Make Butter Better, the Ultimate Recipe for Cannabutter

Thanks, great description and pics. I've got a 4-5g chunk of White Russian bubble that I'm going to use for butter. I'm thinking 4 sticks, does that sound about right?
wordz'z butter

5 sticks butter

5 ozs already kiefed weed

crock pot


mix all that shit together

crock pot on high 2 hrs

crock pot on low 12-24 hours

pour through fine meshed strainer

press the remaining plant material
I use a potato ricer

put in fridge

check the next day

pull the butter out

drain the water through a fine cloth such as what you make kief with

mix in all that gross brown sludge in the butter

bake what ever you want

It's better to bake for longer than directions call for than to vape out all the good stuff

btw gonna try the wash i'll let you know if it has an effect on potency I have like three sticks worth in the fridge.
btw gonna try the wash i'll let you know if it has an effect on potency I have like three sticks worth in the fridge.

This is all contamination leaving the butter. Chlorophyll, plant matter, even excess fertilizer salts are washed away, leaving pure butter with the psychoactive loss of potency

This is called a liquid-liquid extraction, and takes advantage of the different solubilities of polar (salts) vs nonpolar (hydrocarbons) compounds in polar (water) vs nonpolar (oil) solvents.

Thanks, great description and pics. I've got a 4-5g chunk of White Russian bubble that I'm going to use for butter. I'm thinking 4 sticks, does that sound about right?

try 2 sticks or 1 cup
This is all contamination leaving the butter. Chlorophyll, plant matter, even excess fertilizer salts are washed away, leaving pure butter with the psychoactive loss of potency

This is called a liquid-liquid extraction, and takes advantage of the different solubilities of polar (salts) vs nonpolar (hydrocarbons) compounds in polar (water) vs nonpolar (oil) solvents.

it seems bad ass. I know that pic you posted looks 50 times more appealing than mine looks.
No time to read through the thread.

3 oz to 2 lb butter.

My wife has eaten buttered raisin toast for the first time and is "FREAKING" the fuck out.

I'm sure it will all pass with time. how long will this ride take?
She'll be fine in 2-3 hours, She doesn't have any heart problems does she??

No heart problems. She is still sleeping/dozing/groggy. in and out. When asked how she is feeling
she says woozy and dizzy. She did ask for lunch so I'm sure she will be fine.
She has already said "NO MORE", lol, when she asked for lunch I offered her another buttered toast.:-P
she will be fine just try and relax her it happend to me the first time i ate butter i thought my neck was swelling shut it was just cotten mouth though lol
Newbee here, I have seen conflicting reports of utilizing stems along with trim to make butter. Can anyone help me make a decision? Thanks, Liquor Pang
I think it is personal preferance I do not use stems or fan leaves they are just trash to me but I have been known to run a batch of hash then run the same trim through the crock pot. If you chose to use stems use the tiny ones I don't kno who you grind yours up but stems are a bitch and best to just cut them into small pieces and throw them in
mkay first of THC doesn't start to begin to break down until 24 hours of cooking....ive done 4 hr batch of butter and it strength was shit compared to my 23 hour batch i mean seriously... the 4 hour batch didnt touch me.. i ate 4 cookies and nothing.... same type of weed same amount of butter and water just cooked for 23 hours...ate one cookie couldnt move of my couch for 8 hours