Man Shot and Killed While Watering Friend's Lawn

whoever suggested I get drunk.....good call. Now I feel like I have to apologize to everyone, I was being an ass......I am fucked in the

I love everyone on this site............fuck, even FDD. LOL

Peace, and tomorrow is a new day.
whoever suggested I get drunk.....good call. Now I feel like I have to apologize to everyone, I was being an ass......I am fucked in the

I love everyone on this site............fuck, even FDD. LOL

Peace, and tomorrow is a new day.

Hey No need to apologize! At least you shot straight from the heart. All of what you said was legitimate and understandable. Respect for calling it like it is.

If FDD was here this thread would have been cut off ages ago.
whoever suggested I get drunk.....good call. Now I feel like I have to apologize to everyone, I was being an ass......I am fucked in the

I love everyone on this site............fuck, even FDD. LOL

Peace, and tomorrow is a new day.

See, that's the attitude... it feels a lot better to be able to have a passionate debate/argument and still be able to keep any negative emotions out of it...

Apologies for wishing you were dead and hung in a tree somewhere... just get a bit annoyed more quickly at the people who deal with cocaine because of all the abuse and horror that goes on behind the drug itself, it's not pretty and I'd like to think the dealers who don't do the drug understood that, but they don't and as you said... hard times/desperate measure, but personally no matter how hard my life got, I could never sell the stuff.

If FDD was here this thread would have been cut off ages ago.

I miss the guy, personally! Although we often butt heads...
emotions out of it...

I miss the guy, personally! Although we often butt heads...

Where is FDD2Black?!!

He even had to chastise me when I was in a drunken state of troll.

I even PMed him asking him "how dare you close a thread I was having a drunken ramble on!" hahahha lol (very embarrasing)

I bet hes seen alot of ROLLITUP bullshit over the years.
Not sure... and I certainly don't want to speculate in public, but I do see that all of his stickies are gone.

I'm gonna have to try to reach him on an outside line, in the need of some new glass and would love to support the guy.
Don't have the time and patience to read this whole thread. But in my opinion socata is correct. Why two shot gun blasts and 6 handgun shots? Well first off, if someone pointed a gun at you, would you shoot back? I would, I will blast him into oblivion. Who ever pulls the trigger first has a higher chance of survival. Secondly, if someone's pointing the gun towards a group of cops, the officers aren't going to get together talk about who shoots first and where. No! They're going to fire at him until he's fucking motionless (excuse my language).
And to those saying that cops are pigs, you have no idea. Being a police officer is a very stressful job. Constantly with your life at risk, working many hours, dealing with all kinds of characters, and on top of that they are protecting people who don't even respect them and call them pigs. I'm not a cop (college student) but I damn straight respect the people that makes society safer especially with all those drunk lunatics running around waving garden hoses around. And yes, I do agree that there are many cops out there that abuse their power and should find a different career. But the truth is with everything good comes something bad(is that the way it goes? I can't remember :p).
Don't have the time and patience to read this whole thread. But in my opinion socata is correct. Why two shot gun blasts and 6 handgun shots? Well first off, if someone pointed a gun at you, would you shoot back? I would, I will blast him into oblivion. Who ever pulls the trigger first has a higher chance of survival. Secondly, if someone's pointing the gun towards a group of cops, the officers aren't going to get together talk about who shoots first and where. No! They're going to fire at him until he's fucking motionless (excuse my language).
And to those saying that cops are pigs, you have no idea. Being a police officer is a very stressful job. Constantly with your life at risk, working many hours, dealing with all kinds of characters, and on top of that they are protecting people who don't even respect them and call them pigs. I'm not a cop (college student) but I damn straight respect the people that makes society safer especially with all those drunk lunatics running around waving garden hoses around. And yes, I do agree that there are many cops out there that abuse their power and should find a different career. But the truth is with everything good comes something bad(is that the way it goes? I can't remember :p).

