Well-Known Member
I do agree, Hillary could have been 'a better candidate', I certainly had my legitimate hangups about her. However it's not Hillary's fault she lost the election, more than 2.5 million voters voted for her than did for Trump. That is quite a significant margin and something that should not be ignored. Doing so plays into the hand of those who gerrymandered it that way and completely disenfranchises the 2.5 million voters who's vote didn't count.
Also, Hillary didn't lose, neither did Bernie. America lost. And I really honestly hope I'm wrong when I say that.
It bothers me that she took shit for granted though. She assumed that Michigan and Wisconsin were in the bag. I don't believe she made even one appearance in Wisconsin during the general election.
Every single radio spot of hers that I heard here in Michigan was focused on Trump. How evil and scary he is. Nothing about how she was going to go to work for the huge swaths of blue collar people here. Nothing about what she was going to do to make people's lives better. It really came off as arrogant and tone def. You cant run a campaign on "vote for me cuz the other guy sucks".