Make Liberalism Great Again

A lot of people looked at him as the lesser of two evils. They weren't proud of voting for Trump, but they held their nose and did it anyway. Clinton was so unappealing to them that they voted for a shit bag like Trump.

Run a better candidate and that wouldn't happen.
you sure enjoy making excuses for people who could vote for someone who makes racist bigoted comments.
Bernie babies logic to avoid not owning the shit they did
Don't you think it's odd that there was a rise in hate crimes against Muslims last year? Why do you think that happened? Also, hate crimes against Hispanics took off.

At the same time that was happening, one of our presidential candidates was pandering to white racist sentiment in angry speeches that cast other US citizens and legal immigrants as terrorists and rapists. Don't you think there is a relationship?

There is a conservative religious streak in the African American religious community. This just means that narrow mindedness is an equal opportunity weakness.

And what about this discussion of a Muslim registry? Would it be too PC of me to think that this is an outrageous action to take or even discuss seriously at top levels of our government?

All of these socials issues deserve some focus by a candidate, but they shouldn't be the central theme when so many people are struggling financially. More importantly perhaps, these issues should be championed by someone that the people believe is in their corner. When a corporate America shill like Clinton cheer leads these issues it comes off as disingenuous lip service.
All of these socials issues deserve some focus by a candidate, but they shouldn't be the central theme when so many people are struggling financially. More importantly perhaps, these issues should be championed by someone that the people believe is in their corner. When a corporate America shill like Clinton cheer leads these issues it comes off as disingenuous lip service.
easy for you to say if the social issues don't affect you.
All of these socials issues deserve some focus by a candidate, but they shouldn't be the central theme when so many people are struggling financially. More importantly perhaps, these issues should be championed by someone that the people believe is in their corner. When a corporate America shill like Clinton cheer leads these issues it comes off as disingenuous lip service.
easy for you to say if the social issues don't affect you.
Easy for you to say if the financial issues don't affect you
All of these socials issues deserve some focus by a candidate, but they shouldn't be the central theme when so many people are struggling financially. More importantly perhaps, these issues should be championed by someone that the people believe is in their corner. When a corporate America shill like Clinton cheer leads these issues it comes off as disingenuous lip service.
There was a very large increase in hate crimes last year against Muslims and Hispanics -- even against people who looked hispanic. At the same time, Trump was giving racially charged speeches against those groups. Do you think this was just a coincidence?

