Make Butter Better, the Ultimate Recipe for Cannabutter

hey PG- not sure whether you have mentioned this in the 9 pgs but do you or have you put the weed in the freezer for a couple hours before grinding and cooking? ive seen ppl do this when they make hash, saying that it allows the THC to break off/out easier and quicker. not sure whether it would make a difference for your recipe...
hey PG- not sure whether you have mentioned this in the 9 pgs but do you or have you put the weed in the freezer for a couple hours before grinding and cooking? ive seen ppl do this when they make hash, saying that it allows the THC to break off/out easier and quicker. not sure whether it would make a difference for your recipe...

i say no i doesn't matter. with hash you want the trich's stalk to be brittle so as to let the head fall off. with butter, its all a liquidy orgy of nasty green shit, so its really not necessary.
i def freeze for hash tho
So i am not sure i reallly like the crock pot method. I used some good dank bud but I didnt see a increase of potency compared to cooking on low slight boil on stove top for 2 hours. I am not going to down this method though. I will in the future do a side by side comparison using same trim and trying both methods to give better uniform results and comparison.
You can use butter whereever a recipe calls for oil or butter... You can also use it in your gas tank... Put I wouldnt recommend it as it has no use in there.. lol...

But seriously any recipe that calls for oil or butter is perfect. I have made breakfast with left over butter using it on my toast, eggs, and what ever else I can get hold of lol.w
hey phreaky, can u use the butter for anything.. or does it have to be like cakes n cookies n shit?
in the past ive made buffalo sauce, pasta sauce blue cheese cream sauce mushroom cream sauce grilled cheeze, lemon butter sauce poured over breaded and fried pork chops..mmmmm...mmmmmmmm good luck
ok this might sound like a dumb question but thought i should check. i'm just getting the sex of my plants,so am going to pull the males, can i use these
Males have some THC just not a lot. You will just have to use like 10x the matter you would normally use if you use a male plant. Or all fan leaves off a female.
hey pg, I thought I'd try out the ol' crock pot. But here's the deal; I only had 3 & 1/2 sticks of butter. I rarified it first, got rid of that goo. So I chop up some dry sticky buds until I got an ounce and a half. Six cups water and now everythings cooking. That high boil kinda concerns me though. Won't that convert too much of the thc's into cbd's?

can't wait to see how it turns out. got my cheesecloth ready for strainin' :mrgreen:

later bro, slab
Make sure the lid is on and you stir every so 20 mins. I hear the water helps regulate temp, when making butter. some people have used just butter and weeed then drain, but the water seems to help preventing the thc from getting loss due to heat, as well it acts like a mixing agent allowing the thc to stick the fatty tissue of the butter. Its key to use the fatest content butter to get most out of your bud butter.
yeah lid on, it had a pretty good rolling boil but I stirred anyway. I'm not gonna run the temp on high my crock pot goes to 400F and don't want to vape all my thc. But great technique worked really well. Not sure about the fat content, it was just unsalted butter. I'll prolly be too high since I tried licking off the cannabutter running down my fingers when I squeezed the cheesecloth out. oh yeah, i can already feel it... got the strained bowl chillin' in the fridge now.
Some tips I heard from others.. Be nice if people can validate them, some of these make sense to me.

Do not squeeze to hard when straining cheesecloth you will get some unwanted material in the butter.

Keep lid on to prevent overcooking of the thc, as a result some is loss during the cooking process

Anything over 4 hours is overkill and can possilbe degrade the THC content ( I hear couple going for more then 4 hours with success)

Those are just some to come to mind... I used a temp gauge and it said it was around 200 degrees.. maybe my crock pot is defective as that was on high ... I dont know, my crock pot has 4 settings two highs and two lows. I chose the highest then the lowest. I also kept checking temps with temp gauge to make sure it was not too hot, as I was concerned about the high boil rate in the crock pot. Compared to my low boil in the stove top, which knocked my ass to sleep after eating one brownie. I can not say that it does not work, I did not run side by side test, so once again I am not knocking crock pot method. When I get some trim I will do side by side method to find out which one was the best.
yeah smartguy a side by side test would be cool. I figured the lid on was just to keep the water from evaping too fast. i started w/4 cups water but added two more after an hr. another tip- when cleaning up rinse strainer and utinsils into crock pot w/ hot water and let cool. i got a few more spoonfulls out of the crock pot before I will cleaned it up. I can't wait to try some recipes. my last edibles were blueberry muffins that made me silly high. I couldn't even stand up w/o swaying and holding on. thx for the help lookin' forward to some waffles in the morn.
Yes the lid helps prevent loosing the water, then causes some of the thc to burn up... I really wish I knew where I read this stuff at.. I have so many things bookmarked..However when you smoke and read so much info everyday its so hard to keep track. Yea I only been using good reggi and some mids I am going to try and use trim, this will allow a side by side comparision I just hope I have enough trim..
hey guys, really glad to see y'all giving the butter a go. i have a batch of oatmeal cookies in the oven right now, gonna get high as shit for class, lol!
Oh yea.. butter and bho is the way to go.. I use everything including my males! I have been educating people locally about the butter process. When people think weed in food they think of leave material and yucky tasting shit... Problem is they dont know how good you can make food with bud butter and at times able to conceal the taste if done right!

I have had one person told me it was same as heroin and mise well be doing it.. Dude was a regular scwhag smoker and knows nothing of the medical world of cannabis.

I like some input on this myself. Is it better to use a coffee grinder rather then small buds? People have different takes on this i believe I broke up bud first time with my hand. Second time i use the coffee grinder. I spent some time picking out the seeds, I used regular weed for majority of batch.

People say using bud in butter, bho, or iso is plain ole' ridiclous. I say other wise, if someone is able to get good quality at a decent price when no trim is available thats the way to go. Just keep in mind when people complain, they may be paying top dollar for a oz such as 100 bucks plus for anything. I have known ny to sell reg weed at 80-150 oz... Its crazy. I been to places that only charge 20 bucks for a oz, and 100 for a pound. So if i was too do the math I could see why some people would complain. Prices are different everywhere so before you go using your bud up. Please make sure you use enough and proper ratio. PG you care to repost the ratio of using scwhag, mids, highs, trim, keif, oil. I know you may not know all the ratios for that but it be good to get those reposted up so people know how much to use. Sometimes people dont always read threads from front to back.
Hey pg, yeah man. Never tried butter but have done lots of baking with budage. I'm slow to change these old habits but the process was pretty simple and no gritty muffins. I've got some cannabutter ready to try today. yummy, now what to make.
Hahaha, on the buds vs swag vs vape leftovers... The way I see it my buds didn't cost me anything but my labor and nutes. So I'd double up on the swag and throw away the vaped crunch < if you vaped properly there aint nothing or very little thc even left there, compost it>
While researching this topic I read NEVER let the boil get over 350'F or you will vape off the thc, kinda wasteing your time and your weed at that point. And cook your edibles at 350 or less to prevent the same thing. Right???
Oh, butter go my waffles are ready...
later bro, slab