I only got to page 6 when I wrote this. After reading the last few pages I guess the initial discussion ended a long time ago. So excuse my

My head is fuckin pounding right now. Apparently I posted last night around 2 AM. LOL. Drunk mutha fucka I was....

The funny thing about us all fighting about all this shit.......I don't think there is one person on this site who actually have all the facts on this particular incident.

But this seems to happen on any thread with cops as the center of the subject. I believe it has alot to do with life experiences. No one is really 100% right or wrong.

It's just life I guess, and intense personal experiences tend to bring out intense emotion from some people.

No arguing for the slightly sexually confused Captain today. He drank WAY to much rum last night.
well Iver read this thread and where in the REPORT it said he was holding a hose? he was holding a nozzle that look like a hose to it...............with that said...........I wasnt there so I have no idea and cant condem anyone on media info............if I had more info I might could come up with something..........but I cant..........I feel for the family big time...........but then again I wasnt there.........
i know that the op said the they read a few reports that there was a hose attached, but surprise surprise stoned, they are all down now for some crazy odd reaason..
i know that the op said the they read a few reports that there was a hose attached, but surprise surprise stoned, they are all down now for some crazy odd reaason.. I said we werent there so cant really say..........its all a what if thing now..........if the cops killed him then they need their ass's handed to em....but in reality it wont happen.....and if they didnt kill him or murder I should say......then you get the same results everyone pissed and they look bad...........its a no win all the way around...............I guess we need to live our phone cams on and carry a tape recorder and video cam every moment of the day it seems like.......just for your own protection...........fuck Im movieng to my hideout and never comeing back.............
a sprinkler nozzle that at 40-50ft away looks like a weapon, yes!

I would trust those two websites about as much as i trust my president, zip.

I bet you're right! :clap:

It is indeed always wrong when innocent people get killed, but this guy was not innocent... Innocent would be a kid playing with a water hose nozzle and not knowing any better. This was an adult who not only was playing with a water hose nozzle as if pretending it to be a weapon, but he also... By cop, and witness accounts... Aimed it at the officers.

Hey, you got 8 cops, each cop is protecting the next... 8 shots seems rather normal, and certainly effective in stopping the threat.

Yeah really, who is dumb enough to believe this guy is gonna water his friends lawn, while drunk? And indeed even if they weren't at my front door, if i saw that object pointed at me from a distance of 25-40ft... I'd think it was a gun and immediately take cover and fire. It's stupidity that got him killed, not the police.

Unarmed in who's opinion? He could've carved a handgun out of wood, painted it to look realistic, and then pointed it... Same difference, he pointed an object that looked extremely close to real gun at officers, he got shot... As to be expected.

I've wanted to be a lot of things in my life, a ganja farmer, a truck driver, train engineer, astronaut, marine biologist, so what is wrong with wanting to be a cop?

Many folks on this forum have admitted such and that's a good thing... Show's that we're getting more like minded cannabis friendly folks out there in uniform... That's one of the reasons i wanted to be a cop, to try and piece together a good relationship between cops and cannabis users...

And i'm so glad you've got the eagle eye to see from a distance that the object in the picture i posted a few pages back is a weapon, because to me and everyone i've received rep from in reference to this thread have said that from a distance, as the cops were, that it looks like a handguns, more specifically a crappy russian handgun imo but a handgun none-the-less.

Again, unarmed in your opinion... In my opinion he was armed as he was making the motions and did, as stories go, intend for the nozzle to be construed as a handgun.

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down... That's my motto! Stick with me baby.

And who's to say any different? Who's to say they're lying?

They had to take cover in a house, obviously they validated the threat and just guessing on this, but once they tried approaching he probably swung around with that nozzle extended in his hand and once you do that, you're getting shot... No time to yell anything when someone is swinging around and about to draw on you with what you perceive (due to distance) is a weapon.

