliable Magnetrons and there is NO SuperSeCret PLAZMa GAZZ that melts your face fact if one were to ACTUALLY go out on you at this point, I am fairly certain it would just die, I personally am MUCH more fearful of a HPS bulb getting just a DROP of water on it and going BOOOOOM in my grill....but I still think they are better than LED and CFL for obvious reasons.

I have a nice chrystal plant in a hempy bucket, about 15 days in flower...buds are twice if not triple the size of those....granted the veg was longer but I want to see some serious production in the first 2 weeks...LeD just does not cut it for me, it seems as though it always needs supplementation of some sort.

project fuoro

Well-Known Member
Have either of you seen the lumigrow es in person? With your own eyes?

Remember what this thread is about. I know sulfur is madness, but scope that would blow your mind....or eyes...



I know another thing it blows....your $CASH$, when I can buy an Led unit that is equivalent to a 600w, for the same price as a nice shiny new digital ballast, then maybe, but even then from what I see from EVERY Led grow is the same results, yea it grows bud, does it grow nice dense chunky buds....NOPE, will it ever....not if they cant provide the PENETRATION NECESSARY to get to the inside of the flowers being produced and in turn have them grow from inside out....learn more about how the cannabis flower produces and its fundamental nature, then you'll learn it goes


you need a light that can penetrate to the interior of the flower so it can stack the calyx's from within....Led Doesnt cut it, Will it one day? Yea definitely? Is it soon? NO, IS IT CHEAP? HELL THE FUCK NO? so therefore the only outcome of that equations answer is...its not an alternative...and not even close to a replacement.


Active Member
I just finished reading this thread, and something bugged me the whole time. It sounds as though calibuddz is working for lumigrow. I feel like the whole time I was being sold this light. And I may be wrong and no one will ever admit if they work for the company or not. I read more and more threads that seem to be no more than just marketing ploys by these companies to hawk their crap. The best thing about a public forum like this is, people give real firsthand knowledge/advice to anyone who may need help with their grows JUST TO BE KIND AND HELP OTHERS. I would hate to see a great thing ruied by companies like Sunlight sheds, Lumigrow, BCNorthernlights, and Stealth Hydro starting threads just to advertise their wares. If you make a good product word gets out. Furthermore all the hype about the red LEDS, and the independent test mean nothing if the product is priced too high. I dont care how well a product is made or what color LEDS is has, its only worth what people are willing to pay for it. O and btw im not bashing LED lights, if it works for you its all good.

project fuoro

Well-Known Member
I think the price is spot on! You get what you pay for my friend....

I asked someone else this a while back.... my car was expensive, so does that mean its inferior? haha, you get my point I think...

The lumigrow light kicks ass, and you can't knock it till you own it, and honestly if you cant contribute positively to someones grow thread, then move forward.

Its all about peace and respect my friend...

Take it easy




Well-Known Member
Serious dough? Please! To have a light tested ain't gonna cost that much. I doubt more then $500 and thats a stretch. But its nice that they went the route to test/prove it.
(I ran a spectrophotometer daily for over a year)

please people, ask yourself. can this company supply proof of their spectral output? sadly the answer is no, they cant. lets look at the chart again.

LumiGrow is the only company to supply this kind of proof, and it cost them some serious dough to do it. we need to weed out these crap fucking units to expose the true leaders in LED tech. also, lumens dont mean shit when it comes to PAR, plants have no need for lumens. if you want to see lumens go out and stare into the sun, that should be sufficient.


it may be a journal, but he is also trying to "document" how superior this new technology is to the tried and true method thats been around for 25+ years, I believe my old 1972 chevy silverado is better than every other car out there, including your new expensive one, does that mean its better? well certain things would have to be taken in to account, cost of maintenance, cost per mile....blah blah blah, what I AM SAYING is that Led is best reserved for people with assloads of $ and nothing better to spend it on as an 600w HID "equivalent" led system is about 1200$ or could still get 2400w of digital HID and have enough left over for the first month or so's power bill depending on locale. I am saying for economical startup Led is not gonna be an option. Once again Im not knockin the dude, I just think its a bit biased seeing as unless im misinformed he didnt pay one rec cent for the unit, id like it too if it was free, and id try to make all the little kiddies want it more than crack cocaine on a saturday night in 1971!


Active Member
you are misinformed my friend. this unit cost me an arm and a leg. then there was the upgrade. i have put all kinds of energy into this test. once again I DO NOT WORK FOR THE COMPANY. i dont ask anything from them but recognition. god damn. yall mother fuckers have had some serious BULLSHIT in the past to be talkin like this about me and my test. damn, just getting raped by people like you. "slow down boy, or else im gonna clamp up my buttcheeks and snap your dick off" -Eddie Murphy RAW


Active Member
Calibuddz I read all of your other post and treads on other forums. You said yourself the 250w light wasent at all good for flowering. I dont see how 80 watts makes THAT much difference. And once agin I wasent putting down the light. But if you claim to be doing a test on the light, it sure sounds pretty biased. You said you went to Lumigrows plant to check out how they make the lights and what not. My point is you cant run a REAL test until you stop sounding like a salesman for the company. Your post and threads on other sites about this light raise my suspicion as to the validity of you not being affiliated with this company. Furthermore you can not run a REAL test untill all variables are controlled. Are you using the same soil, nutrients, air temp, is one getting c02. Dont claim to be running a real test of a products ability and half ass the actual experiment. Sounds like a snake oil salesman to me.


