Make Liberalism Great Again

Can't expect much from a twopumpchump

expect a surprise.
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I will send this your way. You can have all the decent conversations you like.
So what has the medical term for transsexual behaviour been?

It has always been defined as a disorder or mental illness. Only now has anyone. said that should chsnge.

I dont listen to mentally ill people. Can someone mentally ill vouch for their own mental health?
The guy who thinks a person with a hairy face, Adams apple, cock n balls may be a female is implying I'm insane. The irony.

How is a man thinking he is a woman any different than some other man think he is a unicorn?

One can be manipulated into political gain and one is a fantasy...
The guy who thinks a person with a hairy face, Adams apple, cock n balls may be a female is implying I'm insane. The irony.

How is a man thinking he is a woman any different than some other man think he is a unicorn?

Have you ever watched one of those time lapsed videos of a pregnancy, where they condense the 9 months down in to a couple minutes? It's insane! All of the body parts forming and growing following a dna blueprint. It's not so hard to imagine how something could misfire. A zygote that was genetically coded to be a female, but male organs form instead.

So, it isn't a "man thinking he's a woman". It's quite literally a woman that was born with man parts. It's genetic. There isn't a conscience decision that's made to switch to a man.
Have you ever watched one of those time lapsed videos of a pregnancy, where they condense the 9 months down in to a couple minutes? It's insane! All of the body parts forming and growing following a dna blueprint. It's not so hard to imagine how something could misfire. A zygote that was genetically coded to be a female, but male organs form instead.

So, it isn't a "man thinking he's a woman". It's quite literally a woman that was born with man parts. It's genetic. There isn't a conscience decision that's made to switch to a man.
Every one of those lady-boys you're talking about has an X and Y chromosome in every cell (except their sperm)

So don't give me that genetic Bullshit.

And yeah, plenty can go wrong. Is the problem with the penis? The prostate? The brain?
What's most likely?

So you and I have narrowed it down to a birth defect in the brain. Sounds like a mental illness to me.
Every one of those lady-boys you're talking about has an X and Y chromosome in every cell (except their sperm)

So don't give me that genetic Bullshit.

And yeah, plenty can go wrong. Is the problem with the penis? The prostate? The brain?
What's most likely?

So you and I have narrowed it down to a birth defect in the brain. Sounds like a mental illness to me.

You sound so gay right now.
Every one of those lady-boys you're talking about has an X and Y chromosome in every cell (except their sperm)

So don't give me that genetic Bullshit.

And yeah, plenty can go wrong. Is the problem with the penis? The prostate? The brain?
What's most likely?

So you and I have narrowed it down to a birth defect in the brain. Sounds like a mental illness to me.

It absolutely can, and is genetic. To chalk this off as a "decision", or mental illness might make this more palatable for you, but it's just not true in most cases.

From a quick google search:

SRY, discovered in 1989, is a small gene located at the tip of the short arm of the Y chromosome. So what does it do? Actually, like all genes, it does nothing except to act as a blueprint for a protein. In this case, the protein of the same name does funky things to DNA, like bending it and unwinding the 2 strands, so that other proteins can get in and attach themselves to other genes that are then turned on. So how did this gene get its reputation (and its name) as the “sex determining” gene?

As is pretty common in the world of genetics, this was because of some errant mice. Researchers in England took a laboratory-made copy of this gene and inserted it artificially into a female (XX) mouse embryo at a very early stage of development. The mouse was “converted” from female to male, so the gene must have been responsible – right? Well, maybe not. A few years later, a similar gene was found on human chromosome 17. When the important part of this gene was inserted into a female mouse embryo, the same thing happened. Voila! A male.

So now we have 2 genes that can turn a female into a male, and one of them is not located on the Y chromosome! How can that be? It turns out that SRY is probably just a facilitator that allows a more critical gene (or genes) to function, by blocking the action of another opposing factor. Can the magic of genetics do the opposite – turn a male into a female? Indeed it can. A gene on the X chromosome (the chromosome one typically associates with “femaleness”) called DAX1when present in double copy in a male (XY) mouse, turns it into a female.

So now we have genes on the Y that can turn females with XX chromosomes into males and genes on the X that can turn males with XY chromosomes into females… wow! Maleness and femaleness are NOTdetermined by having an X or a Y, since switching a couple of genes around can turn things upside down.

