Mailing Ganja Stealth

C3rtifi3d Hustl3r

New Member
How can I safely mail smelly items?

You will need a few items to do this job correctly:
Latex gloves (3 pairs)

New canning jars w/ lids

Fingernail polish remover

Paper towels

Plastic baggies


Clean/new cardboard shipping box

The goal is to keep odor leakage to an absolute minimum, while reducing the possibility of incriminating forensic evidence (ie: fingerprints).

Step 1:

Put on the gloves, and weigh or measure the smelly item into a new plastic baggie. Do not lick the baggie to seal it. Roll the baggie up loosely and set aside.

Step 2:

Change gloves. Remove a canning jar from the box. A box of canning jars will run $4-8 a dozen, including screw bands and lids- just buy a box and don't handle them until you need them. Take a clean paper towel (if you wanna get fancy, you can use pretty wrapping paper) and line the jar with it, making sure the paper doesn't interfere with lid closure. The paper ensures that the contents are not visible inside the jar.

Step 3:

Carefully insert baggie into jar, making sure the paper towel stays in place. Place lid on jar and screw the band down tight.

Step 4:

Change gloves. Begin by wiping down the shipping box (inside and out) with a clean paper towel to remove any possible fingerprints. Use the right size box for the job, ideally you will want two inches of space between the item being sent and the cardboard, to allow for proper packing. Take a cotton ball or bit of paper towel and moisten it with fingernail polish remover. Wipe the outside of the glass jar, paying careful attention to the screw band and lid.

Step 5:

Loosely crumple a sheet or two of newspaper and place inside the box. Place the glass jar in the middle of the box, and carefully pad it with additional crumpled newspaper. You want to ensure that it has adequate padding on all sides, so that the glass will not break if the box should be dropped or mishandled. Use enough packing material to keep the jar from rattling or thumping around in the box when violently shaken (shake it; if it rattles, add more paper).

Step 6:

By following the first 5 steps, you will have ensured the interior of the box is "sterile" and that the contents are safely and securely packaged for transit. Use a printed shipping label, if possible. A good substitute for a printed shipping label is a professional-appearing label printed on plain printer paper, trimmed to fit and carefully taped in place. Use a real "fake" return address, a good source is the packaging on most common household goods. A good idea is to cover the shipping label completely with tape, to protect it from moisture (if it should get rained on, the ink will run).

Use ONLY clear shipping tape when taping the box, no duct tape!

Your box is now ready to be sent. Be mindful of how you handle the box- remember, leave NO FINGERPRINTS. You can handle the box safely without gloves, just use the back side of your hands to pick it up & tuck it under your arm to casually carry it

4 da noobies
hahha, I've worked for a major package shipping company, all the precautions in the world can't account for the abuse those packages take in transit. They run down conveyor belts with hundreds of other packages and down into portable roller type belts that go into semi trailers and tend to fall off and get smashed by other heavier things. if they survive that then they get loaded in the trailer stacked to the ceiling one wall at a time (stuff at bottom of wall gets crushed), and the people who work there don't care what happens to them, their main focus is speed and they will throw things and do whatever is necessary to keep up with the flow. stuff gets stepped on, and abused like crazy.

I wouldn't recommend trying to ship buds or live plants, seeds is hard enough when going through customs.
When I ship My stuff never Gets "squashed". It is always in perfect condition and i always ship with a printed label so it's less suspicious.
why deal with the glass jars? i dont think i understand that? i feel if it came to it and the box was opened, the jars would be to. Why not just take a plastic bag, twist it, then melt the twist to seal it shut. Thats what we always do with are bud and its good on the smell. If your worried you can do that 2 or 3 times, and i can promise it wont stink. this takes away the worry of broken glass.
why deal with the glass jars? i dont think i understand that? i feel if it came to it and the box was opened, the jars would be to. Why not just take a plastic bag, twist it, then melt the twist to seal it shut. Thats what we always do with are bud and its good on the smell. If your worried you can do that 2 or 3 times, and i can promise it wont stink. this takes away the worry of broken glass.

Well The Longer The Weed stays in the bag. The more it gets stinkier. If it's in there for long enough. I guarantee you will be able to smell it from outside. Plus this is steath. A bag you would get your finger prints all over.
reported. no M.O.M.

read the rules. again, great that you're helping, but a bitch in how you're doing it. stop trying to gain overnite rep and help with genuine replies to questions that people ask.
just so you know, if the dea comes to think that this site is allowing the shipment of drugs through the postal service they WILL act and shut this site down. can't happen? tell that to the admin of overgrow......
Who Is telling who to Ship.. This is a guide. This is legal.

this is considered "supportive". if you are truly in alaska you are more fotunate than 48 of your fellow states. there are reasons the rules say what they say. it's for liability. even if you're not selling anything, you are still committing a felony. doubly so if using usps, as that is a federal organization. this is not bullshit; the reason these types of guides are hard to find is for ALL of our protection! they are found and deleted.

just trust me on this one. help others in private. not everyone who reads these forums needs to know this information. hell, not even 95% need to know. ask, and your questions will be answered.
hahahahaha!!! yea alright, if anyone wants to listen to this kid go check out his credentials on my page. IM TALKING ABOUT THIS WANNABE CERTIFIED POSER check out the comments he just started to randomly talk shit, now go see how much sence this kid makes in the comments he left on my page. seriously the shits funny and makes no sence. i like your ghetto ass rubbermaid wanna be grow, it goes well with the fake 22's in your avatar lmao!!!