I have a story about a guy who told me that when his hair was long he used to be mistaken for a woman all the time. Should have been a hint of what was to come!
In real life I have short hair and I get mistaken for a man all the time. That I'm used to... it's kind of entertaining to watch people try to cover their asses when they realise they're wrong.

But now I can't even make myself look like a hot chick on the internet? Oh no, maybe I've lost touch with my feminine side. Quick, someone give me a make-over.
I have no idea who the character is, I took it at face value, it looky like a girl so that's fine with me. I liked the fire because of the nick, ph03nix. It doesn't have to be a bird, does it?
Well, that's what I thought. When I was looking at new avatars and saw that one I thought she looked like a chick who could have just been reborn from the flames behind her... like the human embodiment of the phoenix, I guess. I actually thought she looked like she might have been the same chick that posed for the one with the jiggling boobies in it. LOL
Seeing as how popular FF7 is and seeing as you know what the internet is I assumed you would know who the fuck seph is. And seeing as I like video games And sell video games its kind of important to know who is who what is what in the video game world.
I know it must be hard for you to believe, but there ARE some people out there who don't live half their life inside their computer/game machine. You can now tell all your friends that you've met one.
HeySnyder, I didn't mean any offense. Sure I've heard about Final Fantasy, even seen the odd advertising poster or two, now that you mention it. But I have no idea who any of the characters are... never even looked at the case, let alone played the game. I'm a mother, a wife, a photographer, and an artist so I don't get time to waste on games. Hell, I waste enough time on here. Whereas you sell games and see people coming into your store all day long looking for FF7... the last games I got into were Lemmings and Yoshi's Island... oh, and that Asterix game... that was cool too.
But anyway, let's put all that silliness behind us. I'll just keep looking for a new avatar. In the meantime, let's get back to the macro part of this thread... come, gather around guys... peace out, it's my shout. Here, have some buds...