Make Liberalism Great Again

I don't see why it matters. People are pretending that this is some sort of assault on our children in public restrooms. I've yet to see any stats that conclude people that have had sex changes are any more likely to be sexual predators. It's just a fallacy. A kid is more likely to be assaulted by a family member than anyone else.

Getting your pecker cut off seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through if your goal is to sexually assault kids.

What other rules and regulations are at play here that matter so much?
A man who has undergone sexual reassignment surgery and now has a mangina and fake boobs and has femininized a little.. Yeah they have a pussy go to the girls room.

This isnt about transsexual or normal. Its about body parts. If you got a dick go to the mens room. If you have tits and a pussy go to the ladies room.

If you guys actually listened to people you disagreed with instead of just memorizing the propaganda we could make a lot of progress as a nation. I truly try to understand the other side in most circumstances. I can tell by your replies and others that you make zero effort to understand those you disagree with. You just misrepresent and try to distort. Strengthen your own arguments. They need it. You see how succusful it's been.

Obama and the progressive lean the Democrats have taken the last 12 years or so have destroyed the Democratic party, though he is still fairly popular at this time personally. Obama is a likeable guy. Many of his policies though are why the Democrats are out of power in DC. Around the country Republican governors and state legislature houses are the norm. Keep it up.
women have the right to go to the bathroom without someone with a penis being there with them

Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant said Donald Trump walked into the dressing room while contestants — some as young as 15 — were changing.

“I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’” said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Keep calling people ignorant and bigoted for not agreeing with your toxic identity politics and see how many seats that wins your views

did you forget that mcrory doesn;t have a job anymore, gay neo-nazi?

not that there's anything wrong with being gay. but you are.[/QUOTE]
And quit comparing transeuxialism with homosexuality, they're not the same.

Where did I say that?

But women have the right to go to the bathroom without someone with a penis being there with them.

Well, if a man has a sex change, he wouldn't have a penis anymore now would he? A man that has a sex change to a woman would be attracted to men, not women. If that's your hang up then lesbians would be more of a "threat" to other women from a sexual standpoint. What should we do with them? Make them piss their pants?

Not only that, because you feel you're a woman trapped in a man's body you do not have the right to require others agree with you.

They're not asking you to agree with them. They're asking for the same rights and privileges as everyone else regardless of what you think about it.

The massive costs involved in replumbing for separate facilities to accommodate their delusion.

Additional bathrooms are not necessary. Let them take a piss where they feel comfortable doing so. Really, who gives a fuck? If you're that insecure in a public shitter go use a stall so you don't feel frightened.

I don't know anyone who's main reason for thinking about the bathroom is because they will molest kids. Has it been said, yes, but it's allways been an additional side point, not the main argument.

Then what's the issue? Run down your list of concerns...

Its just common Fucking sense.

No, it's just you being a judgmental douche bag. Are they causing you any harm? Does it negatively impact your life in any way? If the answer is no to both of those questions, then you should probably just mind your own business.
Ok so what more good ideas can be included in the New Liberal Platform, the NLP?

End corporate welfare.

I know you listed some good ones earlier, but for me it's:

- Scrap Citizens United
- Single Payer healthcare
- Treat capital gains as ordinary income
- Lift the cap on social security payroll contributions
- Focus on green energy/move away from fossil fuels
- Modernize infrastructure
- End nation building in Middle East
- End the eternal reach-around for Israel
- Make religion illegal to practice (a man can dream, can't he?)
I know you listed some good ones earlier, but for me it's:

- Scrap Citizens United
- Single Payer healthcare
- Treat capital gains as ordinary income
- Lift the cap on social security payroll contributions
- Focus on green energy/move away from fossil fuels
- Modernize infrastructure
- End nation building in Middle East
- End the eternal reach-around for Israel
- Make religion illegal to practice (a man can dream, can't he?)

That's a nice list.

Phase out home mortgage deductions above $500k. In fact, cap ALL deductions, rich people don't need a bigger subsidy just because they can spend more profligately than the average Joe.
That's a nice list.

Phase out home mortgage deductions above $500k. In fact, cap ALL deductions, rich people don't need a bigger subsidy just because they can spend more profligately than the average Joe.

want one that targets the white working class with magical precision?

make all home repairs 100% tax deductible (up to a certain amount per year/lifetime).
Obama and the progressive lean the Democrats have taken the last 12 years or so have destroyed the Democratic party, though he is still fairly popular at this time personally. Obama is a likeable guy. Many of his policies though are why the Democrats are out of power in DC. Around the country Republican governors and state legislature houses are the norm. Keep it up.
8 years, and they've lost because they've sold out the middle-class for corporate interests
Racist as fuck

Tons of Mexicans I work with work on their own houses all the time

i'm sure they'd hate it if the new siding they bought was 100% tax deductible.

i also had in mind all the useless white carpenters out in the midwest and appalachia, like cat of stupidity. that would put a ton of them back to work. and their trailers and single wides would shine like new again with a fresh coat of paint.
You're delusional, son. 9% of Democrats decided to vote for Trump just because they're racist and they hate womenz :dunce:

Would you like some examples?

no, they voted for trump because they hate elites.


i'm sure they'd hate it if the new siding they bought was 100% tax deductible.

i also had in mind all the useless white carpenters out in the midwest and appalachia, like cat of stupidity. that would put a ton of them back to work. and their trailers and single wides would shine like new again with a fresh coat of paint.
You said home repair would target the white working class "with magical precision", implying anyone other than white doesn't bother repairing their home. Like I said, that's racist as fuck
no, they voted for trump because they hate elites.


They voted for Trump because he convinced them he was not part of the establishment. Blame it on stupidity or ignorance all you want. You had a legitimate choice and you squandered it, man. That's on you.

Now you have president Trump
8 years, and they've lost because they've sold out the middle-class for corporate interests
You don't get it that is your issue too. Conservatives don't mind that a corporation can buy movies and adds on tv.

The people chose a guy who explicitly rejected both of those. Normal moderate and conservative people are disgusted with the lack of common sense on the left, trigger warning micro aggression Bullshit.
Normal moderate and conservative people are disgusted with the lack of common sense on the left, trigger warning micro aggression Bullshit.
I agree, but that's not what lost Clinton the election. She lost because her message based in identity politics didn't appeal to the working class voters she needed to court to win. The Democratic party has abandoned the middle-class. So, naturally, middle-class people who favor civil rights have nowhere to go in a two party system. Most of them were forced to vote for Trump because, even with all the racist, hateful and xenophobic rhetoric spewed by the Trump campaign, Clinton didn't offer them anything better. It's such an embarrassing upset it will go down in the history books to tell potential politicians what not to do! She could have walked into the White House if she played her cards right, but she didn't and was outsmarted by a moron.
You said home repair would target the white working class "with magical precision", implying anyone other than white doesn't bother repairing their home. Like I said, that's racist as fuck

nope. white tradesmen are out of work. the mexicans took their jobs. they even said so.

how are you going to help these poor, hurting white people if you don't even cater to their racist complaints?
I agree, but that's not what lost Clinton the election. She lost because her message based in identity politics didn't appeal to the working class voters she needed to court to win.

ah, so only whites are "working class", and not the 94% of black women or 90% of black men or 70% of hispanics or 85% of asians who voted for her.

totally not racist as fuck.

you and bernie are such retards.

Screenshot 2016-12-02 at 8.37.26 PM.png

a rebirth, eh?

so when did they die?

this is why bernie lost the nomination by nearly 4 million votes. no appeal to minorities whatsoever.