Active Member
also, if you read my thread on CC i was going to do a second test with the 250w and add in two 4' T5 on either side of the unit. i didnt veg with the 250w, just went straight to flower. i was about to setup the next test when i got invited down to the Facility. then i got the upgrade, so i had to do another stand alone test before i can do another with flouro supplementation. of course i said that "i dont think this unit is good for flowering at all". i was stating the obvious as red/blue needs some flouro or white diodes to support full/heavy flower development. if i was growing lettuce then it wouldve been a different story.


Active Member
also, every other aspect of the test is THE SAME as the 250w. same # of plants, same nutes, same medium, same container. i always have a CO2 Bucket in my room for added CO2, but that is only over my 1000w HPS. i constantly exhaust my room, so the majority of the CO2 just goes right out of the room. the only thing i am doing different is cutting back on the boosters. i think that the overload of Gravity really messed with the final harvest weight. 6 plants, 80 grams. so about 13 grams per plant? i was expecting a QP, but i wasnt ever expecting the unit to replace a 600w. i have always been interested in LEDs for horticultural applications. in other threads i have people saying that i add different lights in between pics. so for now on there will be no more mentioning the company, just updates and pics. we will let the results decide the outcome of this test. if you are interested in this light, but are hesitant, then wait for the results. 6 more weeks to go. i cant wait. after this test is done i might purchase a second unit and do a 'watt for watt' side by side test with a 600w HPS.

project fuoro

Well-Known Member
This thread was not woken up for you assholes to come in here and question what he is doing. I have never seen cali push the light he uses on anybody. Maybe some of us have an assload of money...maybe the rest of ya'll are just jealous. Who knows! Needless to say, I want to see this thread and what his light and plants do with it. So everybody that has a snotty comment, just piss off. Let the few of us interested in this type of product watch and learn. We don't need people cramming their HID lighting, and oh you could buy this and buy that, well guess what, its not what got purchased, so quit bagging on what other people are using. Everybody needs to take a chill pill, sit back and enjoy the goddamn ride...for real.....



project fuoro

Well-Known Member
Calibuddz I read all of your other post and treads on other forums. You said yourself the 250w light wasent at all good for flowering. I dont see how 80 watts makes THAT much difference. And once agin I wasent putting down the light. But if you claim to be doing a test on the light, it sure sounds pretty biased. You said you went to Lumigrows plant to check out how they make the lights and what not. My point is you cant run a REAL test until you stop sounding like a salesman for the company. Your post and threads on other sites about this light raise my suspicion as to the validity of you not being affiliated with this company. Furthermore you can not run a REAL test untill all variables are controlled. Are you using the same soil, nutrients, air temp, is one getting c02. Dont claim to be running a real test of a products ability and half ass the actual experiment. Sounds like a snake oil salesman to me.
Do you have a test going poppin? Do you own the light you speak of? I vouch for Cali, and stand behind him in this thread. There is more to the light than the added 80 watts. Do some research, and quit hounding the people who want to see what happens here...

Show some respect people.

Don't let the negativity ruin the thread. Ignore it and stay positive. I think eliminating the heat and fire issues are alone worth the money.


Active Member
the ES covers 450nm all the way through to 700nm.

it is going to be unveiled at the expo in SF on the 25th and 26th. LumiGrow will be offering an upgrade package for customers who have the Standard model. the cost for an upgrade will be between $400-$500 dollars. price on the ES will be the same as the Standard. heh, i sound like a fucking sales person.
You said that on Grasscity. Im not being negative labradoodle. Im just saying alot of these companies who make supplies for the growing community, have these bogus threads on sites like this around the net. Some of the companies actually say they will give you a discount for using their product in a grow journal or video. And that he sounded like a salesman.


Active Member
is your dick in my ass again?? couldnt even feel that thing. give me a reach around so that i know you are there next time. GOD DAMNIT! hahaha. I DONT WORK FOR LUMIGROW!!!! holy shit. do you live in cali??? fuck, come on down and peep this in person. look at my pad and tell me i have a job in sales. shiiiiit. no one knows me, and i would never get caught up in that kinda crooked ass game. NO OFFENSE TO SALESMEN, but damn, what a sneaky fucking job hehehe.


Active Member
have you seen my other threads on CC??? i did a DIY Aero thread. thats when i started to use LED. look it up Mr Nosey.