Make Butter Better, the Ultimate Recipe for Cannabutter

if you go out and get ginseng and add a small amount to your trimmings you will have the same body high without the couchlock
Here are some pictures of my Butter and brownies.

I got about 1 2/3 pounds of cannabutter.

I used 1/2 cup of melted cannabutter in the brownies. I got real stoned on 2 brownies.

I will use 1 cup per batch now, I have enough for 2 more batches.
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Trying this recipe tommorow with 3 ounces of vaped bud (2 bags each on medium) and an ounce of stems with some bud still on em. Will post results.

quick question, after straining, do you put the butter in the fridge before seperating the seidment and the water? or just let it sit out and solidify?

Thanks alot!
Wow, this is actually this shitniz. Just put down two brownies about 3''X3'' and HELLO :) I have got a serious serious uphoric body high. Great recipe. Thanks so much for sharing. +Rep and if you were here, I would give ya a brownie or two to cheers with me :)
Wow, this is actually this shitniz. Just put down two brownies about 3''X3'' and HELLO :) I have got a serious serious uphoric body high. Great recipe. Thanks so much for sharing. +Rep and if you were here, I would give ya a brownie or two to cheers with me :)

Yea I have a bunch more trim, time to make more butter !

Glad it worked out for you :joint::peace:
I usually make giant batches of cookies and rice krispies with my butter, because that's what the people like... but my favorite recipes aren't so average, I'm into making shit like:

Caramel, it's so delicious i can't even describe it. really potent too and is made insanely better with fresh hash added dry in the cooking process. The best thing is just drizzling this on everything, esp on people's desserts unknowingly! it tastes better than normal caramel, so no one can tell.

Biscotti, covered in chocolate. great with coffee.

Croissants... that's all i gotta say about that...

Scalloped Potatoes are so yummy with cannabutter, and really fuck you up slow and hard.

Biscuits and CannaGravy, sure i'm already fat... so what this shit is just the best smell coming from the kitchen ever, and it gets you full and wasted all at once.

blueberry muffins, i hand these fuckers out early in the morning, best with ginger added to the mix.

Popcorn (duh)

Garlic Bread, do you know how much fucking butter goes on this shit? a LOT! the garlic really brings out the pepper of kief if you use a bit... iz awesome.

And... what else people???

Dude you're my hero!
Hey just tried the technique but with 5.2 grams of B grade hash, I did not add much water at all because I figured I wasnt using any weed so I hope I did not boil the butter or anything... It had a couple bubbles coming up at one point, does this ever happen for you?

I have the exact same slow cooker I bought on black friday for 10$ or some stupid cheap price.
Heres what I did
8 sticks of unsalted butter (4 cups)
3-4 tablespoons of water for evaporations sake
5.2 grams hash
1.5 hours on high
1 hour on low
Stirring periodically with electric hand mixer

I read that a good ratio for hash butter was a gram to a cup.
I will try it tomorrow morning when my tolerance is fresh and post again

Anyone think I fucked it up by not adding enough water?

(Also my hash butter tastes great, is not green, and I did not have to strain anything, so hash butter is the way to go in my book, and dispensaries do it too i believe?:hump:)
Just did this method with the crock pot yesterday and made cookies today.......just ate 2 cookies, I'll let you know how it feels in a few more hours.. already feelin a bit of a head high but it seeems to soon to feel it, about 20 min....could be from blazin but feels a bit different
I just started making my butter and I'm at 4 hrs right now.. I've always gone 8 hrs on low after 2 hrs on high.
I read this whole thread from start to finish 2-3 people have said they have done various times and the 2hi/2low crock pot works as good if not better than other times and temps. They all have hi reps and posts, I'm stoned from 2 3x3 brownies made from 1/2oz. bud to 1 cup butter x 10 hrs. And I'm very stoned and anxious to get done with making the buddha and on to making the Brownies LOL!!
So I will go out there right now and take my crock pot full of butter and process it ( see avatar)
If it does indeed work I will give reps to all who gave honest, experienced advise and thank you in advance.

Peace Dirt.
Ok There is good iinfo. here, I did go 3 hrs on low instead of 2 but it kicked my ass.
REPS comming.
Thanks Goat!!
I just started making my 1st batch of butter about an hour ago. Just wanted to add a tip that I didn't come across in the thread but may be common sense but... You can't do this if you use a coffee grinder but if you use a blender like I did.

I found that there was a lot kief on the blades, grooves, etc. of the blender so I put warm water in the blender and turned it back on to get some of that off and poured that water in to the crockpot. I had scrape the blender down a little with my fingers becuase the sides were sticky with kief.

Going to make cookies later for Christmas gifts so I'll let you know how they turn out!
First +rep to Phreaky for dropping a great way of making Canna Butter! Wowee mine turned out insane!

I grinded up what I was say was 2-3oz of good trim and added it to my crockpot which filled it up about 1/2 way. I used my blender to grind up the trim and filled that up with warm water and turned it on to get the extra kief in the blades etc. I poured that water in to the crockpot and added 4 sticks or 1lb of butter. I figured I could always add regular unsalted butter to recipe if it was too strong so I didn't add 8 sticks. I cooked on high for 2 hours stirring every 15-20 mins. I turned to low for another 2 hours stirring every 15-20 mins. I strained the mix through cheesecloth in to a plastic pitcher and let it sit for about 4 hours in the refridgerator and then moved it to the freezer for about 30 mins to help the butter harden up a little more. I ended up with about an inch of butter or I would say about 2 sticks or so. I took the butter off the top and poured the water down the drain. I took about 4 cups of water and let get to low boil and added it to the butter and refilter again. I repeated the same thing 1 more time along with scraping the dark spots off the butter. I finally ened up with about about 1 1/2 sticks from 4 sticks I started with. I made some cookies from a prepackaged mix which called for 1 stick of butter. I used 1/2 stick of regular butter and 4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) of Canna Butter. The batch made 45 cookies (recipe called for them to be about 1 teaspoon size balls). The cookies taste awesome nothing funky or bad tasting about them. Just taste like a bud. I ate 3 cookies and I don't know if ever I have been that stoned!

Beginning of process

What it looked like at the end

After I strained it for the 1st time

Finished product


Cookies (I put the quarter on there so you can see the size of them)

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I made a batch that called for 1/2 cup but ended up putting in 2/3rds cup, I got 15 servings per .
I eat 2 and can hardly stand up, Dang this took a long time to type...