

New Member
hey guys this is my first grow and i am currently in veg state...i noticed my plants are curling down..ive done alot of research and i think its a mag def...currently using foxfarm nutes and soil...posting pics..



New Member
thanks guys...i water every two days..when ever i touch the soul its really dry so i water. is there anything you can suggest i do differently?


Active Member
When you say you water every day, how much do you water? You and I both can water every 2 days and I can water each plant half gal, and you can do 2 gal---but not knowing your pot size who knows if your amount is to much?

also food for thought. just because the soil on top is dry doesnt mean the soil in the middle is dry too...


New Member
and how i can solve the problem..alot of confusing stuff like some say not to use epsom salt some do..some say not to foliar feed some c02 a good thing to use during veg? another question is this...all the plants are indica. kinda bushy and the bottom branches arent getting any light..can i cut off the leaves? talest plant is abt a foot tall


New Member
thanks currently using foxfarm big bloom and grow big...for the grow big im using the directions on the bottle cut in instead of a tsp im using 1/2 a tsp per gallon...


Well-Known Member
I would be more concerned with temps.
Your top leaves look like they are starting to complain about heat.
What's your temp at canopy level?


Active Member
First slow, down and dont try to fix everything. Go slow and you will have less mistakes. If you try to fix everything that comes at you, this all will over power you.

I use to feed Epsom salt to my veggies in the back, but for MJ plants I prefer to use MAGCAL & I mix it 25 ML per 20 GAL or 50ML per 20 Gal when you can see that it needs it.

Remember LESS IS MORE.

I'm a hydro kinda guy, but your doing soil so I would suggest getting some milk jugs and just mix the mixture per gal. Yes C02 can help but I dont personally think you'll need to use it right now.

Also what strain are you growing? Each Strain is different, each requires a different amount of attention -- but what I'd suggest doing is every 3-6 days feed with a mid dose of magcal and if you start to see your plants are wanting more, slowly adjust and give more...Its easier to give then to take back, once you feed it, no way to take it back.


Active Member
dont listen to none of that your plant is overwatered............ u should start w a new pot
Yep, over watered is my take; but the question is how much is he watering every 2 days, what medium do you have? What kind of run off does the pot have, also what size pots are you using?

Whats your PH? and PH for run off?


New Member
thanks again as u can see in my username these are all bagseeds....too bad mag cal isn't readily available where i am..but does epsom salt do am ok job? if so do i just mix into my feeding schedule?


New Member
ok so the ph in all pots is 6.7 run off is abt the same...light is 250 mh current time schedule 18hrs on 6 hrs off...pot sizes 1 gal each..


New Member
fox farm soil, 1 1/2 tsp growbig and 1 tbs big bloom per gallon every two three days (when ever i touch the top of the soil and its dry)


Active Member
Its just not as accurate as Magcal, yes it will work but can Magcal be perfect amounts, and you'll know what your giving the plant.

Where do you live that you cant obtain magcal? Amazon sells tons of different brands of magcal ranging from 14$ for 1L bottle to 32$ per 1L bottle.