Well, 4 days later, and a bit of an update on the stinkbug eggs. Check them out. You can see them all curled up inside their eggs. You can see their eyes, and if you look closely you can pick out their legs. Now, these things are tiny... smaller than a pin head. All you can see with the naked eye are tiny little eggs with weeny little dots on them. I love this camera.
Mmmm yummy. That looks very tasty... I love the little hairs... and that glittery stuff just looks very appetising.
Lurve the tricombs... you could just slurp that all up, couldn't you? And I'm just a sucker for bug shots... I especially like the wasp and the black widow (we call them red-backs over here). Oh, and I reckon you could make a bit of money on the side by selling the shot of the snails as art work in a french restaurant...
So on top of being a legendary grower, you can take a good photo too, eh? I'm starting to feel inferior...
Yes, got a new camera... a little fuji, as Gryph said. I was thinking about the sony that Gryph ended up with, but in the end I went with the fuji because of all the extra features that it has. My old camera was a fuji so I was familiar with the setup, and I was impressed with the quality. Now, I know it's not a dslr but I think that a good digital can be greatly underrated. It's quite good enough for print quality... it's got heaps more features... it's smaller and lighter... easier to use... and it's a lot cheaper (probably less than a quarter of a comparable dslr)... what's not to love?
It's a 10 megapixel camera so has fairly good quality. The sensor is smaller, so naturally the result is not quite as good as the sony, but still good enough. It has 2 macro settings and they are really good. In my opinion it takes better macro shots than the sony... I'll re-assess my opinion when he can afford a good macro lens. I can get as close as 1 cm (about a third of an inch), which is ptetty good. I love macro photography, so that feature was really high on my list. It has an 18x optical zoom (plus a digital zoom but I don't bother counting that), which equates to a greater zoom range than Gryph's two lenses... and it's in one unit... no changing lenses all the time. It also does video... another bonus... and can take up to 13.5 frames a second in multi-shot mode (not 33 as Gryph said... up to 33 consecutive shots). I didn't think I'd like this feature as much at first, but when you use it on a couple of cute little girls on a waterslide, you realise just how much you missed before. It's amazing how fast facial expressions can change. I love it. The only complaint that I have is that the manual focus mode requires you to jump through hoops, and then be a contortionist to use it. I would like to see a button that is easier to reach (or preferably a dslr-type lens system) because I do like to focus manually a lot of the time. On the whole though, I'm happy.
Oh, and we'll be closer to the beach than an hour's walk, you can be sure of that. I'm not walking an hour each way every time I want a swim...