male or female


Well-Known Member
Dude..did u read the growfaq? U start tellin sex after it starts to flower...Change lights to 12/12. Unless its an autoflowering strain. U can induce flowering anytime. But u can veg as long as u want either, resulting in bigger plant, more yield later.veggin=18/6 flowering=12/12 u tell sex during flowring.


Active Member
sorry to correct you but you can force it to show by changing lights to 12/12 but most strains will show preflower in veg 18/6 when its fully mature.. normaly around six weeks you can force them to show.. lots of stress doing it this way. thats why alot of people cut clones and sex them. saves stress on would be mother plants. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
sorry to correct you but you can force it to show by changing lights to 12/12 but most strains will show preflower in veg 18/6 when its fully mature.. normaly around six weeks you can force them to show.. lots of stress doing it this way. thats why alot of people cut clones and sex them. saves stress on would be mother plants. hope this helps
You know...Thats kinda what i said..other than leaving out that they will pre-flower during bad...Damn


Active Member
Dude..did u read the growfaq? U start tellin sex after it starts to flower...Change lights to 12/12. Unless its an autoflowering strain. U can induce flowering anytime. But u can veg as long as u want either, resulting in bigger plant, more yield later.veggin=18/6 flowering=12/12 u tell sex during flowring.

ok thats exactly what i did.. you said you can't tell sex until flowering 12/12,
i said
they will show in veg 18/6. even if they aren't autoflowering.


Well-Known Member
um guys guys stop fighting over an overlooked step i mean the sex will show it self when the plant or the grower is ready and never before the 2


Well-Known Member
ima blow you all outa the water and can tell the sex while its still a seed.


Well-Known Member
well if that works for u man i just like to grow from a batch of the same seeds and cone clone clone this way no seeds for me man just females and perfect genes


Well-Known Member
my female showed at 6 weeks old. i had her in constant veg light 24/7. i dont know why people force them. i much rather wait it out and let her do it on her own. shes happier that way.


Well-Known Member
None of my seeds look like the seeds in that pic,those seeds look off and odd shaped.All my seeds are shaped like footballs and iv'e yet to find 1 with a "dip" of any kind in it "and yes im using my jewelers scope".Now I know for a fact I don't have a bag full of male or hemie seeds but im confused over the lack of a scratch that I didn't know they ever were supposed to have a dip in the first place.