@Padawanbater2 I'm asking you the same question. Is it just a coincidence that there was a rise in hate crimes last year when Trump and the right wing echo chamber was resonating with racially charged speech against Hispanics and Muslims?
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Easy for you to say if the financial issues don't affect you
whats up with the dumbness? Must be hard for you
In most cases social issues can have a direct impact on financial. Racism is a social issue, very much can affect ones pocketbook. Do try to keep up.
here is a list of social issues, you can add to it if you like.
  • Abortion
  • Affirmative Action
  • Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
  • Ageism / Age Discrimination
  • Alcoholism
  • Animal Rights
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Anti-Muslim Discrimination
  • Binge Drinking
  • Birth Control
  • Bulimia Nervosa
  • Bullying
  • Campus Crime
  • Capital Punishment / Death Penalty
  • Chemical Weapons
  • Child Abuse
  • Child Labor
  • Classism
  • Climate Change
  • Cloning
  • Colorisim
  • Cloud Hacking
  • Computer Hacking
  • Corporal Punishment
  • Corporate Downsizing
  • Cyber Bullying (Cyberbullying)
  • Date Rape
  • Disaster Relief
  • Domestic Violence
  • Dream Act
  • Drinking and Driving
  • Driving While Black
  • Drug Abuse / Drug Addiction
  • Eating Disorders
  • Ebola Virus Disease
  • Embryonic Stem Cell Research
  • Environmental Pollution
  • Environmental Racism
  • Equal Pay
  • Euthanasia / Mercy Killing / Assisted Suicide
  • Excessive Force By Law Enforcement
  • Felony Disenfranchisement
  • Gang Violence
  • Gay Rights
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Genetically Modified Food
  • Gentrification
  • Global Warming
  • Gun Control
  • Gun Rights
  • Hate Crimes
  • Hazing
  • Health Care Disparities
  • Health Care Reform
  • HIV / AIDS
  • Home Forclosures
  • Homelessness
  • Honor Killings
  • Human Trafficking
  • Hunger
  • Identify Theft
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Legalization of Marijuana
  • Legalization of Prostitution
  • Mall Shootings
  • Mass Murder
  • Meth Labs (Methamphetamine Laboratories)
  • Militarization of Police
  • Minimum Wage
  • NRA
  • National Rifle Association
  • Obamacare (Affordable Care Act)
  • Obesity
  • Organ and Body Donation
  • Outsourcing Jobs
  • Pedophilia
  • Photobombs
  • Police Brutality
  • Police Militarization
  • Pollution
  • Pornography
  • Poverty
  • Prayer in Schools
  • Racial Disparities in Health Care
  • Racial Disparities in Sentencing
  • Racial Profiling
  • Racism
  • Rape
  • Retail Profiling
  • Recycling and Conservation
  • Right to Work
  • Same-Sex Marriage
  • Sex Trade
  • Sexism
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sexting
  • Shopping While Black
  • Single Parenting
  • Sleeper Cells
  • Smoking / Tobacco Use
  • Social Networking and Privacy
  • Spousal Abuse
  • Stand Your Ground Laws
  • Steroid Use in Sports
  • Stereotyping
  • Suicide
  • Sweat Shops
  • Teen Pregnancy
  • Terrorism
  • Texting While Driving
  • Texting While Walking
  • Unemployment
  • Union Busting
  • Vigilantism
  • Violence in Schools
  • Violence in Music Videos
  • Violence in Video Games
  • Voter Disenfranchisement
  • Voting Rights Restrictions
  • Workplace Violence
& what, financial issues can't affect social issues?

You got your ass handed to you because the Democratic Party failed to win over working class Americans. Every other minority group voted democratic.
I don't disagree with this assertion. I'm just disagreeing that the main issue or even an important one was PC culture. Just the opposite, in fact.
The EC only disturbs you because your candidate lost.
You're almost right.

The EC does disturb me because Hillary Clinton is not President of the United States though she received 2 million more votes than Donald Trump.

Your childish pokes are boring. And you're clearly not intelligent enough to engage in rational debate.
"Donald Trump tells it like it is!"

That is a criticism of PC culture
Did you answer an earlier question? Are you avoiding it? I'm asking: Is it just a coincidence that there was a rise in hate crimes last year when Trump and the right wing echo chamber was resonating with racially charged speech against Hispanics and Muslims?
Did you answer an earlier question. Are you avoiding it? I'm asking Is it just a coincidence that there was a rise in hate crimes last year when Trump and the right wing echo chamber was resonating with racially charged speech against Hispanics and Muslims?
No, that's why I said addressing it is an important issue. But when you attempt to address it in a way that alienates a large portion of the base, you are not running a successful political strategy. Sanders, for example, addressed it in a way that actually affects minorities; by talking about the economic aspect of the problem. By talking about policy and avoiding identity politics and shallow rhetoric and empty platitudes. Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters 'deplorable'. You ever hear the saying that you'll catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar? "Kill em with kindness"? Or that story about German POWs during WW2 being given extraordinary treatment by their allied captors that they began voluntarily giving away information?

All you're going to do by calling people names is turn them against you, it simply is not a winning strategy.
Why can't you admit that at least some of their concerns are valid? Do you profit from such divisions? If not, why perpetuate them?

Like I said before, we won't have to win them back, after four years of the Trump administration. Every middle class Trump supporter ,who has half a brain will be begging for economic equality.
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