In fact, there’s a whole lot more to maleness and femaleness than X or Y chromosomes. About 1 in 20,000 men has no Y chromosome, instead having 2 Xs. This means that in the United States there are about 7,500 men without a Y chromosome. The equivalent situation - females who have XY instead of XX chromosomes - can occur for a variety of reasons and overall is similar in frequency.

For these 15,000 or more individuals in the US (and who knows how many worldwide), their chromosomes are irrelevant. It is the total complement of their genes along with their life experiences (physical, mental, social) that makes them who they are (or any of us, for that matter). The last time I counted, there were at least 30 genes that have been found to have important roles in the development of sex in either humans or mice. Of these 30 or so genes 3 are located on the X chromosome, 1 on the Y chromosome and the rest are on other chromosomes, called autosomes (on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 19).

In light of this, sex should be considered not a product of our chromosomes, but rather, a product of our total genetic makeup, and of the functions of these genes during development."
Every one of those lady-boys you're talking about has an X and Y chromosome in every cell (except their sperm)

So don't give me that genetic Bullshit.

And yeah, plenty can go wrong. Is the problem with the penis? The prostate? The brain?
What's most likely?

So you and I have narrowed it down to a birth defect in the brain. Sounds like a mental illness to me.

So what you're saying is people go through gender reassignment for shits and giggles? Because it's fun for them? They do it because they like being ridiculed by ignorant shitbags like yourself?

Yea, that totally makes sense.

I'm curious though, why do you care so much? Why do you care what other people do with their body? Have you still not gotten over the fact that your father is now your mom?
So what has the medical term for transsexual behaviour been?

It has always been defined as a disorder or mental illness. Only now has anyone. said that should chsnge.

I dont listen to mentally ill people. Can someone mentally ill vouch for their own mental health?

I enjoy a good tranny every now and again.:)

dude you're over your head. but anyhow, it doesn't matter, people like you make no difference because you will just think as you're told, so it's not you and your kind that need to be won over or swayed because if fox news told you tomorrow communism was great, marriage immoral and homosexuality divine, you'd just accept it as if you never thought otherwise. it's your masters that the good people have to contend with.

enjoy your life as an instrument, you have no other choice.

I have been considering this. I think the real problem here was that the Democrats failed to project a big message. The message seemed to be "Hillary really, really wants to be President". Of course this was not intentional but that is how it seemed to read. Trump did a great job of preying on this.

But in my opinion, the focus on "identity" politics was all that was left. I don't think it was the problem in itself. Also, as far as I am concerned, my political response to 'I don't approve of gays marrying' should be "too fucking bad", not "I understand how you feel..."

If they want to draw the line there, fuck them. Go ahead and vote Republican. Until we learn to stand for something, we are going to be the minor party.

Bernie had a big idea. Bernie would have won IMO.
Have you ever watched one of those time lapsed videos of a pregnancy, where they condense the 9 months down in to a couple minutes? It's insane! All of the body parts forming and growing following a dna blueprint. It's not so hard to imagine how something could misfire. A zygote that was genetically coded to be a female, but male organs form instead.

So, it isn't a "man thinking he's a woman". It's quite literally a woman that was born with man parts. It's genetic. There isn't a conscience decision that's made to switch to a man.

Further, all males begin as female (kinda) as zygote.

It isn't until ovaries drop to testees and clitoris turns to penis.

It's definitely not the other way around.

I have been considering this. I think the real problem here was that the Democrats failed to project a big message. The message seemed to be "Hillary really, really wants to be President". Of course this was not intentional but that is how it seemed to read. Trump did a great job of preying on this.

But in my opinion, the focus on "identity" politics was all that was left. I don't think it was the problem in itself. Also, as far as I am concerned, my political response to 'I don't approve of gays marrying' should be "too fucking bad", not "I understand how you feel..."

If they want to draw the line there, fuck them. Go ahead and vote Republican. Until we learn to stand for something, we are going to be the minor party.

Bernie had a big idea. Bernie would have won IMO.

Not that HRC really, really was because we were TOLD how it was gonna be..7 million people that voted Obama 2x decided they weren't going to be told.

I wish I had had the balls to do it, but being female? to not vote? is an atrocity and slap in the face to those who were jailed, tortured and died for the vote.