Make Liberalism Great Again

Population of the state determines its representation in house. Every state gets 2 in the senate. The number of representatives a state has is equal to its the number of its Electoral votes.
You'd rather be on the winning team than move America forward.
You feel that 2.5 million votes should be discounted but they don't agree with you.
A state is represented by its representatives, voted in by popular vote. I don't have the right or authority to vote for a state representative in any state other than the state I reside, Arizona. However, my vote for the President should count as equally as yours as they represent all the states and all the citizens who reside in those states. Why should my vote count less than yours?

Stop inaccurately reciting information that you don't fully grasp and use your own words. Is it really that hard for you to think independently?
Crying and name calling. I can only imagine how much this hurts you.
Fact: Trump ran on a campaign promise to, "Drain the swamp".
Fact: Trump is filling his entire cabinet with corporate shills and "loyal" followers.
Fact: You repeat the same idiocy hoping for a new outcome.
Fact: You're a dumbass.

No crying here sport, just presenting you with facts that you continue to ignore.
It's retarded. If there are more liberal people in the country, then our representation in DC should reflect that. What does it matter where they live? It's already skewed to the right in the senate with each state having equal representation regardless of population.

There are clearly more people that lean to the left here as evidenced by six of the last seven general elections seeing more people cast votes for the Dem nominee, and yet we have a republican in the White House, republican control of the senate, republican control of the house, and a Supreme Court that will lean heavily to the right for generations to come. How is that fair and democratic representation??

District gerrymandering. The Republican party has been working on since the mid 80s. And turned the heat up when Clinton won in '92. It's been a gerrymandering fuck fest ever since.

The only way to get rid of gerrymandering and get rid of corporate shills is to overturn Citizens United and replace EC with the popular vote.

Those two things will never happen because the Republican party has all but locked that up. Dumb fucks like Pie, spandy, desert dude, etc simply don't get the big picture. They like being on the winning team and that's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
Fact: Trump ran on a campaign promise to, "Drain the swamp".
Fact: Trump is filling his entire cabinet with corporate shills and "loyal" followers.
Fact: You repeat the same idiocy hoping for a new outcome.
Fact: You're a dumbass.

No crying here sport, just presenting you with facts that you continue to ignore.

Fact: Anyone but Hillary
Fact: Cry Cry Cry
Fact: Name calling hurts feels
Fact: Trump beat Hillary and she cried too
Fact: Anyone but Hillary
Fact: Cry Cry Cry
Fact: Name calling hurts feels
Fact: Trump beat Hillary and she cried too

you've spent years here crying about multiculturalism and diversity, and guess what?

you're gonna spend a whole bunch more time crying about it. because trumpo won't separate the cultures with an ocean, retard.

what a hollow "victory" for you, eh?

Your state’s entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation: one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two for your Senators.



Dunning–Kruger effect
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability as much higher than it really is. Dunning and Kruger attributed this bias to a metacognitive incapacity, on the part of those with low ability, to recognize their ineptitude and evaluate their competence accurately. Their research also suggests corollaries: high-ability individuals may underestimate their relative competence and may erroneously assume that tasks which are easy for them are also easy for others.[1]

Dunning and Kruger have postulated that the effect is the result of internal illusion in those of low ability, and external misperception in those of high ability: "The miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others."[1]
Oh, my mistake, so you don't actually care that much what other people do with themselves?

Why are you having this conversation then? Why are you even in this thread?
I don't give a Fuck what they do with themselves.

We're having the convo because that isn't enough. I am fine with you chopping off your penis and making it look like a pussy. It's all you bro.

Just don't make me pretend that you're actually a woman. You can do whatever you want. Except when it comes to how you interact with society. We need rules and regulations for many social situations that depend on male or female being clearly defined and easily identifiable.
I don't give a Fuck what they do with themselves.

We're having the convo because that isn't enough. I am fine with you chopping off your penis and making it look like a pussy. It's all you bro.

Just don't make me pretend that you're actually a woman. You can do whatever you want. Except when it comes to how you interact with society. We need rules and regulations for many social situations that depend on male or female being clearly defined and easily identifiable.

I don't see why it matters. People are pretending that this is some sort of assault on our children in public restrooms. I've yet to see any stats that conclude people that have had sex changes are any more likely to be sexual predators. It's just a fallacy. A kid is more likely to be assaulted by a family member than anyone else.

