Make Liberalism Great Again

Yall are derping so goddam hard on this one its sad. It's not a Plutocracy iff (if and only if) you eliminate all state boundaries.
Like I said, you are talking about rewriting or completely eliminating the history of Law in our Republic with this one seemingly simple suggestion. But you already knew that.

Again, you fail to see the single most epic mechanism that literally places the Power in the hands of The People. Money. The power of the purse residing with The People in their branch is laughable and entirely fake. Yet here you are on these boards all day arguing the semantics of how to best operate a fake system to benefit The People the most with such notable quotes as "few wealthy individuals would walk away from the tax deductions of owning a home by paying that home off".

You stance on this monetary situation is not stupid or dumb and its actually pretty common in that its simply lacking information. I won't use the word for that btw.

I would rather it be balanced in the 3 branches equally with all rights reserved to The People with all 3 branches protecting the minorities life, liberty and property from the majority. The right to peaceful protest being among the highest. Define "support" for me tty. The People holding actual money and the right to actually withhold support as the only peaceful solution to a grievance is pretty fucking epic.

And you STILL insist on misusing words. Learn some definitions, until then you are the absolute paragon of the term gibbering idiot.

None of what you said about makes any sense at all, so there's no need to discuss it further.
And you STILL insist on misusing words. Learn some definitions, until then you are the absolute paragon of the term gibbering idiot.

None of what you said about makes any sense at all, so there's no need to discuss it further.

Laughable especially given you ignore the definitions of support, elastic currency, legal tender ect. Clearly Yoda, a self biased resistor you are.
So, back to making liberalism great again;

SUPPORT THE MIDDLE CLASS! Because wealthy people are economic parasites, they simply aren't efficient at supporting the economy relative to the same cash in more hands.

That means tax corporations, and threaten to withdraw their corporate charter if they want subsidies to move jobs and infrastructure out of our country. It is not America's job to export prosperity at the expense of our own.

Tax the rich. They can fucking well pay for the advantages our great nation offers for their wellbeing.

Universal healthcare and education. A better, healthier workforce is more productive. The idea that computers are more worthy of upgrades than people is stupid and selfish.

Remove the monetary links between wealthy individuals, corporations and government. Just because it's been legalized doesn't mean that such corruption is good for our future.

I'm all for the betterment of the 99%. The top 1% certainly doesn't need help, nevermind tax breaks the rest of us have to pay for.

Any more ideas to add to the list?
Run by money you say? The top 7 most populous states also have the most EC votes and the top 7 GSP's.
How you are unable to connect that is beyond me, given your use of the term Plutocracy.

You are talking about at least completely rewriting or removing clause 2 and 3 of Article 2.
The EC numbers are reflective of Congress and the EC is popularly elected but they reside in the Executive. It's a balance and it reflects the majority of States which are in contract to form the Union. You, as an individual are under no such Contract.
Given your support for such things as modern interpretations of what is "interstate commerce" its very clear where you stand on anything but "arms" which even you label as "guns" and even that position you hold is pretty belly up. That stance as a whole is clearly in some other form of government than our own, hence your secessionist label.

That number would hover around 200 if you used Wyoming, the lowest number, and get progressively lower from there. So, wrong again. I did notice the extra 22 votes you added to CA and did ask where you got the number from but here we are yet again with no answer.

Literally the dumbest thing I've heard all day. Now I know you're just trolling, nobody is this absurd.
Yeah, THAT

LOL its OK yall I've seen dumber arguments than yours. Although forgetting the US is made up of a bunch of STATES is pretty epic in the failure dept. At least you tried though but thanks for keeping the idea market open, I enjoyed the conversation.
I think you are 4/5ths correct here. They belong to whomever is creating the demand for what is in the container. Without the demand, they wouldn't be running. Don't worry though, if Regs become too tight there then Ensenada will happily pick up the slack, just like they do when there's a strike.

My point is..those trucks are anything BUT S-Corp.

S-Corps pay taxes.
The EC is not simply an amendment.

Article 2 covers the Executive branch and is where the EC is established. Notice article 1 establishes The Peoples Branch.
I wouldn't expect you to have an open discussion about it.

You cause is indeed noble. I never said it wasn't. You seem to want most all power to The People. Yet you speak out against the mechanism that would basically do just that. Inelastic currency. You're like a tempest in a teapot.

And created in the 1700s..just gives me
LOL its OK yall I've seen dumber arguments than yours. Although forgetting the US is made up of a bunch of STATES is pretty epic in the failure dept. At least you tried though but thanks for keeping the idea market open, I enjoyed the conversation.

Wtf is this supposed to even mean? You keep skipping around and failing to land anywhere long enough to make a coherent argument.
What's the deal with electrolytes and why are they going to college?
Literally the dumbest thing I've heard all day. Now I know you're just trolling, nobody is this absurd.
Wtf is this supposed to even mean? You keep skipping around and failing to land anywhere long enough to make a coherent argument.

So I Googled yalls point of view after our conversation to try and get more angles as I just can't seem to measure yours and this article was top of the hit list. It's by some guy named Lawrence Samuel. Lawrence R. Samuel holds a PhD in American studies from the University of Minnesota and was a Smithsonian Institution Fellow. He writes the "Psychology Yesterday" blog for Psychology Today and is the author of many books bla bla.....Here's the first paragraph where he properly ID's the EC as a state based system:

"While Donald Trump resoundingly won the electoral college — the state-based “point system” we’ve used in presidential elections for more than two centuries — Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by about 780,000 as of a week out of the election. In other words, more Americans wanted Clinton to win, reason enough to revisit the wisdom of using the electoral college to determine elections. But a larger, more important argument is often overlooked in this ongoing debate."

This from Nov 15th so yalls numbers are a little higher but, its exactly what you are saying over and over. Except you are forgetting the States are a part of the point you are making as you golf clap each other and sip your tea with your pinkies in the air spying things with your monocles. How aristocratic of you.
But yeah, yall want to eliminate the EC and keep the states somehow. Riiiiiiiiight.

Oh yea, the title and link if you want to read the rest:
States are a relic of the past. It’s time to get rid of them.