a mongo frog
Well-Known Member
Socata u said cannabis kills kids. u said that, dont say u didnt u creep
do you realize that this conversation has involved an ex member of some police force? sooo the topic of corrupt departments versus rogue individuals has been breached...
i have three cousins in miami who are cops. they are not evil, but they are dumb.
and gangs rat eachother out all the time how you think any off them get taken down ever??
wow you're defensive about this you sure do love you some bacon huh?
R U fucking kidding me.......
Fuck right off......done with this fuckin idiot.
And yet another argument for a pre-grow inspection.
no one. you said he should share guilt were something to happen to his neighbors kid. i was implying that i disagree.
Socata u said cannabis kills kids. u said that, dont say u didnt u creep
Even if it was only growing cannabis, if I was not legally protected by law while growing, I would never, ever put a child at risk by growing in an adjacent apartment or whatever... that is just stupid beyond belief.
She lived in a seperate suite, with a seperate addresss and all. They didn't even know that. How the FUCK is that my fault.
Fuck off.
I defend the bacon I love.
She moved in below me....get it right. INTO A FUCKING COMPLETELY FUCKING SEPERATE SUITE. I was there first.
Way too much fucking bacon in this fuckin thread........
Of course he should... who the hell brought the cops there?! It sure wasn't the kid or his/her mother... it was Mr. Devildog, and I'm gonna guess that he wasn't raided for growing pot...
Please quote my post where I said cannabis kills kids, because as my RIU shows, I said...
That says nothing about cannabis killing kids, that says that I am smart enough and thoughtful enough not to put my neighbors at risk by bringing cops to my house for a raid.
yes yes sorry for the slur but dude was implying that asking for a complete overhaul of a corrupt department, which you recently informed as an insider that they do exist, is a stupid thing to ask for. i know we wont get rid of cops in general, but in a lot of counties in south florida, we need 100% new cops.
yeah nobody brought them there they came of there own free will. why would he expect his neighbors to be involved as long as he isnt firing rpgs back at the cops?
the thaught that your having thaughts like that makes u a sure fire creepo. dont have to quote u. u need to simmer down or go smoke some cock or what ever u do in that plane. hope this helps.
Of course he should... who the hell brought the cops there?! It sure wasn't the kid or his/her mother... it was Mr. Devildog, and I'm gonna guess that he wasn't raided for growing pot...
All I will say in this thread is this:
To all the haters......
I hope none of you will ever be a victim, or in a bad accident.
How many victims are because of your actions?
If your getting hasstled by the cops your doing somthing wrong most the time.
Wanna stay off their radar, quit being a fuck up.
The reason cops are out there is to protect us against fucks that steal our shit,
beat people up, and don't care about anyone but themselfs.
You want cops held accountable??? Hold your self accountable first!
I've spent time in county and state prisons you know why???
Cause I fucked up, I served my time and did my parole.
My only complant is the narrow minded people that want to keep it hanging over my head Grrrrrr.
Quit cryin about can't find work go join the service and learn some thing.
im not sure what you mean by labels? but yeah i kinda doubt he wanted to get raided... i would feel very guilty, but i dont think that i should... if that makes sense.
Get this thru your fucking head. I never swore an oath to protect the public. I never was trained in surveillance, weapon tactics or even fucking public relations.
Their job is to ensure the do their job without harming the public. They completely overlooked the fact there is a kid there. Not like it was winter and they didn't see the kid because he was hiding inside.
This happened early summer/late spring. Her and her kid were always in the front yard, or in the driveway....or walking to the store, or taking my vehicle......because I was such a cunty coke dealer, that I thought I should help a single mom get her son to school. Fuck I was such a cunt, that I even thought......I know what'll piss her off....I'll give her cab money sometimes if I happen to need my car. Wow, she must have hated me.
She can't afford to move, and I was there first. Yet I am at fault.
i know that some of his actions must have led to it but really if you raid a house and accidentally harm a child nextdoor while the only person in the house you raided is on the floor undercontrol well, you are the one to blame. they had to have known the number of people living their after six months of surveillance