You know, i tried to make myself feel what it would be like if that was my dad... And honestly, if the story is how it's put in all the newspapers and cops account... I would be mad, at my father. The cops thought their lives were in danger and took appropriate action.

Oh he's referring to me... I often get shit on the forums for sticking up for law enforcement, due to the fact that i do indeed have a great deal of respect for those men and women who are fighting wars in our country on the streets... As our soldiers do overseas.

Police officers deal with a lot of shit, more than anyone in this thread could imagine... Such as a baby cooked in a microwave, dui crashes involving fatalities, murderers, rapists... All kinds of criminals, and police deal with these people personally yet have to hold their own feelings and emotions in when on scene. If that pressure was put on any of the many cop haters in this thread, i am more than sure they'd break down inside... However most police officers take the shit and go back out the next day, ready to protect any civilian who's life is in danger, or ready to save a civilians life that is in danger.

As a cannabis user, i think it's even more important to interact with police on a friendly level because of the way it can shift an officer's point of view about cannabis users, and hopefully make them think twice about using their discretion when they encounter another person who uses cannabis.

I am not heartless and in the end, yes this man died because of a water hose nozzle... Not a sprinkler, a sprinkler is a long metal tube or a plastic spring loaded too to spray large areas of the lawn, this was a hose attachment that looked almost exactly like a pistol.

I elect this good man for cop of the year!


and a friendly reminder to those in this thread who generalize about police, you're no better than all the anti-pot critics who generalize that all stoners have fried their brains and sit on the couch all day.

anybody who wants to be a cop who knows what they do is just as guilty of the crimes of the many because they refuse to stop the corruption
ok this happened back in first part of December of 2010........trying to find any follow up on this and cant...........................I thought this just happened cause first ive heard of it..........................but cant fnd a follow up............strange.
Don't have the time and patience to read this whole thread. But in my opinion socata is correct. Why two shot gun blasts and 6 handgun shots? Well first off, if someone pointed a gun at you, would you shoot back? I would, I will blast him into oblivion. Who ever pulls the trigger first has a higher chance of survival. Secondly, if someone's pointing the gun towards a group of cops, the officers aren't going to get together talk about who shoots first and where. No! They're going to fire at him until he's fucking motionless (excuse my language).
And to those saying that cops are pigs, you have no idea. Being a police officer is a very stressful job. Constantly with your life at risk, working many hours, dealing with all kinds of characters, and on top of that they are protecting people who don't even respect them and call them pigs. I'm not a cop (college student) but I damn straight respect the people that makes society safer especially with all those drunk lunatics running around waving garden hoses around. And yes, I do agree that there are many cops out there that abuse their power and should find a different career. But the truth is with everything good comes something bad(is that the way it goes? I can't remember :p).

Cops are trained to deal with most situations and deal with stress, it's PART OF THE JOB... if they can't handle it they should resign instead of acting like animals. You are supporting evil.
i saw a video on youtube a few years back stoned where these two guys on motorcycles were with a big group of bikers, and started to race, so this cop who was sitting in a parking lot decided that to stop them he would pull his car out in front of the speeding bikers.. of course he nearly killed the one, if not so, and the rest of the bikers all looked like they were going to rip the head off of the lil piggy who did it, but of course when i was looking for it the other day, i couldn't find it.. it was rather disturbing..
i saw a video on youtube a few years back stoned where these two guys on motorcycles were with a big group of bikers, and started to race, so this cop who was sitting in a parking lot decided that to stop them he would pull his car out in front of the speeding bikers.. of course he nearly killed the one, if not so, and the rest of the bikers all looked like they were going to rip the head off of the lil piggy who did it, but of course when i was looking for it the other day, i couldn't find it.. it was rather disturbing..

Ive seen that video......its still around............saw the one where the cop shot the guy in the back in a subway and ppl had pics of cams and finally got the cop FIRED whoa shuch punishment.......I dont get it anymore...........Ive out lived the fun part of USA..........and i dont see it getting better...........