Mag Deficiency? pics


Active Member
ive been working on this problem for the passed three days and ive seemed to narrow it down
some people think its from water spots getting on the leaves and reflecting off of my MH light causing a burn, but im not positive that that is the issue,
the spots seem to start out as a glossy color and then turn to a pale green color, then yellow/brown.
the only leaves really affected rite now are the lower leaves but they seem to be getting worse. thats why i dont believe its from the water spots.
ive checked the ph levels to see if its a lockout and the ph levels are perfect.
im waiting on checking my P levels caus someone also offered up the idea that it mite be P def.
but i know with a mag def the plant will began to slow in growth and i believe thats happend caus growth doesnt seem to be what it was before.
it may be possible that some of the spots are from light reflecting off of water drops, but not everything seems to be that way, could be why its such an annoying diagnosis
heres a few pics to help identify it

here some more pics from 5 minutes ago

shows pretty much the beginning to end, u can see the pale spots and glossy spots and they eventualy turn into the worst. an im a little scared caus im seeing glossy spots were they werent before so i need to get on this quick. sure these pics will help

That ain't any MG deficiency I've ever seen. Without further specifics (What nutes are actually in your soil), off hand it looks more like a Zn or P deficiency. I'm leaning to the P. But I'm not really certain thats it either.

Give me a minute to go back thru my notes.....
You got necrotic tissue going on in the middle of the leaflets. MG and Ca deficiencies usually start at the leaf margins and work inward. A Phosphorus def has that greyish necrosis anywhere on the leaf. Someone else jump in here.
oooh shit, well damn son. everyones got me throwin myself towards the mag def. but also the p def as well but i cant test my P lvls until the soil in this damn container falls to the bottom

but also i think some of it is possibly from the watering, i poored the water over my leaves into my soil to water it like 5 days ago and thats when i notice a lot of bullshit happening to it, but the waters all dried up and the problem continues. caus if some of its from the water it makes it hard to determine what exactly it is, its not super clear. but than again it mite not be from that at all. and it probly is a P def that was a common answer i was givin but i wanna be sure before i mess with it.
but heres the soil i used and a list of whats on the back of the bag caus all ive used is the soil an havent added anything extra to it so ull be able to get your answer

"miracle-gro organic choice potting mix"
this product is formulated from composite bark, sphagnum peat moss, and pastuerized poultry litter
nitrogen - 0.10%
0.002% ammoniacal nitrogen
0.001% water soluble nitrogen
0.097% insoluble nitrogen
available phosphate (P205) 0.05%
soluble potash 0.05%

hopefully any of that helps
Are you feeding it anything yet? You shouldn't be at this point for another couple weeks or so. I dunno, I doubt it's the water unless you got it under a 1K light and it got burned somehow. Water beads will act as a magnifier. The NPK of the soil looks good. I'm at a loss here.

Anyone else?
actualy with the double post this that second post was to figure out how to cure a mag def caus i was under the impression thats what it was. but also i thought the extra pics here would help an what not.
but true shit on the water droplets im only using a 250watt MH nothin huge but i did use floros for the first few weeks until i got my MH light, before the MH light there werent any spots but that doesnt have anythiing to do with it.

i have not fed the plant at all. ive just used the potting mix thats it since its been in veg state. potting mix and distilled water thats it.
sorry if im getting a bit confused here ive always been bad with nutrients an what not im doing the best i can to figure it out
but with that last post up there would you say its not a mg/ca def because of the way the yellowing and spots are occuring?
there popping up as random spots in random areas there really was no starting point for them so thats why its probly most likely P def i soppose

i dont even understand why there would be any sort of deficiency caus its only been 42 days or so and it was good soil so it should be providing just what the plant needs, slower growth is happening tho
how do i go about adding more nitrogen? i have a nitrogen tester on hand im about to use that an see what pops up caus i havent checked that yet, just finaly found my tester kit
Don't worry about that cause those things suck, get some vegg food where the first number is higher then the rest, like 6-4-4
Have you checked for bugs? Looks like the bottom 3rd from bottom and the bottom pics both have chew marks. Barring that I'd say give it a half shot of nutes and see if it stops. It looks like it could be p/n/mg, kinda a crap shoot there.
hahah yea i guess i mean i havent used it bfor butttt wat about an 8-5-5? i got organic dynamite plant food on hand thats about it tho, will it do?
yeaa i check daily for bugs but at the begining of the grow i did catch about 6 fungus flys or watever the fuck there called flying around but ive been checking the soil daily and movin it around but i dont see any critters crawlin around in there, ive had bugs before so i could identify them easily but nahh nothin.
actualy i think that may be from when i first notices the leaves and when i touched the damaged part the leaf crumbled into a whole, that actualy mite be the reason for the empty spots
it does not need is definately deficient, and i agree it looks like it possible that you overfed, and P is locked out?
but it really does look like it could be anything, bugs, p def, mg def, n def, water spots, any of those. its a pain to diagnose, i can rule out really the water spots, any sort of ph lockout, and bugs. leaving p def, n def, or mg def
nahh no way for over feeding, havent added any food to it, only thing in there is the reg ole potting mix itself
its godda be some sort of nute def im just gonna do what you suggested cranker with the half shot of nutes caus if its deficient the half shot should clear that up, not to much nute not to little since its only half.

i mite also make a 1gal/1tsp epsom salt mix and use that in a spray bottle just to see if it helps since it cant harm it
well, if it did need N in a feeding, it would be yellowing, and the color would be more of a lime green...if thats the case, it wouldnt hurt to give her a shot of something higher in P then 4-10-8
that is true it would be more yellow, there really isnt any yellowing of the leaves at all, its mainly just spots that grow into worse spots, no reall yellowing of the leaves. do you perhaps have a suggestion on what a good nute with those kinda levels are? caus all i have rite now is a 8-5-5, i kno home depot gradening section probly isnt gonna have anything usefull an there arent many gardening stores near me
i havent used anything other then foxfarms...tiger bloom is good, and also any of the 3 solubles...i would just try and find a nutrient that is higher in P if you cant get ahold of any of the fox farms lineup.