Well-Known Member
Yall are derping so goddam hard on this one its sad. It's not a Plutocracy iff (if and only if) you eliminate all state boundaries.
Like I said, you are talking about rewriting or completely eliminating the history of Law in our Republic with this one seemingly simple suggestion. But you already knew that.
Again, you fail to see the single most epic mechanism that literally places the Power in the hands of The People. Money. The power of the purse residing with The People in their branch is laughable and entirely fake. Yet here you are on these boards all day arguing the semantics of how to best operate a fake system to benefit The People the most with such notable quotes as "few wealthy individuals would walk away from the tax deductions of owning a home by paying that home off".
You stance on this monetary situation is not stupid or dumb and its actually pretty common in that its simply lacking information. I won't use the word for that btw.
I would rather it be balanced in the 3 branches equally with all rights reserved to The People with all 3 branches protecting the minorities life, liberty and property from the majority. The right to peaceful protest being among the highest. Define "support" for me tty. The People holding actual money and the right to actually withhold support as the only peaceful solution to a grievance is pretty fucking epic.
And you STILL insist on misusing words. Learn some definitions, until then you are the absolute paragon of the term gibbering idiot.
None of what you said about makes any sense at all, so there's no need to discuss it further.