M Project [Power Skunk]

lol Dragonbud, I am gona need a machete when the time to harvest comes around, I always thought an iguana would make a great addition to my cab, plus it would keep the pest away.

I really hope they do fillout, just saw you had a bad spidermites issues with your cheeze, think you managed to kill them all?
My Blue Cheese are coming along right with the Bellas. I got two pests I'm contending with, the dreaded gnats (soil growing) and the spider mites (a new addition). I'm using the neme oil, tobacco juice, fly stips, really a war going on. I'm going crazy fighting the son of bitches. I might just have to get some exotic chems. I heard about (floramite?).
Still using Biobizz Biogrow + Topmax

Advices, tips, comments... are welcome :)

reckon you should switch to bio bloom mate specially that late into flowering or at least add some in there will fatten your buds right up.......
Oops my mistake I am using Biobloom and not Biogrow. As far as pest control I have been lucky and I am yet to have to deal with this problem. Good luck

Yup, those do seem to be getting stockier, you must be using some of those secret KGB nutes. Those plants do give me something to look forward to, I'm hoping for the scoop on smokability when you chop 'em down. I ended up transplanting mine out of little cups to bigger pots, they needed the space.





On December 7th I will have reached 8 weeks flowering, The Attitude wed site says that flowering last 8 to 9 weeks. I really don't think she will ready in 11 days.

I am working on finding a mircroscop to check the Trichome but I really don't want to spend crazy money on one. If some of you pros could give a time estimate it would be great, also should I stop the nuts now or wait a bit.
