Main lining the stalk


Well-Known Member

@tekdc911 and others
i have heard u talking about main lining

so i decided to look into it and this is my first attempt at it

Mainlining u are talking about using a IV needle into the main stalk to supply water and food at a greater rate then what the roots can absorb and pass up

1 where do u get the IV kits
2 what are u mixing into the water u give
3 doesn't the needle rust/cause trauma to the plant
4 how do u insert it /keep it stable /where exactly (more below)
5 do u guys use honey or something else to prevent molds/virus getting into the plant tho the needle site
6 how often are u replacing the bags/where do i get a supply of those
7 where do i get the chemicals u are mixing into the bag

i know the plant is basically a straw tho most of it but the bottom of the stalk is solid pumping up the water and goodies ......i have had my plant go solid stalk up to the 3rd branching (u know it gets thick and u see the white dots like bark around them)
Lol oh man that's rich

what is

i can not think of a more advanced skill ......i have heard about ppl doing it .....using that trick to enter a solo cup grow contest

the idea will work but i need to have a better understanding of what the plant is passing in it's own vein/stalks asking others what they have tried is first step in any experiment

i have a idea for delivery system that would remove a few of my ?s but still need to know what others have tried

@tekdc911 and others
i have heard u talking about main lining

so i decided to look into it and this is my first attempt at it

Mainlining u are talking about using a IV needle into the main stalk to supply water and food at a greater rate then what the roots can absorb and pass up

1 where do u get the IV kits
2 what are u mixing into the water u give
3 doesn't the needle rust/cause trauma to the plant
4 how do u insert it /keep it stable /where exactly (more below)
5 do u guys use honey or something else to prevent molds/virus getting into the plant tho the needle site
6 how often are u replacing the bags/where do i get a supply of those
7 where do i get the chemicals u are mixing into the bag

i know the plant is basically a straw tho most of it but the bottom of the stalk is solid pumping up the water and goodies ......i have had my plant go solid stalk up to the 3rd branching (u know it gets thick and u see the white dots like bark around them)
Mainlining with Cannabis usually refers to pruning in such a way that you get like 8 or 16 stems all with equal amount of stalk between it and the roots. What I mean is pruning a seedling at the top to make 2 equal stems and then topping those two to get 4 equal stems, etc. It's supposed to ensure that all the stems get equal access to root nourishment.

Now, what you're talking about is when you stick a hypo needle attached to tubing into the lower part of the stem, put packing around it to prevent leaking, and then supply sugar water directly to the plant stem under pressure. It takes considerable pressure to force it in. They took bricks and stacked a few on top of the plunger mechanism as the pressure source. The sugar injection improved yield substantially but doing it with several plants at the same time would be pretty troublesome I would think. One big plant might be worth it.
WTF!!!??? Hold up isn't mainlining/manifold manipulating the the stalk of plant when young to resemble a car manfold therefore increasing yeild? A variation of topping a plant? Sounds like @justugh wants too create the mj plant from hell, mj plant on steroids!!

I heard some crazy shit before but this is the grand prize winner!


i have already done that with a hydro experiment 26 oz off 1 plant in 110days 4x4x6 area taken up completely by one plant

i am working on doing it again but controlled in Soil ......the only different to Hydro and soil is the amount of water and feed the plant can intake
soil will never beat hydro in that area ....but if i can attach a something to the stalk that will supply more water and food for the plant i can add on to what the roots get .....adding in a IV like u do for ppl would work for this ......i got a idea for something like a IV needle but is smaller and attaches strait to the trunk little spikes that will go into the plant with hollow tips from the back once it is pressed into the stem u hook on a IV bag it gives the water and extra to the plant tho that the plant still pulls from roots and get extra from the IV
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i have already done that with a hydro experiment 26 oz off 1 plant in 110days 4x4x6 area taken up completely by one plant

i am working on doing it again but controlled in Soil ......the only different to Hydro and soil is the amount of water and feed the plant can intake
soil will never better hydro in that area ....but if i can attach a something to the stalk that will supply more water and food for the plant i can add on to what the roots get .....adding in a IV like u do for ppl would work for this ......i got a idea for something like a IV needle but is smaller and attaches strait to the trunk little spikes that will go into the plant with hollow tips from the back once it is pressed into the stem u hook on a IV bag it gives the water and extra to the plant tho that the plant still pulls from roots and get extra from the IV
There is a full thread on this.......with 256 pages...

the mainlining i am talking about is actually the medical term where that add a IV into one of the main veins in your system to supply blood plasma or other stuff to your body

Nevermind it looks like you are on something here. Not onto, on....

hoping the idea works .........if it does then repairing sick plants will get so much easier and faster results

@tekdc911 and others
i have heard u talking about main lining

so i decided to look into it and this is my first attempt at it

Mainlining u are talking about using a IV needle into the main stalk to supply water and food at a greater rate then what the roots can absorb and pass up

1 where do u get the IV kits
2 what are u mixing into the water u give
3 doesn't the needle rust/cause trauma to the plant
4 how do u insert it /keep it stable /where exactly (more below)
5 do u guys use honey or something else to prevent molds/virus getting into the plant tho the needle site
6 how often are u replacing the bags/where do i get a supply of those
7 where do i get the chemicals u are mixing into the bag

i know the plant is basically a straw tho most of it but the bottom of the stalk is solid pumping up the water and goodies ......i have had my plant go solid stalk up to the 3rd branching (u know it gets thick and u see the white dots like bark around them)
mainlining is a training technique. You create a manifold type of shape.
i have already done that with a hydro experiment 26 oz off 1 plant in 110days 4x4x6 area taken up completely by one plant

i am working on doing it again but controlled in Soil ......the only different to Hydro and soil is the amount of water and feed the plant can intake
soil will never beat hydro in that area ....but if i can attach a something to the stalk that will supply more water and food for the plant i can add on to what the roots get .....adding in a IV like u do for ppl would work for this ......i got a idea for something like a IV needle but is smaller and attaches strait to the trunk little spikes that will go into the plant with hollow tips from the back once it is pressed into the stem u hook on a IV bag it gives the water and extra to the plant tho that the plant still pulls from roots and get extra from the IV
Why don't you just foliar feed? Sounds like your over thinking this to stupidity. You want better results grow photos the autos are holding you back.
Why don't you just foliar feed? Sounds like your over thinking this to stupidity. You want better results grow photos the autos are holding you back.

everything i have read including the bottles
i have to stop spraying the leaves when the Buds start to form ........i can keep spraying but i am increase the chance of mold attaching and i have read ppl saying it gives the smoke a funny taste
everything i have read including the bottles
i have to stop spraying the leaves when the Buds start to form ........i can keep spraying but i am increase the chance of mold attaching and i have read ppl saying it gives the smoke a funny taste
Are your plants yellowing out to fast? Why do you think they need more food?
I know it is kind of off topic, but Mr Sunshine is kind of on to something. Autos are generally problematic plants. If you grow from good photo stock you may not have the problems you are trying so hard to combat. I think we all caught on to your definition for "mainlining" (and I'm not sure that it is an actual medical term, it is actually more related to illicit drug use) but what is the cost and return-on-investment for building and maintaining these sensitive needle solutions? Most growers wouldn't need them. Don't get me wrong - it's an interesting idea - I just think you are going to end up over-engineering a solution to a problem that can be solved by using different genetics.