Getting your pecker cut off seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through if your goal is to sexually assault kids.

What other rules and regulations are at play here that matter so much?
I don't give a Fuck what they do with themselves.

We're having the convo because that isn't enough. I am fine with you chopping off your penis and making it look like a pussy. It's all you bro.

Just don't make me pretend that you're actually a woman. You can do whatever you want. Except when it comes to how you interact with society. We need rules and regulations for many social situations that depend on male or female being clearly defined and easily identifiable.

That would violate their rights as free citizens to be forced to accommodate your raging homophobia.

And you're a liar; you say you don't care what others do- that is, as long as they conform to your rules wherever you might see them.

A homophobic pathological liar. I completely understand what @UncleBuck sees in you.
I don't see why it matters. People are pretending that this is some sort of assault on our children in public restrooms. I've yet to see any stats that conclude people that have had sex changes are any more likely to be sexual predators. It's just a fallacy. A kid is more likely to be assaulted by a family member than anyone else.

Getting your pecker cut off seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through if your goal is to sexually assault kids.

What other rules and regulations are at play here that matter so much?
Who said anything about the bathrooms? There are many other places than the bathroom where this matters but it is a good microcosm of this issue so we can go with it.

But since you brought it up, I don't think it puts children at risk. And quit comparing transeuxialism with homosexuality, they're not the same.

But women have the right to go to the bathroom without someone with a penis being there with them. The male female sign on the door doesn't reflect what your emotions are. It means do you have a dick or a vag?

Not only that, because you feel you're a woman trapped in a man's body you do not have the right to require others agree with you. This internal confusion does not carry the moral weight necessary of say, the ADA which requires public places even retrofit to become handicap accessible.

The massive costs involved in replumbing for separate facilities to accommodate their delusion.

I don't know anyone who's main reason for thinking about the bathroom is because they will molest kids. Has it been said, yes, but it's allways been an additional side point, not the main argument.

Its ok. Keep calling people ignorant and bigoted for not agreeing with your toxic identity politics and see how many seats that wins your views in Congress or the white house.

Its just common Fucking sense. You got a dick you're physically male. For their healthcare they don't go to the OBGYN.
I don't give a Fuck what they do with themselves.

We're having the convo because that isn't enough. I am fine with you chopping off your penis and making it look like a pussy. It's all you bro.

Just don't make me pretend that you're actually a woman. You can do whatever you want. Except when it comes to how you interact with society. We need rules and regulations for many social situations that depend on male or female being clearly defined and easily identifiable.
Nobody is making you do anything, dumbshit, you're being a jackass all on your own. You're even too fucking stupid to see it.
You're a winner.
I don't see why it matters. People are pretending that this is some sort of assault on our children in public restrooms. I've yet to see any stats that conclude people that have had sex changes are any more likely to be sexual predators. It's just a fallacy. A kid is more likely to be assaulted by a family member than anyone else.

Getting your pecker cut off seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through if your goal is to sexually assault kids.

What other rules and regulations are at play here that matter so much?

Ignorant people make ignorant statements..
Nobody is making you do anything, dumbshit, you're being a jackass all on your own. You're even too fucking stupid to see it.
You're a winner.
Yes... Your opinion here is to coerce people. Not just me. Not me at all really. As a man i don't really care if the guy in the urinal next to me is a lady-boy or if its some chick using a "go girl" so she can pee standing up making her feel like the man she always wanted to be.

But a modest female shouldn't be forced to have people with penises freely galvanting around the ladies room. The locker room at the gym. A tsa agent patting a female passenger down because he identifies as a girl?

Are we going to have to train gynecologists to treat erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer too?
Yes... Your opinion here is to coerce people. Not just me. Not me at all really. As a man i don't really care if the guy in the urinal next to me is a lady-boy or if its some chick using a "go girl" so she can pee standing up making her feel like the man she always wanted to be.

But a modest female shouldn't be forced to have people with penises freely galvanting around the ladies room. The locker room at the gym. A tsa agent patting a female passenger down because he identifies as a girl?

Are we going to have to train gynecologists to treat erectile dysfunction and prostate cancer too?

Never donate your brain for science, no good could ever come from it.